Romans 6:6

The Truth Will Set You Free

In the Gospel of John, the author records a statement from Jesus to the Jews who believed Him. If they abide in His word, they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free.

Therefore, Jesus said toward the Jews believing Him, “If you abide in My word, truly you are My disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

The response of the unbelieving Jews was to refute their need for freedom immediately. However, all those who sin are slaves to sin, John 8:33. The sin referred to here is not the acts of sin that a person does. Instead, it is specific to the sin nature of a person. All those doing sin (the act of lawlessness) are slaves to the sin [nature].

As the steward of our dispensation, Paul is given instructions on how to have victory over the sin nature. In Romans chapters six through seven, he writes of his experience with applying the doctrine of the truth in comparison to how the law works against the sin nature. Through this, we clearly understand what Jesus was referring to as the truth. The truth is a specific doctrine that frees a person from slavery to commit sin so that he is able to produce righteousness.

The first aspect of this doctrine is to know. Those who abide, feel at ease, in His word must know it.

Know that we have died with Christ and have been raised to walk in newness of life.

Or do you not know that as many as have been immersed into Christ Jesus, into His death have been immersed? Romans 6:3

Therefore, we have been buried with Him through the immersion into the death, in order that just as […]

The Truth Will Set You Free2024-05-05T13:07:49-07:00

A Pattern (τύπος)

A pattern (τύπος – typos) embodies the characteristics or function of a model. Scripture uses the concept of a pattern for a physical imprint, such as from a nail, along with the manner in which a person’s life is governed.

After the resurrection of Christ, Thomas, who was not at the tomb, questioned the testimony of the other disciples, claiming that unless he sees the pattern of the nails in Christ’s hands, he will not believe, John 20:35. While Israel was out in the wilderness they were given a pattern of the heavenly Temple, Hebrews 8:5, which is the same model the Temple in Israel was made from when Solomon first had it built, Acts 7:55. Even though during the time of God delivering Israel from Egypt, they all passed through the sea and were immersed in the cloud and sea while partaking of spiritual food and drink, God was not pleased with many of them because of their unbelief. These are a pattern for our admonishment that we should not strongly desire things that lack in character (are wrong) and not to become idolators and fornicators as they were, for God destroyed them in the wilderness, 1 Corinthians 10:6,11. It is a foolish Christian who thinks that grace is a license to sin. This one is not heeding the pattern given to us through those who rejected God and sought their own way, bringing destruction upon themselves. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; we reap what we sow, Galatians 6:7-8.

Adam is a type or pattern of the One who is to come, for Christ is the last Adam, Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:45. Just as Adam’s trespass and sin impacted the whole human […]

A Pattern (τύπος)2023-12-14T08:06:26-08:00

Testing for Approval (δοκιμάζω)

Testing for approval (δοκιμάζω) is to make a critical examination of a person or thing to determine its authenticity, drawing a conclusion about its worth. Therefore, it is testing to establish whether or not there is something of value within who or what is put to the test.

Today, the wrath of God is upon all ungodliness and those holding down the truth in unrighteousness, for they consider the knowledge of God to be of no value and are therefore given over to a mind that, when tested, fails because it is found to be full of unrighteousness, Romans 1:28. This lack of worth is seen in the conclusions that this type of unapproved mind makes, for they go against the facts presented and are not base on reality. Such as a man who claims there is no God; however, he is fully aware that the universe is more expansive than humans have currently examined, and therefore, making such a statement shows that his conclusions are not of any value. Or a scientist who claims humans came from evolution. A hypothesis that is its own worst enemy, for within its declarations, it ignores the facts and presents evidence for support that is contrary to its own theories, because the evidence actually shows that humans were created. Therefore, the mind can be in such a state from the result of rejecting truth and reality that when put to the test for approval, it fails.

A Jew who claims to rest upon the law and makes his boast in God, asserting he knows His desirous will and is able to discern for good all things for he is instructed in the law, yet breaks the very rules he states […]

Testing for Approval (δοκιμάζω)2023-12-23T06:39:18-08:00
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