The Book of The Gospel of John

The Book of The Gospel of John2018-11-04T06:49:31-08:00

Might (κράτος)

Might (κράτος) expresses the ability of resident strength, the quality of being able.

When the exorcists of the ruling religious party attempted to rebuke a malignantly evil spirit by using Jesus’ name, for they had seen the Apostles doing this, the spirit responded by first stating that he has an intuitive knowledge of Paul but not of them. He then proceeded to strip them naked and sent them running. This caused great fear in the city of Ephesus, and the Word of the Lord grew in the region.

thus, according to the might of the Lord, the Word increased and became strong – Acts 19:20.

As Christians, our eyes are opened to the truth so that we may know the hope of His calling, the riches of the proper opinion of His inheritance among the saints, and the exceeding greatness of his inherent ability towards us according to the working of the might of His strength, Ephesians 1:18-19. Wicked hands crucified Christ. In response to such malignantly evil work, God the Father raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand. He is now over all authorities and is the head of the Church, which is the new creation God made in raising Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17. This was a display of the resident strength of His inherent ability.

When it comes to battling Satan, we are not called to rebuke demons or to exercise authority over them; instead, we are instructed to stand firm against them by the strength we have in the Lord. For it is in the might of His strength that we have victory, Ephesians 6:10. Our battle is not physical – of flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle against malignantly evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, they seek to influence our minds to persuade us to follow Satan’s ways and reject God. When we put on the armor of God, it directly relates to the ability of His strength, reminding us of the truth in what God has done so that we overcome all the methodologies of the devil to get us to act independently from God.

As we govern our lives in this wicked world, we are to walk in a worthy manner of our Lord so that we are being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the full experiential knowledge of God being able in all inherent ability according to the might (resident strength) of His proper opinion in all patience and long-suffering, Colossians 1:11.

Through Christ’s death, He rendered ineffective Satan’s might over death, for throughout the life of those under law, they were in bondage, fearing death. Therefore, in all things, He was made like His brethren so that He is a merciful and faithful High Priest of the things facing God and inherently able to help those who are tempted, Hebrews 2:14-18.

Might expresses the resident strength of God to do what He says He will do. Through His might, He caused a young virgin to be with child, fulfilling His promise to David and Israel, Luke 1:52. Through the working of the might of His strength, He raised Christ from the dead so that He can die no more, answering His supplication to save Him from death. In Christ, we are able to have victory over Satan because through the might of Christ’s strength, He has overcome, and since we are in Christ, we are also victorious. Therefore, in understanding such incredible displays of the might of God’s strength, for He can do what He says He will do, let us properly manage our lives, bearing fruit in righteousness and growing in our experience with God.

Mental (κάμνω) and Physical (ἐκλύω) Weariness

Mental weariness (κάμνω) is an exhaustion of the soul that impacts the mind. It can result from continual struggles, long, arduous journeys, or the accusing of the conscience for wronging another person.

James writes of the vow of faith by those who are mentally weary. In the early Church, the Elders (Pastors) would assist those who were physically sick (ἀσθενέω), praying over them and anointing them with oil, which was used for relief from sickness. However, for those who are having a mental issue, it is the vow of faith that will provide calmness. This vow is to correct a wrong done, which is causing a negative impact on the mind because of the weariness of the soul.

And the vow of faith will save the mentally ill and the Lord will raise him up and if he has done a sin, it will be forgiven him – James 5:15.

A physical weariness (ἐκλύω) can cause a person to lose heart. During His earthly ministry, Jesus fed a large crowd that had come out to hear Him speak on the Kingdom of the Heavens. He has compassion on them because they were exhausted from their journey, Matthew 9:36. A person who sows should not exhaust their strength, for in due time, he will reap from his work, Galatians 6:9. Sowing righteousness will take more time to reap than sowing to the flesh, which seeks instant gratification. Patience in doing good and taking time to rest is essential so we do not grow weary in overcoming what is wrong with good. As sons of God, He corrects us when we do wrong. We are not to become physically exhausted by this child-training, for the Lord rebukes those He loves, Hebrews 12:5. One who resists His correction will become weary of their struggle because they are not accepting His guidance. The Lord will not allow His own to be condemned with the world; therefore, when we are judged, we are child-trained, 1 Corinthians 11:32.

When it comes to facing troubles for our faith, instead of growing mentally weary of the soul and becoming physically exhausted by the struggles we face, we are to remember Christ, Who suffered such hostility from sinners towards Him, for He is the author and finisher of our faith.

For consider this One who endured such hostility from the sinners against Himself in order that you all do not become mentally weary of the soul, being physically exhausted. Hebrews 12:7.

Let us remember that we do not walk alone and take time to fellowship with other saints so that we encourage each other as we rest together from the struggles we face in this life. Time spent with other saints, especially during the week, can be very restorative for the soul and mind.

