When Life Begins

In the book of Genesis, God records the creation of mankind. “God created out of nothing Adam in His image, in the image of God He created him out of nothing, male and female He created them out of nothing 1.” In the next chapter more detail is given as to the process in which God created the three parts of man: the body, the spirit, and the soul2. God forms the male out of the red dirt3 of the earth making the physical body of Adam. He then breathes the breath of lives4 into his nostrils and he becomes a living soul, thus creating the soul and spirit and giving Adam both physical and spiritual life. At this time Eve has not been formed. Adam is given time to see the renovated world5, learn that there is no other created being on earth like him, and the standard that God expects him to live by before God causes him to sleep and He builds the woman from his side. “So Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and He took one from his ribs and closed up the flesh there under, and He built the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman and brought her to Adam6.

Scripture does not use the word “formed” for Eve, like Adam was formed from the earth; rather, she is specifically build for man to be his helper like before him7 from what God had already created. God does not breath the breath of lives into her nostrils, for everything that she needs for life is taken from Adam. He does not form her, therefore creating a different body for her; […]

When Life Begins2023-11-23T12:57:30-08:00

The Mystery of The Christ

The mystery of The Christ is one of the most important revelations given to the Church, mainly because it involves not only how to be saved, but also how we are to live out our salvation.

In Ephesians 3:3 and 4, Paul writes about this mystery that was given to him by a revelation from God. As the steward of the dispensation of grace, God gave Paul instructions concerning how the household of grace is to live, Ephesians 3:2. These instructions are given in the revelation of this mystery. Paul writes concerning the mystery of the Christ so that we can understand what his insight is.

Since Paul is the steward of the dispensation of grace, the mystery of The Christ is a part of this period in time. It is something that was not revealed to any other generation. In Scripture, seven dispensations are revealed (Innocence, Conscience, Government, Promise, Law, Grace, Fullness of Times). In each of these dispensations, mankind is given instruction by God through a steward. The Church exists in the dispensation of grace and is therefore subject to the standards God gave concerning the Mystery of The Christ

Since we now have insight into what is the Mystery of The Christ it is no longer a mystery to those to whom it has been revealed. A mystery in Scripture is something that was hidden, but now God has made it known, Ephesians 3:5 (which was not made known in other generations to the sons of men, just as now it has been revealed through His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit).

The Mystery of the Christ has to do with the fact that anyone who believes the gospel for salvation is taken […]

The Mystery of The Christ2023-12-14T11:23:23-08:00
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