Speaking down (καταλαλιὰς)
Lalia (λαλιά) describes how a person speaks. The manner in which Peter spoke exposed him as one who follows the Messiah, Matthew 26:73. The Samaritan’s who came out to investigate the words of a woman claiming the Messiah was at the well of Jacob did not believe because of her speech, but because they heard for themselves, John 4:42. The leaders of Israel could not understand Jesus’ speech because they were not able to listen to His words, John 8:43, for they were out from their father the devil and could not handle the truth.
The addition of the preposition “kata” (κατα) expresses a speech that is speaking down or against another person. This type of speech comes from one who judges others, while not doing the very things they claim the others should be doing, James 4:11. Unbelievers will speak this way about those who refuse to follow in their corrupt ways, 1 Peter 3:16. In this case, our conduct is to be honorable so that when they speak down concerning us as though we are the ones doing wrong, our good works will glorify God in the day we are examined by others and they will be put to shame, 1 Peter 2:12.
As for the Christian, this type of speech is to be set aside, 1 Peter 2:1. It comes from a carnal frame of mind, 2 Corinthians 12:20, and is found alongside selfish ambition, inner burning anger, whisperings, and deceit, which are all works of the flesh. Although this type of speech is not a sin, it is unrighteousness, Romans 1:30, and therefore should not come out of our mouths. How we speak is important, for words can have a great impact on others. Therefore, our words should also be with grace, seasoned with salt, that we may know how to properly answer, not returning wrong for wrong, but overcoming what is wrong with doing things properly, Romans 12:17. Rather than returning a person’s rancid or disrespectful speech in kind, we should respond with good speech, 1 Peter 3:9, while speaking the truth.
Therefore, it is important to be slow to speak, James 1:19, because we are listening to what is being said for the purpose of giving a response that is appropriate for the situation, not just waiting to say something. And we are to speak with an element of grace in our words, which is not speaking in a manner that relates to the merit of the individual, but in a way that meets the need of the situation so that through our words we build up, not tear down. Nor are we to use persuasive speech from human wisdom to deceive others, 1 Corinthians 2:4; Colossians 2:4. Rather we are to speak the truth in love and love always seeks the best for the one loved, Ephesians 4:15, for love will never accept a lie.
The Inarticulate Babbler
When I was an inarticulate babbler, I spoke as an inarticulate babbler, I framed the mind as an inarticulate babbler, I reasoned as an inarticulate babbler. When I became a man, I rendered ineffective the things of the inarticulate babbler. 1 Corinthians 13:11
Nepios (νήπιος), is a word that describes a stage in a child’s life when they lack the ability to speak in an understandable and intelligent way. This concept is then taken further to those who have grown up, but still act as though they are a child because they have not learned how to discern right from wrong. This is not restricted to how a household or business is managed, but also to the person’s own lifestyle. We have many people today that are coming out of schools and colleges of higher learning that lack the basic abilities to discern right from wrong; what is good from what is bad. They have not learned critical thinking skills; therefore, they accept ideas that go against truth and reality, against logics, against what is rational, and always lead to destruction, while ignoring facts and modifying history to justify their childish behavior.
This same lack of discernment plagues the Church, even though those in Christ have been given all things pertaining to life and godliness. Yet, so many reject God and follow after the next teaching of men that is always based upon trickery and deceit to manipulate the follower through ignorance. We mature through the exercising of our senses to discern right from wrong, while seeking truth through our relationship with the Holy Spirit as we learn to identify and pursue His desires. As we mature, we put away the childish ways of thinking and develop a proper attitude based upon truth.
Concerning maturity among the saints, Paul in his letter to the Hebrews addresses an issue with their need for someone to again teach them of the basic principles of the oracles of God.
And for though you ought to be teachers because of the time, again you have need of someone to teach you the basics of the beginning of the word of the God and you have come to need having milk and not solid food – Hebrews 5:12.
