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Vow (εὐχή)

A vow is a type of communication in which a promise is made to correct a wrong committed when the circumstances make it possible.

In the book of James, the author writes concerning a person that is having a mental issue due to them wronging someone else.

And the vow of the faith will save the mentally weary and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has done a sin, it will be forgiven him – James 5:15.

Unlike the previous sickness (ἀσθενέω), which is a physical aliment that a person was to call the elders of the assembly to communicate in worship and anoint them, this type of sickness (κάμνω) involves a weariness of the mind. It is used in exhortation for us to not become mentally weary or discouraged in our souls when facing persecution by considering Christ who endures such hostility from sinners against us, Hebrews 12:3. In the book of Revelation, the assembly of Ephesus is commended for bearing up and being patient against those who claim to be apostles that were not, for they labored for Christ’s sake and did not become mentally weary, Revelation 2:3.

When James talks about the vow of faith, there is the possibility of a sin being involved. However, remember not all wrong is sin; nevertheless, it is always an aspect of unrighteousness, which also has a negative impact on us and others. It is important to only call an action sin that God calls sin. Sin is specifically defined in 1 John 3:4 as an act of lawlessness. However, unrighteousness is the bigger term and can involve acts that are not in and of themselves sinful, but are still wrong, 1 John 5:17. As sons of […]

Vow (εὐχή)2023-11-25T07:39:21-08:00


Keper (כפר) means “to cover”. When used of sin it takes on the meaning of atonement. However, atonement does not modify its definition; rather, it is a specific use for the word “to cover”. It is not a word that is restricted to religious purposes.

Noah is instructed to cover the ark inside and out, Genesis 6:14. In expressing the aspect of recompense, Jacob sends many of his possessions before him to Esau seeking to make an atonement for stealing the blessing from their father, Genesis 32:18.

The ark of the covenant has on top of it the place of covering, often translated as the mercy seat. This is the place where the High Priest would make an offering of the blood of bulls and goats each year to cover the sins of Israel, Exodus 25:17. The Mosaic law made place for the covering of sins by gifts and the offering of a sacrifice, Exodus 29:36. However, the gifts and sacrifices could not make the one preforming the religious service clear concerning their conscience, Hebrews 9:9.

In the New Testament, atonement is expressed by propitiation. In Hebrews 9:5, we find a reference to the Mercy Seat in the Old Testament Temple, which is translated by a word meaning “a place of satisfaction” or “propitiation”. Christ propitiatory work relates to the righteousness of God because He deferred judgment on previously committed sins, Romans 3:25, and was for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. However, propitiation is not equivalent with salvation. When it comes to salvation, Christ did not make a covering for sins, He sent them away (ἄφεσιν), Colossians 1:14, and it is by His blood that our conscience is cleaned from dead works, Hebrews 9:14.


Regard (נבט)

The word for looking at something in the Hebrew language is typically ראה (rah). After Lot separates from Abram and goes down into the valley to reside among the Sodomites, God has Abram lift up his eyes and look (rah) at the land, showing him all that his descendants will receive, Genesis 13:14. To gaze up on a person is expressed by שׁור (sor), Job 7:8. Those who see (rah) Job will no longer glance (sor) upon him. נבט (nabat) then relates to seeing in a way that gives regard to something; therefore, it is not specifically referring to the physical appearance, but of consideration or concern.

The distinctions in different words for how we see, are important to understand because by their use we are expressing specific meaning. When Lot’s wife turned and looked at Sodom after they had been rescued from its destruction by the Lord, she did not turn and physically glance at the city, or in fleeing decide to turn around and go back to Sodom. She turned her regard back to this extremely wicked place, and as a result God included her in the judgment by turning her to a pillar of salt, Genesis 19:26.

When Abraham is told to look towards the heaven and count the stars, God is not focusing on their appearance but on giving regard to all the stars in the heavens, Genesis 15:5. After God speaks to Moses through the burning bush, Moses hides his face so as to not look intensely or give regard to what he was seeing, Exodus 3:6. Later, the people of Israel give regard to Moses every time he goes out to the tent of meeting. When Moses entered the tent the […]

Regard (נבט)2023-11-23T17:59:41-08:00

Wavering (διστάζω)

The concept of doubt is expressed in a couple of different ways in Scripture, and they are important to distinguish between each other. There is doubt that describes someone who is wavering (διστάζω); having two sides, and doubt that is a result of justifying a way around (διακρίνω).

Wavering is when a person is unsure, or lacking confidence. It was this type of doubting that happened to Peter after he stepped out of the boat onto the sea with Christ in Matthew 14:31 that caused him to start sinking. After the resurrection of Christ, the 11 disciples were wavering, even after seeing Him, Matthew 28:17. Wavering is not a sin but does express only having a little faith. Being of little faith is often seen in relation to how God cares for us, Matthew 6:30.

The term for doubt that could cause a Christian to sin because they are doing something while doubting is a word that means to thoroughly judge or discern (διακρίνω). “Discerning” is the positive aspect of this word where “doubt” is the negative meaning. When Abraham believed God, he did not doubt in unbelief what God was saying; rather, he took Him at His Word, Romans 4:18. He did not attempt to justify his way around what God said. If a Christian does something while doubting, they can sin, Romans 14:23. However, this is not the same as wavering or being unsure. Thoroughly judging (doubting) is being used to justify one’s actions rather than taking God at His word. In the case of food, it would be coming up with a reason to be permitted to eat something that otherwise would defile your conscience before God, such as on a special occasion, or […]

Wavering (διστάζω)2023-11-25T07:37:40-08:00

Administration (προΐστημι)

Often translated as “Rule”, “Administration” comes from a word that means, “to stand before”, and is used concerning those in a leading position. This is not the type of ruling where a person is the final word on all matters, such as a king or lord, Matthew 20:25.

Those who have the Spiritual gift of administration are to lead with diligence, Romans 12:8. Within the assembly we should recognize the labor of those in a leadership position, 1 Thessalonians 5:12. Neither of these activities exercise lordship over others. The one with the Spiritual gift of administration will naturally take a leadership role in organizing and managing when fellowshipping and showing love towards other saints. Within the local assembly there can be lead positions other than the Pastor and Deacons. These types of positions would relate to teaching and the managing of the daily tasks, or events for the church, under the authority of the Pastor and Deacons.

“Ruling” is not the same as being the master or head of the household. The father is the head of the household, but the wife is the master (despot), 1 Timothy 5:14. As the head of the family, the father is responsible for knowing and following the desirous will of God for them, Ephesians 5:28-33. The wife manages the household where the husband is the head to give directions relating to God’s will and administers over the household. Therefore, the wife is placed into a proper position with the husband, who being the head, brings her alongside to rule with him, not under him, for she is a helpmeet, not a servant.

The man who holds the position of a pastor is to rule (administer) his household properly, 1 Timothy 3:4-5. […]

Administration (προΐστημι)2023-11-25T07:44:52-08:00
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