Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι)

In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul encourages Timothy to fight the good fight of the faith. Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι) is a word that describes the struggle that an athlete has in striving to be the best in competition, 1 Corinthians 9:25. Unlike in a battle with Satan where we parlay (πάλη) against him by putting on the armor of God and standing firm, this struggle has to do with laying hold of eternal life; therefore, it involves the exercising of our senses to discern what is proper from what is wrong, Hebrews 5:14.

While Jesus was going through the cities and villages teaching on His way to Jerusalem, one of the disciples questioned Him concerning the number that would be saved, Luke 13:21. Jesus tells them that they are to struggle to enter through the narrow gate, not the way many will seek to enter, for those who do not enter through the narrow gate will not be able to find their way into the Kingdom of God, Luke 13:24. He then speaks of a time coming when the Master of the house will shut the door. All who are outside will not be permitted in, even though they claim to have eaten and drank in His presence while He taught. Jesus is the only way, and all those who seek salvation through other means will not find it, John 14:6.

Near the end of Paul’s life, while giving instructions to Timothy regarding the duties of a Pastor, he writes that he has struggled the proper struggle, for he guarded the faith, 2 Timothy 4:7. The faith Paul refers to is the doctrine concerning the good news of the Christ. Through Christ’s death for our sins, burial, and resurrection […]

Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι)2023-12-14T07:53:43-08:00

Fight the Good Fight

1 Timothy 1:18-20

This is the message I set alongside you, child Timothy, according to the the prophecies having gone before upon you, in order that you should fight the good fight by them, holding faith and a good conscience, which some rejecting have shipwrecked concerning the faith,  of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, who I hand over to Satan in order that they should be child trained not to blaspheme.

The Message Paul set alongside Timothy, 1 Timothy 1:18-20

  1. According to the prophecies that have gone before him
    1. Timothy has a spiritual gift given to him through prophecy, 1 Timothy 4:14
    2. Prophecy is not by the desirous will of man nor of a single person’s interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20, 21
    3. Prophecy is not active today within the Church, 1 Corinthians 13:8
  2. He should fight a good fight
    1. Our fight is not a physical fight, 2 Corinthians 10:3
    2. We do not fight of our own accord, 1 Corinthians 9:7
    3. Getting oneself caught up in daily life, 2 Timothy 2:4
  3. Holding faith in a good conscience
    1. A quality of faith
    2. A quality of a good conscience
  4. Some reject a good conscience and shipwreck the faith
    1. Israel rejected God in the wilderness, Acts 7:39
    2. The Jews reject the salvation, Act 13:46
    3. God did not nor has rejected the Jewish nation, Romans 11:1, 2
    4. Their faith is shipwrecked
      1. Used metaphorically for something or someone that has been brought to ruin.
      2. Predominate example of its use outside of Scripture in the common language.
      3. Two of which Paul turned over to Satan
        1. So they should be taught (child trained) not to blasphemy
        2. They did not lose their salvation
        3. Hymenaeus and Alexander were falsely attributing things to God
Fight the Good Fight2023-12-14T11:14:13-08:00
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