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Galatians December 30 2018

Leaven Within the Church


Leaven is used in Scripture to describe the negative impact of false doctrine and sin has upon the Christians. The characteristics of leaven are applied because as it inflates bread so that it appears to be more than their really is, so does false doctrine and allowing sin within the assembly to go unchallenged.

Galatians 5:7-12

5.7 You were running proper. Who impeded you to not be persuaded by the truth? 5.8 This persuasion is not out from the One Who called you. 5.9 A little leaven leavens the whole mix. 5.10 I am persuaded unto you in the Lord that you will frame your minds in no other way, but the one troubling you, he will bear the judgment, whoever he may be. 5.11 And I, brothers, if I yet proclaim circumcision, why still I am persecuted? 5.12 I wish also the ones troubling you will cut themselves off.

Galatians December 30 20182018-12-31T08:15:07-08:00

Galatians December 9 2018

Falling from Grace

Galatians 5:1-4

Therefore, in the freedom in which Christ has set us free, you stand, and do not again grudgingly bear a yoke of slavery. Look with discernment, I Paul say to you, “If perhaps, you are circumcised, Christ is of no profit to you”.  And I testify again to every circumcised man that he is a debtor to do the whole Law. You have been rendered ineffective from the Christ, whoever by law is justified has fallen from the grace.

Galatians December 9 20182018-12-09T19:18:26-08:00

Acts December 2 2018

The Persecution of the Church Begins

And they killed the ones announcing beforehand concerning the coming of the Righteous One, of Whom now betrayers and murders you have come to be

Acts 7:51-8:11

7.51 Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in the heart and ears, you are always falling against the Holy Spirit. As your fathers, also you. 7.52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed the ones announcing beforehand concerning the coming of the Righteous One, of Whom now betrayers and murders you have come to be, 7.53 you whoever received the law because of regulations from messengers and you did not guard. 7.54 And after hearing these things, they were cut to their hearts and began gnashed their teeth upon him. 7.55 And existing full of the Holy Spirit, while gazing into the heaven, he discerned the glory of God and Jesus standing out from God’s right hand. 7.56 And he said, “Look with discernment, I am watching the heavens after being opened and the Son of man in a state of standing out from the right hand of God.” 7.57 And crying with a load voice, they held their ears and rushed with one accord upon him. 7.58 And after casting him outside of the city, they began stoning him. And the witnesses laid their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul, 7.59 and continued stoning Stephen while he called and said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 7.60 And after setting on his knees, he cried out with a load voice, “Lord, do not stand this sin to them.” And he fell asleep after saying this.

8.1 And Saul was consenting to his […]

Acts December 2 20182018-12-03T05:10:26-08:00


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Acts – Selection of Deacons


The selection of Deacons

After being released from the council rather than being put to death, due to Gamaliel persuading the council to not be hasty in their action, grumbling rises up among the disciples over the distribution of daily needs. Rather than leaving the Word of God, the Apostles have the disciples select seven men who are placed in the position to oversee the need. These men had to have a good witness, be filled by the Holy Spirit, and be wise.

Paul later gives specific instruction on the requirements for a Deacon in 1 Timothy.

Acts 5:26 – 6:6

5.26 Then departing, the captain with his officers lead them, not with force for they feared the people in order that they should be stoned. 5.27 And after leading them to stand in the council, also the high priest questioned them 5.28 saying, “Did we not instruct with instructing you to not teach upon the basis of this name? And behold you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and you determine to bring upon us the blood of this man.” 5.29 And Peter and the apostles answered saying, “It is necessary to obey God rather than men” 5.30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, Whom you took in hand. hung upon a cross. 5.31 The God lifted up this Prince and Savior to His right hand to give a change of mind to Israel and forgiveness of sins.  5.32 And we are His witnesses concerning these utterances. And also the Holy Spirit, Whom the God gave to the ones obeying Him. 5.33 And the ones hearing were cut to the quick and took […]

Acts – Selection of Deacons2018-11-20T04:47:15-08:00
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