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Philippians – Approving the Things that Differ


Approving the things that differ

And my worship is this, in order that your love should yet more and more abound in full experiential knowledge and all discernment, for the purpose that you approve the things that differ, in order that you all are pure and do not cause offense unto a day of Christ, having been filled up with fruit of righteousness, the [fruit] through Jesus Christ, unto a proper opinion and praise concerning God.

Philippians – Approving the Things that Differ2017-09-03T14:50:19-07:00

Philippians – Introduction

PhilippiansIntroduction to the Book of Philippians

Written in 64 A.D. by Paul from a Roman prison to the saint, bishops, and deacons in Philippi.

Paul and Timothy, servants belonging to Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, the ones who are in Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons. Grace [is] to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ.  I give thanks to the God upon every remembrance of you,  always in all my supplication on behalf of all of you, while making the supplication with joy,  on the basis of your fellowship into the gospel from the first day until now, being persuaded of this same thing, that the One having begun in you a good work will bring it to its intended end until a day of Christ Jesus. Just as it is right for me to think this concerning all of you, because I have you in my heart, in both my bonds, and in the defense even confirmation of the gospel, all of you being my partners of the grace. For God is my witness, as I long for all of you with compassions of Christ Jesus.

Philippians – Introduction2017-09-03T14:42:24-07:00

Sunday Morning

It has been a long three days, we are now about to enter the fourth day, Luke 24:21, since our Lord was put to death upon a cross. No one has been able to visit His grave yet due to the Passover Sabbath on the day after His death, John 19:42, and yesterday’s seventh-day Sabbath.  Although some of the women who followed Jesus had prepared spices for His body on Friday, before they were able to tend to His body, the seventh day sabbath came.

Now that the Sabbaths are over, early in the morning, before the dawn, they came to His grave bringing the spices they had prepared. As they approached the tomb they could see that the stone was no longer covering it so they went inside, but they did not find His body.

Mary Magdalene, seeing the body missing, ran to Peter to tell him that they have taken the body of the Lord, John 20:1, 2. Hearing this, Peter, and the other disciples, run to the tomb to investigate for themselves what was going on. How cruel could the leaders of Israel really be? Why would they take away His body after so callously having an innocent man put to death? As Peter approached the grave, he entered, stooping down and examined it, John 20:5. The scene does not look like one would expect because the grave clothes were still there, and the cloth used to cover His face was folded neatly and separately placed. What had happened here?

Shortly after Peter examined the tomb, John entered, for Peter had outran all the other disciples. Examining the tomb, he understood what had happened and believed what Jesus had been telling them just before His […]

Sunday Morning2017-04-16T07:21:38-07:00

Fighting the Good Fight

Fighting the Good Fight

Near the end of his life the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy encouraging and instructing him to guard the faith, fighting the good fight. The agony that Paul speaks of is the struggle that arises when we stand for, defend, and live by the faith. Fight1 the good2 fight of the faith, take hold of eternal life into which you have been called, and you verbally agreed the good confession before many witnesses, 1 Timothy 6:12.

“The faith” is the body of doctrine that Christians are to live by. As saints in Christ we are not under any quality of law, yet, today so many want to put arbitrary, restrictive, and un-Scriptural rules on the saints on how they are to live and please God, taking the Old Testament and miss applying it to Christians while denying in practice that the Church is under a different covenant based upon different promises. (But now He has obtained a different religious service, by as much as also He is a mediator of a better covenant which was legislated upon better promises, Hebrews 8:6).

Let us fight the proper fight. Let us stand up for the faith. Lets us take God at His Word and live out from faith, not out from law. We all have a course to run that God has set before us. Let us run it properly, not allowing those who would pervert the faith to hinder us. In doing so, perhaps at the end of our lives here on earth we can say, “I have fought the proper fight. I have finished the course. I have guarded the faith.3

1. Struggling, contending, striving – used of competing in […]

Fighting the Good Fight2018-11-11T22:54:34-08:00

The Seventh Dispensation

The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times – The Millennial Kingdom

The State of Man:

Man at this time will no longer be tempted with lust from Satan of the World System.
Man can potentially live a 1000 years without dying, if they curb their flesh- the sin nature.


The resurrected king David, who will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel, who will rule over the earth.


Under the setting of a perfect environment and righteous government, man is to obey the Lord Christ from the hear and remain
ceremonially undefiled so as to enter the New Jerusalem and consequently eat of the tree of life.


The subjects of the kingdom of Christ will see the visible Christ daily, they must then believe that He will rule forever in perfect

The Seventh Dispensation2023-11-29T14:42:08-08:00
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