The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message

Since God did not determine that some would perish, so no one is headed to hell by God’s choice (2 Peter 3:9), it is important to present the facts of the Gospel accurately, according to what Scripture states.

Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds the Corinthians saints of the gospel that he brought. This is one of the clearest presentations of the gospel to the Gentiles in Scripture. Paul states, this is the gospel by which we are saved (1 Corinthians 15:2). Christ died on behalf of our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

This is the message that contains the inherent ability of God to save (Romans 1:16) and the only sin that the Holy Spirit is convicting unbelievers of today (John 16:9). Faith is an interesting concept. We often consider faith to be something within the mind. However, it is specifically defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, and in James we find that faith without works is dead (James 2:17), also we know from 1 John 3:4 that sin is an action, not something that happens within the mind; therefore, faith is not seen from God’s perspective as something within the mind, but an action that results from belief within the mind. Saying you believe something is not faith. Faith will always manifest itself in works, for it is the act of believing. Abraham believed God and there was an action that was associated with that belief. This was demonstrated when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, for in his mind he concluded that God would have […]

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message2023-11-25T07:59:11-08:00

Why do we need salvation?

To understand why we need salvation we need to go back to the beginning when God created humans. He created Adam in His image and likeness and built Eve from his side1. Adam was given a commandment by God that he was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the day in which he ate of it the punishment would be death2. Not just physical death, but also spiritual death – dying you will die. Although Eve was thoroughly deceived and transgressed the law, Adam was not deceived and chose to disobey God. The result was spiritual separation from God and now he is subject to physical death. Did God setup Adam and Eve to fail? Absolutely not. He gave them all they needed to success. Satan deceived Eve into eating the fruit from the tree; however, Adam was not deceived at all and of his own free will chose to eat, knowing he was disobeying God3.

So what does this have to do with us and why we need […]

Why do we need salvation?2023-12-14T11:16:16-08:00

The Proper Use of the Old Testament

Two types of doctrine are found in Scripture that are revealed through two Greek words used for different types of teaching; doctrine that is to be learned and practiced and doctrine that is to be learned, but NOT practiced.

“All Scripture is God breathed and profitable towards teaching, towards conviction, towards correction, towards child training in the righteousness” , 2 Timothy 3:16.

“Teaching” refers to information to be learned but not practiced. Conviction, correction and child training in the righteousness relates to doctrine that is to be learned and practiced.

“And having various gracious gifts according to the grace, the one given to you, whether prophecy, according as the portion of the faith, whether the one serving, in serving or the one teaching, in teaching…” Romans 12:6, 7.

“… and He gave the Apostles, and the prophets, and the evangelists, and the pastors even teachers…” Ephesians 4:11.

The “Pastor” and the “Teacher” in the Ephesians passage are the same person. It is the primary responsibility of the Pastor as the shepherd to teach doctrine that is to be learned and practiced; however, he is also to properly handle Old Testament information by teaching it as information that is to be learned, but not practiced. In addition to the Pastor properly handling the Old Testament information, God has proved others with the Spiritual gift of teaching who properly teach the value of the Old Testament information without abusing it by seeking to make it doctrine to live by in this day and age (Romans 12:6,7). This is not restricting doctrine to be learned and practiced to only a Pastor being able to teach it, but the Pastor is the primary method by which this type […]

The Proper Use of the Old Testament2023-12-10T07:25:07-08:00
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