Prepared for Good Works

The importance of training cannot be overstated. In every aspect of our lives the people who do the best are the ones who spend the time to train. From interns to an apprentice, training is an essential part of everyday life. The same goes for living out the Christian life. Often our lives can seem to be so mundane that we could not possibly do something great with God. Getting out of our comfort zone tends to heighten our attitude, whether it is going on a mission trip or leading a crowd of people to salvation or any other goal, and we feel closer to God. We want to do something out of the ordinary, but are we ready for that?

Ever wonder why some people always seem to be in the right place at the right time to help others, and we, ever so willing, never seem to get that opportunity? Well, if you pay attention most of those people are trained to not only handle the situation but pay attention to what is going on around them so they can recognize when someone needs help. I recall a story in the news a while ago of a couple messing around on at beach pretending to drown and the lifeguard comes running over to help, which of course to them they thought it was funny, until he passed them and rescued a child just behind them that was actually drowning. You see, he knew what to look for. He was trained and ready. We should be the same way in our Christian lives, constantly training so we are ready for whenever God wants to use us.

For also you are obligated to be teachers […]