This lack of maturity comes from being carnal. One who is focused on the desires from the flesh, even in a religious manner, will not grow spiritually and can only be fed milk, 1 Corinthians 3:2. Although milk has its purpose, it is not to be the primary substance we use for life as we grow. As ones who have tasted the milk of the Word we should be laying aside that which is wrong, along with deceit, hypocrisy, bad speaking, and envy, 1 Peter 2:2. This allows us to go on to maturity so that we are able to handle the deep things of the Word of God. One who only partakes of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness because he is an inarticulate babbler, Hebrews 5:13. However, solid food is for those who are of full age. The ones who have by exercise trained their senses to discern what is proper from what is wrong, Hebrews 5:14.
All Christians should come to a point in their life where they can teach the basics of the Christian life. These beginnings of the Word of God involve a proper salvation message, 1 Corinthians 15:1-5, along with how to have victory over our three enemies; the sin nature, Satan, and the world system. And we should all be able to express the freedom we have in Christ from the elementary principles of the world system which are taste not, touch not, the observation of days and seasons and years, which are according to the teachings of men and have no value in controlling the indulgences from the flesh, Colossians 2:20-23. Therefore, let us move on from the elementary principles of the Christ into maturity, not laying again a foundation of dead works, but rather living out from faith, Hebrews 6:1
Washing (λουτρόν)
Water is related to the refreshing and sustaining of life. In most conditions a person will only survive a few days without water. This same concept is used concerning our spiritual life having its source and refreshment from the Holy Spirit. This does not associate water baptism with salvation or the Holy Spirit, for water immersion is not for the removal of the filth of the flesh, but for a good conscience towards God, 1 Peter 3:21. Even Paul stated he did not come to baptize with water, but to proclaim with authority the gospel of Christ, 1 Corinthians 1:17.
Jesus spoke of living water that will flow from within the heart of a person. Anyone thirsting that comes to Him in belief will have rivers of living water flowing out from his heart, John 7:36-38. Although the Holy Spirit had not yet been given when He stated this, the revitalizing and sustaining of spiritual life by the Spirit is what Jesus was talking about, John 7:39. Just prior to His death and resurrection, Christ reveals to the disciples that a change is coming in the relationship with them and the Holy Spirit. The Spirit was with them, and will soon be in them, for He will indwell the saints of the coming Church, John 14:17. It is through this revelation that we understand the relationship with the concept of rivers of living water and the Holy Spirit concerning spiritual life.
Jesus spoke of this renewing related to the Holy Spirit with Nicodemus. He explained that a person must be born of water even Spirit to enter the kingdom of the God.
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly I say to you, except someone is born out from water even Spirit, he does not have the inherent ability to enter the kingdom of the God – John 3:5
While Jesus was giving an example to the disciples concerning love for each other and the willingness to do even the most menial tasks for the benefit of the brethren, He revealed to Peter that those who have been washed only need to wipe off their feet, John 13:10. This involves dealing with sin in the life of a believer in the Church. For we are washed and regenerated by the Holy Spirit, having been washed from our sins by the blood of Christ, Revelation 1:5. However, because we are not in our fully resurrected state and still possess a sin nature, even though it has been rendered ineffective in Christ, just as a sow that has been washed returns to her wallowing in the mire, when we do not take God at His Word we will at times return to our sins, Romans 6:6; 2 Peter 2:22. After this happens, we do not need to be bathed again for we are already clean, but are to verbally agree with God concerning our sins, and as we walk in the truth the blood of Christ keeps on cleansing us from all sin, for this sin is then sent away and we can again walk in the light, fellowshipping with one another and sharing in common with God, 1 John 1:5-9.
The washing of water relating to the Holy Spirit is seen in salvation with the Church being washed by an utterance and the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit. Christ cleansed the Church, setting her apart for Himself by the washing of the water by an utterance, Ephesians 5:26. The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews the one who believes in Christ by washing, Titus 3:5
Not out from works, the ones in righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us through washing of regeneration and renewing from the Holy Spirit -Titus 3:5
Therefore, let us draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from a malignantly evil conscience and our bodies washed with clean water, for we now have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, Who is the continual source of refreshing and sustaining of our spiritual life, Hebrews 10:22. And let us not be those who forget we have been cleansed from our old sins, while using the promises concerning life and godliness that God has given to us so that we are continually growing and maturing in a full experiential knowledge of God unto the measure of who we are in Christ.
