One Incredible Expression of God’s Love: The Greatest Gift of All

In the Gospel of Luke the author looks back on events with the purpose of setting things in order. You see, something quite miraculous had happened; something that was not expected, and in the end changed the world.  Luke begins his record by stating that he has undertaken the task of setting things in order for all that had been accomplished so that the most excellent Theophilus1 would have a full understanding of the events that surrounded Jesus’ life. Unlike other historical records, Luke’s was different because he was writing about a wonderful work that God had done; a work that would forever change the relationship of men to God and would bring about the downfall of our enemy, Satan; a work that was wholly unexpected from man’s point of view, for Luke’s history tells of something that no man could have ever thought possible. God came to be in the flesh.

So stunning was this new event, that not even the spirit beings could understand it. …which none of the princes of this age knew. For if, assuming it is true, they knew, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory2. How could the God who created the universe be in the form of a man who is created a little lower than the angels? You had made Him for a short time a little lower than the angels, You have crowned Him with a proper opinion and honor…  3 This was nothing they had seen before, even though many of times the spirit beings had been with the Son of God when He manifested Himself to men as the Messenger of […]

One Incredible Expression of God’s Love: The Greatest Gift of All2023-11-23T12:51:14-08:00

Changing the Gospel Message

The good news of The Christ is a gospel of grace and faith, yet, there are those who seek to change this gospel into a different message, which is not good news at all (Galatians 1:6, 7). They take the very basic truths concerning our salvation and lives as saints belong to God and twist them to manipulate people into following them.

The Gospel of The Christ includes the good news about salvation. Scripture is very clear that we are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8,9. It is His (God’s) attitude by which He gives us a benefit without consideration of merit that provides us with an opportunity to take God at His word concerning salvation. He says that we are to believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures to be saved, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Yet, there are many false teachers today who change this message into one of works, rather than of faith. They say to be saved you must accept Jesus into your heart, have a relationship with Jesus, make him Lord of your life, ask him to forgive you of your sins. None of these take God at His word, therefore, they are not out from Faith.

The good news does not stop at salvation, that is only the beginning. As part of our salvation, we have been taken out of Adam – no longer seen before God as condemned along with all of unsaved mankind – and placed into The Christ – a new creation in which the old things (who we were in Adam) have passed away and all things are new (who we are in Christ). 2 […]

Changing the Gospel Message2023-12-14T12:32:49-08:00
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