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In One Accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)

“In one accord” (ὁμοθυμαδόν) is a derivative of anger (θυμος), which expresses an inner burning heat combined with homogenize. By merging “thumos” (θυμος) with “same” (ομοιος), “in one accord” (ὁμοθυμαδόν) does not hold onto the concept of anger; rather, it only retains the intensity that thumos (θυμος) expresses.

This together intensity can be seen with those who do not want to hear the truth, Acts 7:57, and those who believed because of the signs and wonders being done through the Apostles at the beginning of the Church, Acts 8:6. In the secular realm “in one accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)” is used of the people of Tyre and Sidon coming to Herod to retain peace, for their country was supplied with food from Herod, Acts 12:20. We also encounter this concept when Gallio was proconsul in Achaia, the Jews in one accord rose up against Paul, for they were angry that he was having such success with teaching the Jewish people about the resurrected Christ, along with all the Gentiles that were coming to salvation through the gospel Paul was proclaiming. They express their intense togetherness against Paul to Gallio, who dismisses them because it is not a matter of wrongdoing or a wicked crime being committed, Acts 18:12. This act from Gallio finally gave Paul time to rest from the persecution by the Jews. As the gospel of Christ spread through Ephesus, the silversmith Demetrius, whose primary business was selling idols of Diana, stirred up the city because the prosperity of the gospel of Christ was so predominant that it negatively impacted his business. Demetrius persuaded the other silversmiths of their dilemma, and in their wrath, they confused the city as they all, in one accord, rushed into […]

In One Accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)2023-12-14T08:09:58-08:00

To Reckon (λογίζομαι)

“Reckon” expresses the concept of a determination made by a mathematical process and therefore taking into account or calculates in a logical manner, making a conclusion based upon this process.

In the fulfillment of Scripture, Christ was reckoned (numbered) among the transgressors, Mark 15:28. Even after being examined showed that no unrighteousness was found in Him, He was counted to be a transgressor by the leaders of Israel and the Romans so that they could justify putting Him to death.

The Chief Priests and scribes calculated their response to Jesus’ question concerning if John’s immersion was from men or heaven. In considering this they discussed among themselves the ramifications of saying it was from heaven and what the Messiah’s response would be, concluding to answer that they did not know rather than expose their hypocrisy, Mark 11:31.

One of the craftsmen called Demetrius, a silversmith who made shrines of Diana, called together his fellow tradesmen to stir up the city, for their profits had plummeted as a result of the truth of the gospel of the resurrected Christ taking root in Ephesus. Directing his accusation at Paul, for he had persuaded many people that there are no gods which are made with hands, Demetrius expresses his concern over their trade falling into disrepute so he calls upon them to consider Artemis and her supposed magnificence, Acts 19:26; therefore counting how much they would lose if she was not considered to be glorious.

For those who teach others the law, but then put themselves in a position where they are above the law, Paul encourages them to calculate the evidence that they will not be able to cause themselves to escape the judgment of God for doing the very things […]

To Reckon (λογίζομαι)2023-11-25T07:39:11-08:00

Demonology Lesson 5

Putting On the Armor of God

Girding the Loins with Truth

Referring to the Thoughts – What goes through the mind, 1 Peter 1:13

Combats Lying and Gossip

Breastplate of Righteousness

We Are Righteous Because We Are In Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:21

By His Stripe We are Healed, 1 Peter 2:24

Defends Against Independence from God and Pride

Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace

This is the Message for Salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

It is a Gospel of Peace, Romans 5:1

Defends against Stealing, Laziness in Spiritual things, and Bitterness

The Shield of Faith, Ephesians 6:16

Fiery darts of the malignantly evil one

Doubting is when you do something that you think is against the standards God has set for your life.

The Helmet of Salvation, Ephesians 6:17

Our Salvation in Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Defends Against Disappointment, Discouragement, Cowardice in Spiritual Things, Unforgiving (not gracious) Spirit

Disappointment, Job 3:1-26

Discouragement, Job 10:1-22

Cowardice in Spiritual Things, Luke 22:31-32

Stand as Men, 1 Corinthians 16:13

Unforgiving (Not Gracious) Spirit, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11

The Sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:17

This is the Utterances of God

Used to Defend Against Any Attack that Makes it Through the Other Parts of the Armor

Defensive, Not Offensive

The sword is used for all other types of attacks that get through the other parts of the armor. It is defensive still, not striking out, but destroying the attempts by Satan to negatively influence our thoughts by using specific statements from God’s […]

Demonology Lesson 52023-12-14T08:26:50-08:00

Our Communication with God – Philippians

Be anxious in nothing, but in all things with worship and supplication after thanksgiving let all of your requests be made known before God. Philippians 4:6

Our Communication with God – Philippians2023-11-27T10:38:02-08:00


The Letter to the Saints in Rome

Originally penned by the Apostle Paul through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved.

PDF Version


This translation is intended to give a clear understanding of the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter Paul wrote to Rome. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.
Because the book of Romans was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

Within this letter we find the Gospel of the Christ, which goes beyond initial salvation into the Christian life. Paul explains why humans who reject God are so corrupt in their lifestyles, the fact that they will face judgment for their actions, and that we as Saints should reject their way of life, choosing to be holy and follow God rather than men. Paul also explains the fact that we have a Sin Nature. A part of us that seeks to do the things that are […]

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