Render Ineffective
“Render ineffective” (καταργέω) describes how something is not producing what it was intended to yield. It is not working properly and therefore returning nothing of value.
We first see this word in Scripture in a parable concerning a fig tree that is not producing fruit. It is rendering ineffective the ground, which should be producing for the owner. Luke 13:7 … cut it down, in order that why also does it render ineffective the ground? The space this tree is taking up could be used to produce fruit.
In discussing the advantage of the Jews, for the oracles of God were committed to them, Paul brings up a question concerning those who do not believe. Did their unbelief render ineffective the faithfulness of God, Romans 3:3? No, in fact, it does not. As it is written, God is true and every man is a liar because He will be justified in His Words and victorious when He judges, Romans 3:4, for He will save a remnant of Israel. Although faith does not negate the value of the law, the promise is not through law, for if it was, then faith would be rendered ineffective since the law is not out from faith, Romans 3:31; 4:14. However, those who seek to be justified out from law have rendered ineffective the Christ in their lives and have fallen from grace, Galatians 5:4, for through the law the sin nature is fully known, not righteousness. The law does not render ineffective the promise that was given four hundred and thirty years before it, Galatians 3:17. Rather the law was added because of the transgression until the faith in Christ should come.
When it comes to how we govern our lives and the things we do in this body, we do not use law; rather, we live by grace. Under the Mosaic law what you ate impacted your sanctification before God. Under grace the only restriction concerning food that we have is to be thankful, 1 Timothy 4:3. However, although we are free to eat whatever we desire, we should not permit food to exercise control over us. Food is for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will render ineffective both of them in the resurrection. What we do in this body matters. It is not for the fulfillment of the desires of the flesh and should be held in honor and sanctification. Our freedom is not to allow the desires from the flesh to exercise control over us, for the body is not made for fornication. Therefore, we are to flee this sin, which is against our own bodies, for we are the Holy of Holies and are not our own, 1 Corinthians 6:12-19. Therefore, let us not live a life based upon law, but out from faith where there is freedom to walk in this newness of life we have in Christ; liberty to walk in a righteous manner out from faith.
The imputation of Christ death and resurrection to those who believe the gospel for salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) renders the sin nature within us ineffective, Romans 6:6. Although we still get desires to do wrong, we are now able to walk in newness of life by reckoning our fellowship with Christ’s death and resurrection to be true and therefore seek to yield our members to righteousness, Romans 6:4-13. This freedom is not through law. The law of marriage is used to show how we are free from the Mosaic law because of our death and resurrection in Christ. For just as the woman is released from the law of marriage when her husband dies, so are we who have died in Christ freed from the Mosaic law so that we can serve in newness of spirit, not by the oldness of the letter, Romans 7:2,6.
God has chosen the base things the world considers foolish to render ineffective the world’s wisdom and to bring to shame its wise, 1 Corinthians 1:27-28. The wisdom of the world involves regulations according to the teachings of men based upon self-imposed religion, humility, and neglecting of the body, which have no value against the indulgences from the flesh, Colossians 2:20-23. The wisdom from God is in Christ Jesus through Whom we are righteous, sanctified, and redeemed so that all have a proper opinion of God, negating any fleshly boasting anyone should think they have before Him, 1 Corinthians 1:29-31. True wisdom belongs to the mature, for the world and its rulers have been rendered ineffective. This mystery that we speak of concerning Christ is where true wisdom abides, for although it was hidden it has now been revealed to us through His Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:6-10.
