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Philippians – Suffering for Christ


because to you it was graciously given on behalf of the Christ not only to believe in Him but also to suffer on behalf of Him, while having the same struggle, of the sort you intuitively see in me, and now you hear by me.Therefore, since there is some exhortation in Christ; since there is some solace of love; since there is some sharing in common of Spirit; since there is some compassion and pity, all of you fill up where my joy is lacking, in order that all of you are of the same frame of mind, while having the same love, together souled, while framing the mind on the one thing. Nothing as measured by rivalry or conceited pride, but in the humility of mind considering other as having more value than yourself. Do not scope out each of your own things, but also of each different one’s things.

Philippians – Suffering for Christ2017-09-03T15:18:12-07:00

The Substantial Value of the Blood of Christ Seen through the Different Cases and Prepositions used with the Blood

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Understanding the cases and how they relate to the sentence is extremely important to fully understanding what is being expressed by the author. Since in the Greek language, case is governed by function, not by form, it is important to also look at other aspects of the sentence to determine which case the noun is being used in and then in what way that case is being expressed. Prepositions are also a very significant part of the sentence and often limit the nouns to a specific case because of the function of the preposition. When it comes to the blood of Christ there are many different views; however, the more predominate ones are whether it is figurative or literal. Did Jesus shed His blood on the cross for all mankind or is the blood only being used figuratively of the work of Christ on the cross? In order to understand if a concept is figurative or literal we need to understand how it is being used in the sentence and whether the function is restricted to either figurative or literal all the time. If it is not restricted to one concept or the other, we then need to look at the meaning of the case and the context to determine if it is figurative or literal in application.  As we study Scripture it becomes very clear that the blood of Christ is literal and was shed for the sins of mankind. We see this through the different cases and preposition that are used with the blood of Christ. Each case has its own sphere of understanding and expressed a completely different concept that often times must […]

The Substantial Value of the Blood of Christ Seen through the Different Cases and Prepositions used with the Blood2018-10-28T06:03:04-07:00

Who a Christian is in Christ makes Demon Possession Impossible

The saints who are apart of the Church (body of Christ) are the Holy of Holies. The Spirit of God indwells them, which no other group has had or will have this type of relationship with God, 1 Corinthians 3:16. The Holy of Holies of God has no agreement with idols – demons are behind the worship of sticks and stones, 2 Corinthians 6:16. Christ indwells those in the Church, Colossians 1:27. Therefore, no demon can enter this house (the flesh of a saint).

Satan (and his demons) is not permitted to touch a Christian. 1 John 5:18 We intuitively know that everyone born out from God does not habitually sin, and the malignantly evil one cannot touch him.

Satan can only ensnare a Christian to do his desirous will, 2 Timothy 2:24-26 …they should come to a right mind out from the snare of the Devil, having been captured alive by him for the purpose of that one’s desirous will; 1 Timothy 3:7.

This is not being demonized. One who is demonized is in fact possessed by a demon not just tormented. During the earthly ministry of Christ, He cast out the demons from those who were demonized, Matthew 8:16; 9:32, 33; Mark 1:32-34. We only see this type of activity during the time Jesus was walking the earth. After the Gospels, Scripture does not use this word; rather, it says they had a demon or spirit, Acts 16:16.

Although the Old Testament reveals the workings of demons among men, the concept of men being possessed is not used; rather, the evil spirits manipulate unsaved men, Judges 9:23; 1 Kings 22:23. Even within the Dispensation of Law, prior to the Son’s incarnation, we see […]

Who a Christian is in Christ makes Demon Possession Impossible2013-05-10T22:56:13-07:00

Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ

As we take time today to consider this day, the day that the Lord made, a day in which He raised Christ from the dead, let us remember why we put this time aside. The day that God raised Christ out from the dead was the most significant day in the history of His creation. Not only does His resurrection have huge significance to mankind, but also to spirit beings for it was through the death and resurrection of Christ that God trumpet over Satan; showed His righteousness the all spirit beings; and created a new man in which all the Church would live freed from the condemnation and death that was passed down to all men through Adam’s trespass and sin.

Are you “In Christ” the new creation?

This is not a day to celebrate the death of Christ, as so many focus on. It was on the Wednesday before this day that Christ was put to death and rejected by His own people through the hands of the Gentiles. A day of such great shame on this earth that the sun did not even shine for three hours while Christ was spiritually separated from the Father and the Holy Spirit, paying the price for our trespasses. A day in which Christ, giving up His life, also died physically to pay the debt of our sins. This is a day to celebrate the resurrection; to celebrate that we are no longer separated from God; to remember all that we have in Christ because God through Him brought about this incredible salvation that we now live in.

There are many Gospels that you will hear today, but only one is true. Christ died for our sins, was buried, […]

Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ2013-03-31T08:35:58-07:00

Feeling at Ease with Who You are In Christ

John 15:1, 2, 4 I am the true vine and the Father is the vine dresser. Every branch in me not bearing fruit He lifts up and every branch bearing fruit He cleanses in order that it may bear more fruit…. Abide in me and I in you. Just as the branch does not have the natural ability to bear fruit from itself except it abides in the vine, thus neither can you, except you abide in me.

When we believed the Gospel for Salvation (Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures) we were placed into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. This body is a new creation by God in which Christ is the head and we are the body. In this new creation, old thing have passed away. We are no longer in Adam and therefore no longer condemned. Behold, all things have become new. We are in Christ, were we are now counted to be righteous before God, our spirits are connected to God, we are no longer a slave to the sin nature, we have a quality of the mind of Christ, and share in a quality of the Divine Nature. The change that happens at salvation is not a visible change because it begins in our spiritual part, and ends with our full redemption at the rapture with a resurrected body and a saved soul. Nonetheless, this change is very real. We are now able to receive the things of the Spirit and live a life that manifests the character of the resurrected Christ.

How comfortable are you with who you are in Christ? When Jesus first revealed the […]

Feeling at Ease with Who You are In Christ2023-11-23T10:32:24-08:00
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