Romans 14:23

Tempt (πειράζω)

Tempt (πειράζω) expresses a trial through examination or a solicitation to do something that is wrong.

When Jesus was led away into the wilderness by the Spirit, the devil solicited Him to go against the desirous will of the Father, Matthew 4:1. Satan knows that God is One, James 2:19, and that Jesus is the second Person of the Godhead, Mark 3:11. By tempting the second Person of the Godhead, Who was now in human form, Satan sought to divide Them so that Their Word concerning his coming judgment would not hold truth.

In one of the trials by the Pharisees and Sadducees, they again sought a sign from Jesus. However, their intent was not to see a sign so they would believe; instead, they sought something by which they could accuse Him of doing wrong. In response, Jesus rebukes them for being hypocrites and a malignantly evil and [spiritually] adulterous generation. They claim to know what is coming by the appearance of the sky but cannot discern the signs of the times, Matthew 16:1-4.

Attempting again to gain an advantage over Jesus so they could accuse Him, the Pharisees solicited Him to do wrong with a question, “Is it lawful for man to divorce his wife for any reason”, Matthew 19:3. Through Moses, divorce was permitted. Therefore, rather than going against Moses, which is what the Pharisees sought, Jesus explains to them why divorce was permitted through Moses. It was the hardness of their heart. However, Scripture states that the two will become one flesh and, therefore, if a man divorces his wife for anything other than fornication and marries another, he commits adultery under the Mosaic Law, Matthew 19:3-9.

Desires that solicit us to do wrong […]

Tempt (πειράζω)2024-05-30T05:38:34-07:00
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