Although prophecy is of value to the Church, our love for one another is greater. For Love never falls; however, now that we possess the entire revelation from God, the Spiritual gift of prophecy has been rendered ineffective. The full revelation renders ineffective that which is out from a part, and prophecy is necessary when only part of the revelation has been revealed. Now is the time to put away the things of an inarticulate babbler for we no longer know out from a part. We have the full revelation and now abides faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13. Therefore, let us not seek after prophecy, which is no longer of value to us because God has given us all the details about what He will do; rather, let us seek to walk in love towards other saints, expressing our love for God through loving the brethren.
By faith, law has been rendered ineffective; therefore, we now live by grace out from faith. Through Christ’s death and resurrection our sin nature can no longer bring to completion what it intends through its cravings for the desires from the Spirit are in contrast to the desires from the flesh. Through the wisdom from God, the wisdom of this world has been shown to be foolishness, for through self-made religions, humility, and abuse of the body the desires from the sin nature are not overcome to produce righteousness; rather, our righteousness is in Christ. Through the full revelation of the mystery of God, prophecy has been rendered ineffective. Therefore, let us not be ashamed of our testimony of our Lord and the gospel which is according to the inherent ability of God to save, for we are called with a “set a part” calling for His purpose and grace in Christ Jesus, who rendered ineffective death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, 2 Timothy 1:8-11.
Knowing the Desirous Will of God – Overcoming the World System
Because everyone born out from God overcomes the world and this is the victory, the one overcoming the world, our faith – 1 John 5:4
The world system is the method developed by Satan to control the sin nature of humans and get them to do what he wants. The first world system was established out from Cain’s line, for he chose to follow Satan and his ways, which was not to slay his brother, but to persuade the whole family to follow Satan rather than God. This is seen in the offering Cain made that God would not even look at, for it was of the works of his hands and was intended to be an offering of his own righteousness.
Not just as Cain was out from the malignantly evil and slew as a sacrifice his brother. And on account of what did he slay his brother? Because his works were malignantly evil but his brothers were righteous – 1 John 3:12
From the world system comes commerce, Genesis 4:20, culture, Genesis 4:21, industry, Genesis 4:22, and judicial systems, Genesis 4:23-24. And is established through the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes with the pride of biological life, 1 John 2:16, for the intent of placating unsaved humans, 1 John 5:19. Fear and lying are the predominant tools we are seeing today to manipulate everyone to do what Satan wants. He sets up malignantly evil men in positions of power that ignore the law to maintain this control over the world. Satan even tempted Jesus with the world system, offering Him all the kingdoms of the world, Matthew 4:8-9.
The first world system was destroyed in the Noahic flood, for it had resulted in humans thinking of nothing but what is wrong, causes calamity, all day long and the world was filled with violence, Genesis 6:5. This type of violence is a cruelty that seeks to take advantage over others at any cost; if you stumble you will be eaten alive. Satan attempted to rebuild this system again with Nimrod, but God divided up the languages of humans and split up the earth into continents, making it impossible for Satan to rebuild the same system. Today we see a modification of this system in commerce, culture, industry, religion, and judicial structures that are set up different based upon the language and culture.
Christ overcame the world system, John 16:33, and this should bring us peace, for greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world, 1 John 4:4. In the same way the world was indifferent to Christ, it will also use the Christians today for its benefit, without caring about their wellbeing, John 7:7. The world is fond of its own, but is indifferent to us because in Christ we have overcome it, John 15:19. Indifference is important to distinguish from hatred. For the world system will, and does, use religion for its own purpose. The period of the Church we are in now is the Laodicean assembly that is lukewarm to Christ. They will claim to be Christians but only seek wealth, rejecting sound teaching and raising up preachers to tickle their ears, not speaking the truth. This is all about the manipulation from the world system – the desires of the eyes, the desires of the flesh, and pride of biological life.
Although we live in the world system, we are not of it, and are to use it but not abuse it, 1 Corinthians 7:31.
And the ones using the world as not making full use of, for the mask of this world is passing away.