Happy are those who die by a lord, Revelation 14:13

In Revelation 14:13, we come across the phrase “by a lord” when John is instructed to write, “Happy are the dead, the ones who die from now on by a lord (ἐν κυρίῳ).” The word “lord” is capitalized in some English translations, indicating it is in the Lord Jesus. However, the context does not support this interpretation. The timing of Revelation chapter fourteen, starting in verse six, is in the last half of the Tribulation Period, just before the return of Christ. Three angels are seen giving distinctly different messages. The first angel has good news related to eternity, the gospel for those in the Great Tribulation. This is not the gospel message presented today, which has the inherent ability to save a person, Romans 1:16, and relates to the death for sin and resurrection of Christ three days later according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. This messenger is bringing a message to the Nations, telling them to worship the God, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth, for the hour of His judgment has come, Revelation 14:7. The second angel cries out with the message that Babylon, the great religious harlot, has fallen, Revelation 14:8. Her fall is just before the return of Christ to claim the earth and set up His kingdom. A third angel is then heard shouting that anyone who worships the beast and his image, having received his mark, will now face the wrath of God, Revelation 14:9-11. At this point, John is instructed to write, “Happy are the dead, the ones dying by a lord from now.” They are happy because they are able to rest from their hard labor, Revelation 14:13.

The tribulation period will be a very difficult time upon this earth. Such a time of trouble that has not ever been before, Daniel 12:1. Those who accept the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens will face dangerous times, especially during the last part of the Tribulation Period when the man of lawlessness declares himself to be a god and all those who do not receive his mark cannot participate in commerce. During this time, even having a bit of cold drinking water, much less food, will take a lot of hard work. The saints will be killed, enslaved, and persecuted. Therefore, death for those who believe in the coming Messiah will bring them rest from their labor, resulting in happiness.

En (ἐν) is a Greek preposition meaning “in, among, or by.” Grammar and context are important in determining the case being clarified by the preposition. The specific phrase “in lord” is used ninety-six times in forty-seven verses, using both the locative and instrumental cases. In 1 Corinthians 16:19, Paul writes that the assembly in Asia greets them, along with Aquila and Priscilla in [the] Lord. In Greek, there is no need to place an article before Lord because the context indicates it is a title. When a noun is used as a title, the article is unnecessary; however, it should be supplied in English for clarity. In Romans chapter fourteen, Paul writes concerning the weaker brothers. The one who is stronger in the faith is to accept the weaker one without causing doubt. Paul has been persuaded by [the] Lord Jesus that nothing is common because of itself, Romans 14:14. When Paul went to Troas to bring the good news of the Christ, a door was opened to him by the Lord, 2 Corinthians 2:12. In these verses, the preposition (ἐν) is used in an instrumental sense for the Lord was the means by Whom Paul came to this knowledge, and the One who opened a door for him to present the gospel in Troas. Within these few passages we can already see that “en (ἐν)” is used in an instrumental sense with the noun “lord”. Although the primary meaning of this preposition is “in”, the context dictates how the preposition relates to the noun; therefore, it can express both location and means.

If we imply that Revelation 14:13 is referring to Christians, all who die in their position in the Lord from the time of John’s writing, we violate the context of Revelation. The tribulation time is not for the Church. She has been removed from the earth, cleansed, glorified, and presented to the Father; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:17. The patience of the saints, in the context, refers to those who did not get the mark of the beast, or worship his image, Revelation 20:4. They face total financial ruin and even death. Many will be sold into slavery and killed, Revelation 13:10. All who are saved during the tribulation period do not have a position in the Lord Jesus. Therefore, in order to make this apply to saints in our dispensation, this passage has to be ripped from its context and set aside as though it is a comment from John about what he is writing, implying that those who do not have to face this troubled time will be happy. However, John is instructed to write this. He is not giving a response to the information he just received. In addition, nowhere in the letters to the Church does Paul, or another Apostle, write that death today brings happiness. Peter writes of persecution for refusing to be involved with the way of the Gentiles. This should not discourage a saint; instead, they should be happy because the Spirit of glory rests upon them, 1 Peter 4:14. James writes about happiness regarding enduring a temptation and not being a forgetful hearer, James 1:12, 25. Paul writes of our happy hope, the appearance of our great God, even Savior, Jesus Christ, Titus 2:13. He also addresses the issue of having a good conscience. One who does not violate his conscience is happy, Romans 14:22. Since those of the Church are not part of the Tribulation Period, we cannot impose their presence upon the text to indicate John is writing to the Church concerning happiness and death.

The term “Lord” is not restricted to a title for God or Jesus. Within the Greek language, it is used for one who is a master, within a position of authority, and a polite response. The woman at the well does not refer to Jesus as Lord, meaning God, when He asks her for water. Instead, her response is of respect, knowing that He is a Jew, John 4:11. It is always the context that determines how the word “lord” is used. In Revelation 14:13, the noun lord is not specific as to who is the master. Nor does the context in Revelation 14 indicate lord is a title. Therefore, it implies someone with the character or quality of a master. Following the original language and context, the verse is properly translated with a lowercase “lord” since it does not refer to Jesus. And I heard a voice out from the heaven saying, “Write, ‘Happy are the dead, the ones by a lord dying from now on.’” “Yes”, says the Spirit, “In order that to rest out from their labor, for their works follow with them.”

Therefore, Revelation 14:13 refers to the Tribulation Period saints who are put to death by a lord, not Christians who have or will die in their position in the Lord. These are those who believe the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens during the Tribulation Period, rejecting the lies of the man of lawlessness and his false prophet.

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