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The Gospel of John The Dwelling Places in the Heavens

In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

The Gospel of John The Dwelling Places in the Heavens2023-12-14T07:57:24-08:00

These are the Histories of the Earth and the Heavens

In the first chapter of the book of Genesis, two histories are given concerning the heavens and the earth. The first history was the creation of the universe, followed by an earth that is in ruin due to judgment. The second history is the renovation of the earth for biological life and the creation of humans.

These are the histories of the heavens and the earth when He created them, in the day the Lord God made the earth and the heavens – Genesis 2:4.

Some of our English translations make the histories singular; however, there is no issue with what we know of the original Hebrew, which is plural. Likely this translation error was influenced by theology rather than using proper hermeneutics, for there are some that claim God created the universe and all that is in it in six days, contrary to what is recorded in Genesis chapter 1, where the six days are describing the renovation of the earth for biological life.

Genesis chapter 1 is not the history of the first time God created something and the rule of Lucifer, it is the story of the renovation of the earth and the creation of humans. Therefore, the creation of the universe was summarized in verse one where God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing after creating the spirit beings, who saw God create it ( Job 38:7 ). Then in verse two we see the earth is in ruin; however, it was not originally in this state and it had to be in an orderly state before it could come to be found a wasteland covered in water ( Isaiah 45:18 ). This is the first history, for to tell of […]

These are the Histories of the Earth and the Heavens2023-12-14T12:25:08-08:00

Abstain (ἀπέχω)

Abstain (ἀπέχω) comes from the root “to have or hold (εχω)”, expressing the concepts of paid in full or sufficiency. In its general use it may also conveying the idea of deliberately avoiding or refraining from something; hence, abstain. Therefore, not holding onto something.

In expressing the concept of sufficiency, Paul uses ἀπέχω in Philippians 4:18 concerning the support he received from Epaphroditus, who was sent by the assembly to fulfill Paul’s physical needs. He conveys to them that he has no need for more, or they may abstain from sending more, because they have met the need.

The village of Emmaus is fully sixty stadia, approximately seven miles, from Jerusalem, Luke 24:13. ἀπέχω (apecho) is used to express its full distance being sufficiently completed by sixty stadia.

When speaking to the Jews about their righteous acts, Jesus warns them to not do them with the intent for others to see them. The one who does work in this manner receives in full what he deserves by the glory he acquired from men, Matthew 6:2, and, therefore, will not be rewarded by God.

In these latter times that we live in, we have many who have departed from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons. These are the pastors that in hypocrisy speak lies, having their own conscience seared, forbidding marriage and teaching abstaining from food, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth, 1 Timothy 4:3.

An aspect of the desirous will of God is for the saint to abstain from fornication, 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Each of us is to know how to possess his own body in sanctification and honor, not in the […]

Abstain (ἀπέχω)2024-10-31T05:42:49-07:00

To quench (σβέννυμι)

To quench (σβέννυμι) generally means to suppress something. It is used in Scripture concerning fire, lamps, and desires.

Isaiah prophesied concerning the coming of the Messiah. He will not be quarrelsome nor cry out. No one will hear his voice in the streets. He will be gentle, not bruising a reed, and will not quench a smoking lamp wick until the time of justice comes, Matthew 12:20. He did not challenge the judgment of those in authority who sought to unrighteously kill Him. Instead, He walked quietly among the people, healing them and instructing them to not make Him known, for He did not seek a reputation for Himself but to show forth the glory of God the Father and do His will.

As Israel waits in the wilderness for the second coming of the Messiah, some will be prepared for His return. Those who are not ready will miss Him as He sweeps through the wilderness taking what is His, Matthew 25:8. The parable of the ten virgins is used to represent what will happen at this time. Those who are prepared will ensure they have sufficient oil for their lamps as they wait, where the others will pay no attention until the last moment, but their lamps will be quenched because of their failure to prepare.

While speaking of the Kingdom of the Heavens to the Jews, Jesus lays out the rules of His Kingdom, which we also know as the Millennial Kingdom. In His Kingdom, righteousness rules, Matthew 13:41-42. The Jew will have the law of God written upon their heart, Jeremiah 31:33. Therefore, during this time God will hold them liable for a trespass, along with their sins. However, mercy will still […]

To quench (σβέννυμι)2024-10-24T05:34:23-07:00
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