1 Timothy 6:6

Laying Hold of Eternal Life

Godliness with contentment is great gain. Yet, some seek to deceive the saints by teaching that financial gain is a means of godliness. This false doctrine is also known as the prosperity gospel. The fondness of money is a root of all wrong, and those who follow after it will stray from the faith in their greed, 1 Timothy 6:3-10. Therefore, we are to put away the fondness of money and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and objectivity of mind, 1 Timothy 6:11, for in doing so, we will take hold of eternal life, 1 Timothy 6:12. Those who are rich in this present age are not to be high minded, trusting in uncertain riches; rather, they are to do good works, being rich in proper works, generous, fellowshipping, so that they store up for themselves a proper foundation for the time to come, taking hold of eternal life, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, for those who determine to be wealthy fall into temptation and a snare, leading them into many harmful and foolish desires, 1 Timothy 6:5.

A person who continues a lifestyle of sin after being saved is not taking hold of eternal life. We are to lay aside the things of the old man and put on the new, Colossians 3:9-10, while abstaining from fleshly desires that war against our soul (emotions), 1 Peter 2:11. Although sin does not take away the salvation of the one who is saved, for nothing can separate us from the love of God, Romans 8:39, it still needs to be dealt with. One who is clean only needs to wash his feet, John 13:10. Unfortunately, many saints walk around with filthy feet because they continue to walk in […]

Laying Hold of Eternal Life2023-12-14T07:52:56-08:00

Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)

“Healthy” expresses good physical health and describes the proper use of information that is to be taught, but not put into practice by correctly dividing doctrine and teaching.

In response to the Pharisees and scribes complaining against Christ’s disciples concerning them eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus explains that one who is healthy does not have a need for a physician, for the Messiah has not come for the righteous, but the sinners to change their minds, Luke 5:30-32.

When healthy is used with teaching, it is the type of teaching that is according to the gospel of the proper opinion of the happy God, which was committed to Paul. This teaching has to do with properly handling Old Testament information, which is to be learned but not practiced. The Law is good, but it is for the unrighteous; all those who do things that are contrary to healthy teaching, 1 Timothy 1:8-11. We are righteous in Christ; therefore, we are not under law. Rather, our standard is to live by grace out from faith.

If anyone does not commit himself to the healthy words of our Lord, we are to withdraw ourselves from them, 1 Timothy 6:3. Of these who do not hold to the words of our Lord are those who teach that gain is godliness, where according to healthy words godliness with contentment is great gain. Since we brought nothing into this world, and will take nothing with us, going after money leads to all kinds of temptations and snares, for the fondness of money is a root of all wrong actions, 1 Timothy 6:6-10.

We are in a time where most assemblies claiming to be Christian are not putting up with healthy teaching, but […]

Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)2023-12-23T11:31:44-08:00

The Methods of Satan – Pride

Pride comes from being puffed up in one’s mind resulting in an opinion that is higher than reality, which produces arrogance and disdainful conduct due to this haughty attitude.

It was pride that caused Lucifer to fall from his position within God’s government

Ezekiel 28:17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, That they might gaze at you.

When it comes to pride within the Church it is a temptation that will be levied by Satan against a novice who is placed into a position of a Pastor within the assembly. In Paul’s letter to Timothy he warns him not to place a novice into a position of a pastor due to the likelihood that Satan will use pride against him.

not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. – 1 Timothy 3:6

Pride is also a characteristic of a false teacher. One who teaches doctrine that is contrary to godliness

If anyone teaches otherwise and does not come to healthy words, the [words] of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the teaching according to godliness, he is proud, standing upon nothing, but is diseased concerning disputes and arguments out from which come envy, strife, blasphemy, suspicious malignant evils, useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose gain is godliness. From such withdraw yourself. Now godliness with contentment is great gain. – 1 Timothy 6:3-6

Pride will also be seen among the unbelievers who stay within the Church.

For men will exist as fond of themselves, […]

The Methods of Satan – Pride2023-12-14T08:45:33-08:00
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