Having an Attitude of Gratitude

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in all things give thanks, for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Often times we think of thankfulness in regard to things that are good. We are thankful when life is going the way we would like, when we are at peace, and when, for the most part, life is wholesome. What about the difficult times in our lives or the problematic people? Should we be thankful for them? Why would God want a saint to have a mind that is thankful for all situations?

Having an attitude of gratitude comes from knowing who we are in Christ, what God expects of us, and how God controls the situations in our lives to bring about His glory.

What is the purpose of our life? Before we were saved, our focus was to fulfill the desires of the flesh. But now it is to glorify God. We glorify God by a life that manifests His opinion of who we are in Christ. By setting our minds on God’s opinion of us and living according to His view of us, we can be thankful in any situation because when we are loving God, He will work out any situation to our benefit to make us happy; a true happiness that can only come from living a life that enjoys all the benefits of who we are in Christ.

If we are not thankful, it is because our mind is not focused on the things of the Spirit, but rather on the things of the flesh. Having an attitude of gratitude is not being happy all the time. We can be displeased about something but still be thankful.

Difficulties in our lives expose who […]

Having an Attitude of Gratitude2013-02-14T06:19:00-08:00
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