Applying “The Truth” to our Lives

1 John 1:5-10 And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, “God is light, and darkness is not in Him. If perhaps we should say, “We have fellowship with Him.”, and walk in the darkness, we lie and do not do the truth. However, if perhaps we should walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another of the same kind, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If perhaps we should say that we have no sin, we cause ourselves to wander and the truth is not in us.  If perhaps we should confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous in order that He should forgive our sins and should cleans us from all unrighteousness. If perhaps we say, “We are in a state of having never sinned.”, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.

The desire to produce sin is a constant struggle in the life of every believer. We all face those temptations that are just so hard to resist. We may struggle with these desires, and sometimes even put up a good fight, but ultimately we given in and get entangled with things that we know God does not wants us to be involved with in our lives. This often leads to a life of shame before God. We promise we will not do it again only to end up back on our knees for the same problem.

However, the Christian life does not need to be a life of shame and failure. to have victory over these desires, we need to understand where they come from […]

Applying “The Truth” to our Lives2016-10-12T06:02:45-07:00

The Testing for Approval of Our Faith

1 Peter 1: 6, 7 In which you all greatly rejoice, yet since for a little while it is necessary to grieve in diverse trials in order that the testing for approval of your faith, being more precious than gold, the one purified through fire, indeed when it is tested for approval, it may be found unto the praise and honor and unto an expression of a proper opinion at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

When we are solicited to do something that lacks in character, through this temptation, the quality of our faith is clearly seen. Are we truly taking God at His Word, or just saying we believe, but not actually willing to put it into action?

James writes, “ Count it all joy, my brethren, when you are encompassed by various trials (caused by solicitations to do that which lacks in character), experientially knowing that the testing for approval of your faith works our patience. And let patience have its work of maturity in order that you may be mature and whole, lacking in nothing.”  James 1:2-4

When we struggle with desires that we know are contrary to what we as Christians should be involved in, we should not fear them, but see them as opportunities to know if we are taking God at His Word.

Do you know how to have victory over your sin nature? Do you know that the sin nature is? If you know, are you applying it correctly? If you do not know, this is a very basic part of the Christian life, apart from which you will never live a successful life His saint.

So often we use a quality of law to defend against desires that are contrary to what […]

The Testing for Approval of Our Faith2013-02-20T08:09:54-08:00

Faith – Taking God at His Word

Romans 1:16, 17 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of the Christ for it is the inherent ability of God unto salvation to all the ones believing, both the Jew first, and Greeks, for the righteousness of God is revealed by it out from faith into faith just as it is written, “The righteous will live out from faith”.

Faith – Taking God at His Word (Faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen)

What does it mean to live by faith? Since faith is always based upon a promise from God, when we live by faith, we live according to what God has said. Faith is not blind, so living a life out from faith is not a blind leap; rather, it is a life that takes full advantage of the benefits that God has so graciously provided for the believer who is in Christ.

When we believed the Gospel for salvation, a new life began for us. Now, we are no longer in Adam; rather, we are in Christ. As part of our salvation, we know that God has promised that we will one day be with Him in a state of blamelessness and purity; however, what about today?

Does the fact that we are in Christ affect our lives today? Oh, we know that it should, but how?

Framing our minds on who we are in Christ is not positive thinking, it is acknowledging facts that are true and therefore seeing things as they really are, which will result in having a correct frame of mind. Since we are in Christ, let us put on Christ as an outer garment and make no provision […]

Faith – Taking God at His Word2016-10-12T06:02:46-07:00
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