1 Peter Resisting Satan by the Faith
Be sober minded, keep watch, your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking to swallow up, whom you resist steadfast by the faith, intuitively knowing the same sufferings are being accomplished in the world by your brethren.
The Methods of Satan – Cowardice in Spiritual Things
When faced with the possibility of persecution, ridicule, or even discrimination we can be tempted by Satan to deny our faith.
Peter, who was so willing to die to defend Christ on the night in which He was betrayed was used as an example for us on how Satan can manipulate the situation so that we negatively react when facing opposition.
Just prior to the betrayal of Christ, Satan had made a request to sift all the disciples; however, he was given permission to only sift Peter.
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked for you, to sift as wheat. But I have supplicated concerning you, in order that your faith should not fall and when you return to support your brethren – Luke 22:31,32
Peter was not a coward and was willing to even die for Christ.
And he said to Him, “Lord, I am ready to be with you and unto prison and unto death to go.” – Luke 22:33
However, Peter would not even make it through the night without denying Christ three times.
And He said, “I say to you, Peter, the rooster will never crow before you deny to know Me three times – Luke 22:24
In the end Peter did just as the Lord has said and denied he knew Him three times before the rooster crowed, even though he was in no danger. This broke Peter’s heart, but would later, after the Lord restored him, be used for our benefit because in the letters he wrote to the Church we learn a lot about defending ourselves against Satan.
Protecting the sensitive part of the mind
Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest […]