James 1:14

To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)

To draw (ἑλκύω) expresses the concept of moving an object from one area to another by attraction or pulling.

During Christ’s earthly ministry, after Jesus declared that He was the bread of life that came down from heaven, the crowd following Him from the other side of the sea where He fed them began to murmur. They knew that Jesus was the son of Joseph, so how could He come down from heaven? In response, Jesus instructed them to stop murmuring, for no one has the ability to come to Him except the Father draws him, John 6:44.

When Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself, John 12:32. The time for the judgment of this world has come. Just as a seed of wheat must die to produce more, through His death, many more sons of the light will be produced, John 12:36.

After the death of Christ, the disciples returned to their fishing business. They spent the night out on the sea but did not have any success. In the morning, the resurrected Christ spoke to them from the shore and instructed them to cast out the nets on the other side of the boat. Once they did this, the catch was so large they could not draw it into the boat, John 21:6. Realizing the man on the shore was Jesus, Peter jumped into the sea and swam to shore while the other disciples drew the net to land, John 21:7.

After Paul rebuked a demon who had possessed a young slave girl to deceive people who lived in the city of Philippi because she was following Paul around, claiming that he was presenting a way of salvation, her masters dragged Paul and […]

To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)2024-03-16T09:20:03-07:00

Dealing with Bad Thoughts

A temptation is a solicitation to do wrong. It comes from a desire to perform something that we know is against God’s expectation of us. Understanding how we go from a temptation to sin is important to comprehend in order to stop the process by taking the way of escape before we work out the desire from the temptation. In the book of James, we find the process by which we are solicited and how that temptation works out to sin.

Let no one say when tempted, “I am being tempted from God”. For the God is without temptation of wrong and He tempts no one. But each one is tempted by his own strong desire while being drawn out and baited. Then the strong desire after being conceived, births sin. And the sin, when it is finished, brings forth death – James 1:13-15.

We are first presented with a strong desire to do wrong by one of our three enemies: the sin nature, Satan, or the world system. This temptation has no impact on us until we accept the desire as our own and then choose to perform it. Conception is the combination of a wrong desire and the determination to do it. This is a trespass and always happens within the mind, resulting in a person being in a state of unrighteousness, although sin has not yet happened. Conception does not guarantee birth, but unless it is interrupted it will always result in sin. Once a temptation has become a desire within us that we have determined to fulfill, if we do not apply the truth, the faith, or reject what the world wants, this determination will work out to sin when we perform the […]

Dealing with Bad Thoughts2023-12-14T08:11:01-08:00

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία) encompasses both the evil determinations within the mind and the resulting actions that violate standards of right conduct. Therefore, unrighteousness is the bigger term, including both trespasses and sins. A trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to do something that a person knows is against God’s standard. It is from this desire that sin is birthed, James 1:14-15. Scripture specifically defines sin in 1 John 3:4 as lawlessness and exterior to the body in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Since sins and trespasses are different, for we were dead in both, the trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to sin and therefore the sin is working out that desire, Ephesians 2:1.

In the first chapter of Romans, we are given a list of unrighteousness. In this list is mental attitudes and actions that are both unrighteous in their nature. “And just as they did not approve worthy to have the God in full experiential knowledge, the God gave them over to an unapproved mind to do what is wrong, being filled up where they lack in all unrighteousness: fornication, malignant evil, covetousness, lacking in character, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, bad character, secret slanderers, backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, arrogant, inventors of wrong, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, without natural affection, irreconcilable, not merciful.” Romans 1:28-31.

In these last times, there are many false teachers among us who bring in destructive heresies, denying the Lord, 2 Peter 2:1. Their ways are of destruction, they blasphemy the truth and by covetousness exploit with deceptive words, 2 Peter 2:2-3. Many of these go after the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Peter 2:15, which is the willingness to manipulate Christians into […]

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)2023-12-23T11:44:14-08:00
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