Romans 7:11

Deceive (ἀπάτη)

Deceive (ἀπάτη) expresses the concept of misleading someone through untrue statements intended to give them a wrong impression or misrepresentation of the truth.

When the man of lawlessness comes, it will be in accordance with the working of Satan by his inherent ability with signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception to the ones perishing. Those who follow him will have strong delusion upon them because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.

During Christ’s earthly ministry, the deception of the riches of this world choked out the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens many received, Matthew 13:22. Rather than following the Messiah, whom they believed was Jesus, they allowed the deceitful desire for wealth to lead them away from the promise of God.

One of the derivatives of this word emphasizes a thorough deception. Eve was thoroughly deceived (ἐξαπατάω) by Satan into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; however, Adam was not deceived (ἀπατάω), 1 Timothy 2:14. This is why sin came into the world through Adam; although, Eve was first to transgress, Romans 5:12. The sons of the unpersuaded use empty words to deceive, Ephesians 5:6. The false teachers among us thoroughly deceive the hearts of the simple, Romans 16:18. If anyone considers himself to be religious but cannot bridle his tongue, he is deceived in his own heart, James 1:26. Our sin nature uses law to thoroughly deceive us, making it impossible to live out our righteousness in Christ through law, Romans 7:11.

Those who intentionally deceive are misleading others by distorting the truth, just as Satan deceived Eve by his craftiness, they seek to corrupt our […]

Deceive (ἀπάτη)2024-07-11T06:06:54-07:00

The Daily Christian Life – How Law Negatively Impacts Our Lives

Law has been something humans have always struggled with. Using law to justify themselves before God, make society better, or look good before others. Law at its essence is good, for it seeks to do what is righteous. Criminals are punished and the innocent are protected. However, in reality this does not work out that way. Criminal end up making laws that overlook or cover up their wickedness and the innocent are punished, there is no justice. The reason is that all humans have a corruption within them that negatively reacts to law. This is the same issue we face in our Christian life when we try to live by law.

So then indeed the law is holy, and the commandment is holy even righteous and good. – Romans 7:12

It is good, but the issue is our sin nature uses it against us.

For the sin [nature] taking opportunity through the commandment deceived me and through it (the commandment) it killed. – Romans 7:11

So, how do we overcome this and do what is right?

For sin will not rule you, for you are not under law but under grace. – Romans 6:14

God freed us from the law so that we could live in newness of spirit, not in the oldness of the letter

But now we have been rendered ineffective from the law, having died in which we were being held, so that we are slaves in newness of spirit and not to oldness of letter. – Romans 7:6

Because of this, if we obey His commandment we are free from law. He instructed us to love one another, referring to other Christians, as He has loved us. For by this others will know that we are His disciples, […]

The Daily Christian Life – How Law Negatively Impacts Our Lives2023-12-14T08:49:03-08:00
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