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A Gathered of People (δημος)

Demos (δημος) means a gathered people. It is distinct in use from a crowd (ὄχλος) or an assembly (ἐκκλησία). Demos is organized, where a crowd is chaotic.

When the Jews learned of Paul’s success in preaching the Gospel of the risen Christ, they sought out malignantly evil men to cause an uproar in the city. When they came to where they assumed Paul was residing, after not finding him, they grabbed the owner of the house and brought him out to the gathered people, Acts 17:5. Demos (δημος) is not the same concept as an assembly (ἐκκλησία), which describes a group of people brought together for a common reason, such as with the Ephesians gathering because Demetrius and his fellow tradesmen stirred up the city against Paul and the saints in Ephesus because faith in Christ was threatening their profits from selling idols, Acts 19:39.

Peter uses a form of “demos (δημος)”, which means to be a pilgrim – alongside the gathered people. 1 Peter is written to the elect pilgrims of the dispersion of Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 1 Peter 1:1. Through his letter, Peter encourages us to abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul while we are out among the Gentiles, for we are sojourners and pilgrims in the world, 1 Peter 2:11.

Using the concept of a gathered people, Paul describes what happens to Christians when they pass away before the Lord returns.

Indeed, we are confident and well pleased rather to be absent (out from the gathered people) out from the body and at home (in the gathered people) facing the Lord, 2 Corinthians 5:8.

Although not all saints of the Church will face death, for when Christ returns, those who are […]

A Gathered of People (δημος)2024-01-17T06:10:34-08:00

1 Peter The God of Grace will Mend Us

Moreover, the God of all grace, the one who called you into His eternal glory in Christ, after having suffered for a little while, Himself will mend, establish, strengthen, ground you.

1 Peter The God of Grace will Mend Us2023-12-17T16:49:35-08:00

Simon the Sorcerer

Seeking to Purchase the Gift from God

Simon was a man in Samaria who practiced magic to astonish the people, through which he claimed to be someone great, Acts 8:9. Therefore, the people, great and small, all paid attention to him, saying that what he was doing was the great inherent ability of God, Acts 8:10. Sorcerer (μαγεύω) is one who practices magic (μαγεία). This is the same type of magic that street performers use today to amaze people and gain financially from them as they seek to be well-known for their skills. Simon was not the only one doing magic to obtain notoriety recorded in Scripture. Elymas, a false prophet who was known as a Sorcerer, stood against Saul and Barnabas, preventing them from speaking the Word of God to the proconsul of Paphos, seeking to turn Sergius Paulus from the faith, Acts 13:6-8. These men used magic to persuade the people that their power was from God and procure a position of high regard for themselves, giving them access to substantial wealth.

When Philip the evangelist came to Samaria proclaiming the gospel of the resurrected Christ, Simon the sorcerer was among those who believed. The signs and wonders that Philip was doing intrigued him, so he continued with Philip after being immersed, Acts 8:13. Although the Samaritans believed in the facts of the Gospel, they had not yet received the Holy Spirit because God was using this as an opportunity to show the Jews that He is accepting the Gentiles into the Church. Therefore, it was not until the Apostles sent Peter and John, who laid their hands on those who believed Philip’s message, that they received the Holy Spirit, Acts 8:16. The […]

Simon the Sorcerer2023-12-14T07:58:18-08:00

Possession (περιποίησις)

Possession (περιποίησις) describes one’s personal property. It is rooted around the concept of what you are doing or making. Therefore, possession is not equivalent to acquiring (κτάομαι) as one who purchases citizenship, Acts 22:28, or has gold and silver, Matthew 10:9.

The Church is a personal possession of God, set apart as a royal priesthood, and chosen to proclaim the praise of the One Who called her out from darkness into His marvelous light, 1 Peter 2:9. Therefore, Christ gave the Church the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of her inheritance until the full redemption of the possession, Ephesians 1:14, for she is called to possess His glory, 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

When Christ ascended, He gave gifts to men. One of these gifts is a Pastor even teacher, who is responsible for the edification of the assembly to bring her to a oneness of the faith until a full experiential knowledge of the Son of God so that she is no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men seeking to deceive her. Therefore, the Pastor is to take heed to himself so that he oversees and shepherds the assembly, for Christ purchased her through His blood and, consequently, she belongs to Him, Acts 20:28. Pastors who serve well in this duty will possess a good standing and great boldness in the faith, 1 Timothy 3:13.

The tribulation period is a time of judgment. First upon the dispensation of law, then in the latter half judgment upon the Gentiles. The Church will not be upon the earth at this time because God has not appointed her to any wrath but to possess salvation, 1 Thessalonians 5:9.

As possessions (περιποίησις) of God, for He is […]

Possession (περιποίησις)2023-12-14T07:59:01-08:00

An Age (αἰών)

An age (αἰών) is a period in which God shows something about Himself to intelligent beings. Ages are not restricted to time and are distinct from dispensations (οἰκονομία), which are administrations within time during which God shows something to humans about themselves. Ages may overlap with another age, begin at the same time as a dispensation, or run for a period longer than a single dispensation. Ages end when God has finished revealing the intended aspect of His nature to the intelligent created beings. Dispensations change due to judgment coming upon those in the household for failing to abide by the rules and run consecutively and are bound to time.

An age is not the same as eternal or forever. When referring to things that go beyond the ages, such as the eternal life we have in Christ, aiōnios (αἰώνιος) is used, 1 John 5:13. Where aiōn (αἰών) references a period in which God is showing something about Himself to intelligent beings, whether in or out of time. In the future, there will be ages (αἰών) of the ages (αἰών); however, each age (αἰών) is not eternal (αἰώνιος). This is also true in the Old Testament where ōw·lām (עֹולָם) conveys the concept of an age, Psalm 9:6; however ăd (עַד) with the preposition (לְ – to) expresses perpetuity, Psalm 61:8. The Lord will reign from an age (עֹולָם) and perpetually (עַד), Exodus 15:18.

Before the creation of humans, Scripture reveals that there were three ages. God created the spirit beings before He created the universe, Job 38:7. Therefore, the first age was the creation of the universe. During this age, the spirit beings learned of the omnipotent power of God, for they witnessed Him create the universe […]

An Age (αἰών)2023-12-14T08:08:48-08:00
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