Locative Case

The Locative Case

The case of position or location.

Locative of Place

The Locative is used to express spatial limitations. It locates within a spot or an area. It occurs either with or without prepositions.

The Locative of Time

The Locative expresses time as a point of time, not as duration (the accusative case – extent of) or time within which (the genitive case- kind of time). Position is clear in that it indicates the time at which, i.e. at this point of time.

The Locative of Sphere

This use is often listed under the Locative of place. It is the figurative or metaphorical use. It locates within logically rather than within spatial or temporal limits. This use is used with nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

The Locative with Nouns

The Locative may occur with nouns.

The Locative with Verbs

The Locative may occur with verbs.

The Locative with Adjectives

The Locative may also occur with adjectives.

The Pregnant use of the Locative

The Locative is used where we would expect to find ei” with the accusative after verbs of motion or rest. In the N.T. it always occurs with a preposition. While the Accusative emphasizes extension, the Locative emphasizes location. This use is common in the N.T. with ἐν. It also occurs with πάρα and ἐπί with ἐν in composition.

© 2017 Luther Walker | All Rights Reserved | ISBN-10: 0-9993211-0-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-9993211-0-2 | This book or any potion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.