Remember, contentment is godliness, not gain. We are not to govern our lives as unbelievers who walk in the futility of their minds, for their understanding is darkened and their life is alienated from God because of the ignorance in them, Ephesians 4:17-19. This ignorance is used by Satan to blind, influence and control humans, so they do not consider things for what they really are and see the light of the gospel of Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Therefore, let us be content with what we have, not seeking to gain more worldly goods, but going after what is righteous and gaining in good works, 1 Timothy 6:5. For the fondness of money leads to a snare and many foolish and harmful desires have ruined those seeking after it, 1 Timothy 6:6. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy, but we are not to be high minded about our worldly value or trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who gives us all things richly to enjoy that we may be rich in good works, 1 Timothy 6:17.
The Tongue
The tongue (γλῶσσα) describes the member of our body that is primarily used in speech and is therefore synonymous with what language we speak. In Scripture, tongue is always used of a known language upon the earth, even if the hearers do not understand it (1 Corinthians 14:11). How we use our tongue is important, for it has great power in influencing our path in life.
In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, tongues were divided unto them, Acts 2:3. These tongues were specific dialects of the devout Jews that were in Jerusalem at this time, Acts 2:11. This was a very specific event that was only repeated a few other times for a sign to the Jews. It is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues. They did not continue to speak in tongues after this because the Holy Spirit mentally controlled (πίμπλημι) them to enable this, where today the Holy Spirit fills us where we lack (πληρόω) so that we are able to use our Spiritual gift and produce His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). We see this sign again when Peter is in the house of Cornelius, a devout Gentile. While Peter is telling them of the death and resurrection of Christ, they begin to speak in tongues, causing the Jews with Peter to wonder, Acts 10:46. What caused them to wonder was not that the Gentiles could speak in another language, but that they were speaking the wonders of God, for God said that He would give the Jews a sign by speaking to them in other tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:21. One of the healings that Jesus did as a sign to the Jews was to a deaf and mute man releasing his tongue so that he spoke correctly, Mark 7:35. The speaking in tongues and the releasing of the tongue are all signs for the Jews.
In describing the condition of the human race, Paul speaks of the tongue being full of deceit and the poison of asps upon the lips, Romans 3:13. James describes our tongue as a small member, yet it is a fire, a world of unrighteousness, able to defile the whole body, James 3:5-6. One who thinks himself to be religious but does not bridle his own tongue is deceiving himself, James 1:26. A double tongued person is not to hold a position of authority within the assembly, 1 Timothy 3:8. This is someone who talks in a different way around certain people. Such as the way they speak around the Pastor differing from their normal speech, or how they speak face to face to someone compared to when they are not around.
A mature man refrains his tongue from wrong and his lips from speaking deceit, 1 Peter 3:10. This comes from an understanding that one of Satan’s attacks is to get us to use rotten communication. Rather, we are to speak that which is beneficial with a bit of grace, so the hearer is edified, Ephesians 4:29. Nor are we to just love with our word or tongue; rather, our love is to be in truth and works, 1 John 3:18. For what man loves God if he is not willing to do what is best for his fellow saint?
Even with the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, the meaning holds true as a known language. It is never described as speaking gibberish and is to be verified. In Corinth, the saints were called out for misusing the gift, for they were using it within the assembly; however, this Spiritual gift is not for the assembly; rather, it is a specific sign to the unbelieving Jew, 1 Corinthians 14:22, and if someone has something to say in a tongue, what they have to speak is only to be spoken if there is someone to interpret it, 1 Corinthians 14:27. This gift caused itself to cease when Israel rejected the salvation from God and therefore it went to the Gentiles, 1 Corinthians 13:8; Acts 13:46.
Therefore, as we express who we are in Christ, let us control our tongue so that our speech is with a bit of grace, giving a benefit to the listener that does not consider merit, while being seasoned with a bit of salt by using words that are more palatable for the hearer so that we are ready to answer as is necessary, not with rotten speech, but with truth. For if in this world we have troubles, let it not be because of our own tongue.