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Thanksgiving comes from an attitude of gratitude in which we express appreciation. Thankfulness is rooted in grace and comes from consideration of the benefits received. We are not to be thankful because we should appreciate what we have, but because we understand the value of it and therefore express our gratitude for it. When we want more in our lives it is because we are not realizing the value of what we have now. We live in a fallen world that brings grief and despair that leads to a state of mind in which we can so desire something else that we may even seek death itself. However, rather than succumbing to the grief that the world brings, we should be looking at why it has come upon us. Yes, the things of this world are enjoyable, bring instant gratification, appease our desires, but in the end, they just bring grief. Godly grief is going to bring us to repentance, where the world’s grief seeks death. Repentance is a change of the mind. It is a result of seeing the truth and choosing to follow it and rejecting the previous beliefs that were built upon lies. Grief comes because we are rejecting what God wants for us and seeking to fulfill our own desires without consideration of who we are and how damaging some of these wishes can be to us. God wants us to be happy. Not a fleeting happiness like the world brings, but true happiness. A happiness that starts deep down inside of us and produces a sense of well-being within us. This is where thanksgiving comes from. This type of happiness can only be […]


Three Times – Do You Love Me

After the resurrection of Christ, during His third appearance to the disciples He spoke with Peter about tending to those who would become Christians.

Therefore, when they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon of Jonah, do you love Me more than these? – John 21:15

Peter, along with some of the other disciples, went back to their fishing business after Christ’s death. However, Christ did not stay in the grave, for He was righteous and therefore God raised Him three days later, just as the Scripture stated. As they come to this realization, Jesus visits them multiple times, showing undeniable proof that He was raised. However, it was not time for the Kingdom to come in, now was the time of Grace. When the disciples realize the reality of what happened they begin to spread the word of the resurrected Christ. Peter, who had denied Christ because Satan persuaded him to be a coward, of which Peter was not, needed to be restored, so Jesus specifically speaks to him about caring for other saints.

In response to Jesus asking Peter if he loved Him more than fish, Peter replies, “he said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord, you intuitively know that I am fond of you.’” Jesus then instructed him to feed His lambs. This word used for lamb is actually one specifically used of those who are prepared for slaughter. As, unknown to the disciples at this time, persecution was going to come upon the Church because they were speaking the truth.

Jesus then asks Peter again if he loves him.

He said to him again a second time, “Simon of Jonah, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord you intuitively know that I […]

Three Times – Do You Love Me2023-12-14T08:32:17-08:00

The Definition of Love – Does not Brag

Love is longsuffering, love is kind, love is not jealous, love does not brag … 1 Corinthians 13:4

Bragging is when someone uses adulations or employing rhetorical embellishments in excessively praising another. Love does not brag about itself. It is not a characteristic of a person’s attitude and actions that desires to be noticed and praised for what it is doing. Those who brag about how much their church gives to the poor, or the different social events and projects they are involved in, or how much they help out their community, are not expressing love. Why? Because, by their boasting they are showing that their actions are not about seeking the best for those who are loved, but getting accolades.

God’s quality of love seeks the best for the one loved, so by its very nature it will not push itself forward to be praised, and certainly will not embellish on its accomplishments. This type of trait comes from a mind that is framed correctly and humble while giving preference to others.

In the fondness unto one another affectionately giving preference to the honor of one another – Romans 12:20

Rejoice with rejoicing, weep with weeping, while considering the same unto one another, not while framing the mind on the high things, but while associating with the humble. Do not be caused to become wise alongside yourselves, while not paying back wrong for wrong, giving prior thought to proper before all men. – Romans 12:15-17

Love is going to withhold its anger against unreasonable people and make others feel at ease by its benevolent nature, while not bragging about itself. This is God’s quality of love. Remember, the world system thinks it can express love without God and many churches today have fallen victim to replacing […]

The Definition of Love – Does not Brag2023-12-14T08:34:36-08:00

Revelation The Happiness of Those Reading

A revelation belonging to Jesus Christ which the God gave to Him to show to His servants, what is necessary to come to be in haste. And He signified after sending through His messenger to His servant John, who testified the Word of the God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, as much as he discerned. Happy is the one reading and the ones hearing concerning the words of the prophecy and guards the things having been written in her. For the Lord is near. Revelation 1:1-3

Revelation The Happiness of Those Reading2023-12-14T08:35:40-08:00
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