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Galatians November 11 2018

The Purpose of the Law

The Law did not negate the promise

The Purpose of the Law, Galatians 3:19-23

Law Serves as a Child Trainer until Christ, Galatians 3:24-39

Law Does not Allow Maturity, Galatians 4:1

Galatians 3:19 – 4:2

3.19 Therefore, why the Law? It was added in favor of the transgressions, up until which the seed should come, who was promised, having been directed through messengers by the hand of a mediator. 3.20 And the mediator is not of one, but God is one. 3.21 Therefore is the Law against the promise from God? May it never come to be! For if, for the sake of argument, Law has been given the natural ability to make alive, in fact, righteousness would be out from the law. 3.22 But Scripture closed up all under sin, in order that the promise out from faith concerning Jesus Christ should be given to the ones who believe. 3.23 However, before the faith came, we were being guarded under the Law, after being closed up, because of the about to be revealed faith. 3.24 Wherefore, the Law is in a state of having become a child guardian concerning us into Christ, in order that out from faith we should be justified. 3.25 And the faith having come, we are no longer under a child guardian. 3.26 For we are all sons belonging […]

Galatians November 11 20182018-11-21T04:39:40-08:00

The First Dispensation

The Dispensation of Innocence

The first dispensation begins when God creates mankind and places him in a garden in Eden, Genesis 2:8. Its title comes from the characteristics of the dispensation. Humans are in a state of being innocent, not knowing good (that which is beneficial) or evil (that which causes calamity).

The First Dispensation

Adam is given instruction by God concerning the standard by which he and those of the household are to live.

And Yahweh Elohim commanded unto Adam saying, “From every tree of the garden eating you will eat, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it because in the day you eat from it dying you will die.”, Genesis 2:17

Failure of the Dispensation

Adam chose to knowingly disobey God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat and that it was desirable to the eyes, and a tree of delight to make wise, then she took from its fruit and she ate and she gave also to the man with her and he ate, Genesis 3:6

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived having come to be in a transgression, 1 Timothy 2:14

The Result of Failure

  • The woman will have to work hard and now will have pain in child birth and her desire will be unto her husband.
  • The man will have to work hard to cultivate the earth for food.
  • Adam’s nature becomes bent due to his determination to disobey God.
  • Adam and Eve die spiritually – they are separated from God in their spirit.
  • Adam […]
The First Dispensation2018-11-12T10:08:21-08:00

Philippians – Our Citizenship

Nevertheless, into that which we have arrived, to step by this rule. To frame the mind the same all of you become co-imitators of me, brethren. And all of you scope out the ones thusly walking just as all of you have our example. For many walk, of whom often I have spoken to you, but now also weeping I say, the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose god is the belly and the glory in their shame, the ones framing their minds on earthly things. For our citizenship exists in heavens, out from which also a Savior we eagerly await, Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humiliation resulting in it to become together conformed with the body of His glory according to the working of His natural ability even to subject all things to Himself.

Philippians – Our Citizenship2017-10-06T04:50:09-07:00

Philippians – Luminaries in the Midst of a Crooked and Perverted Generation


So then, my beloved, just as always you have obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, with fear and trembling, you, for yourself, work out your salvation. For God is the One working in you also to desire and to work out the good pleasure. All of you do all things apart from grumbling and disputing, in order that you, yourself, should become blameless and pure, children of God without blame in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as a luminary in [the] world, holding fast to a word of life, unto my boasting unto a day of Christ, that I have not run unto emptiness, nor toiled unto emptiness.

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Philippians – Luminaries in the Midst of a Crooked and Perverted Generation2017-09-20T16:39:24-07:00

Philippians – Framing the Mind


For let this frame of mind be in you that also was in Christ Jesus, Who while existing in the form of God, did not regard for Himself equality with God to be robbery, but emptied Himself, after receiving the form of a servant, He came to be in a likeness of man. And after being found in the outward shape as a man, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient up to the point of death, even a cross death. Wherefore also God has exalted Him, and has given Him a name above every name, in order that by the name belonging to Jesus every knee will bow, heavenly and earthly and subterranean, and every tongue should say the same thing, that Jesus Christ is Lord resulting in a proper opinion of God [the] Father.

Philippians – Framing the Mind2017-09-03T15:22:00-07:00
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