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The Fall of Cain

In Genesis 4:7, God instructs Cain concerning the rules of his household. After God rejected the work of Cain’s hands as an offering, Cain was very angry. In response, God lays out the rule by which Cain is expected to govern his life.

And if you do good, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do good, sin lies at the opening, and its desire is unto you, and you are to rule over it – Genesis 4:7.

This is the first time in Scripture we are introduced to the sin nature. The sin nature describes the human nature bent by Adam’s fall. Through Adam’s trespass and sin, his nature became bent towards doing what is wrong, for although Eve was thoroughly deceived, Adam was not, 1 Timothy 2:14. Adam passed on this bent nature to his offspring, Genesis 5:3. Therefore, even though as humans we now inherently possess the knowledge of good and evil, we are all born with a nature that is separated from God in our spirit and bent towards wrong. However, with this knowledge, we are also to rule over our nature, not permit it to rule over us.

After Cain does not heed God’s instructions and slayed his brother as a sacrifice, he was punished. The works of his hand will no longer produce good, and he is to wander the earth, never possessing a homeland to reside in. In Cain’s response, we again encounter the sin nature when he states, “My perversity is greater than I can bear.”

And Cain said to the LORD, “My perversity is greater than I can bear.” Genesis 4:13.

In Genesis 4:7, the word for sin is in a specific […]

The Fall of Cain2024-04-25T06:26:34-07:00

Possession (περιποίησις)

Possession (περιποίησις) describes one’s personal property. It is rooted around the concept of what you are doing or making. Therefore, possession is not equivalent to acquiring (κτάομαι) as one who purchases citizenship, Acts 22:28, or has gold and silver, Matthew 10:9.

The Church is a personal possession of God, set apart as a royal priesthood, and chosen to proclaim the praise of the One Who called her out from darkness into His marvelous light, 1 Peter 2:9. Therefore, Christ gave the Church the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of her inheritance until the full redemption of the possession, Ephesians 1:14, for she is called to possess His glory, 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

When Christ ascended, He gave gifts to men. One of these gifts is a Pastor even teacher, who is responsible for the edification of the assembly to bring her to a oneness of the faith until a full experiential knowledge of the Son of God so that she is no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men seeking to deceive her. Therefore, the Pastor is to take heed to himself so that he oversees and shepherds the assembly, for Christ purchased her through His blood and, consequently, she belongs to Him, Acts 20:28. Pastors who serve well in this duty will possess a good standing and great boldness in the faith, 1 Timothy 3:13.

The tribulation period is a time of judgment. First upon the dispensation of law, then in the latter half judgment upon the Gentiles. The Church will not be upon the earth at this time because God has not appointed her to any wrath but to possess salvation, 1 Thessalonians 5:9.

As possessions (περιποίησις) of God, for He is […]

Possession (περιποίησις)2023-12-14T07:59:01-08:00

Wrath (ὀργή)

Wrath(ὀργή) is an outward expression of anger.

There are many times recorded in Scripture and human history of God’s wrath coming upon a people which brought their destruction, such as with Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, the concept of the wrath of God is often focused on the coming tribulation period, in which His wrath will be poured out in full upon the ungodly, Revelation 11:18, or swift destruction coming upon the unrighteous. However, this is not the only way in which the wrath of God is manifested. An aspect of God’s wrath is being displayed today upon the ungodly and unrighteous men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness, Romans 1:18. God is permitting them to continue in their corrupt ways, turning them over to an unapproved mind and to the uncleanness of the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves, receiving in themselves the punishment for such an immoral lifestyle, and filling up to the full their judgment. Therefore, in reality, they are not getting away with their corruption. This is in stark contrast to how God deals with a Christian who is acting in an unbecoming way. He will discipline us, allowing sickness, being crippled, and even death if we continue in a sinful lifestyle, for He will not allow us to be condemned with the world; therefore, when we are judged we are child-trained to correct our actions, 1 Corinthians 11:30-32. As Christians, we are not appointed unto any quality of God’s wrath, 1 Thessalonians 5:9. However, those who reject the truth are by nature the children of wrath, Ephesians 2:3.

Although the wickedness of this world today makes us very angry, especially when they lie, cheat, and use deception and […]

Wrath (ὀργή)2023-11-25T07:39:30-08:00

Administration (προΐστημι)

Often translated as “Rule”, “Administration” comes from a word that means, “to stand before”, and is used concerning those in a leading position. This is not the type of ruling where a person is the final word on all matters, such as a king or lord, Matthew 20:25.

Those who have the Spiritual gift of administration are to lead with diligence, Romans 12:8. Within the assembly we should recognize the labor of those in a leadership position, 1 Thessalonians 5:12. Neither of these activities exercise lordship over others. The one with the Spiritual gift of administration will naturally take a leadership role in organizing and managing when fellowshipping and showing love towards other saints. Within the local assembly there can be lead positions other than the Pastor and Deacons. These types of positions would relate to teaching and the managing of the daily tasks, or events for the church, under the authority of the Pastor and Deacons.

“Ruling” is not the same as being the master or head of the household. The father is the head of the household, but the wife is the master (despot), 1 Timothy 5:14. As the head of the family, the father is responsible for knowing and following the desirous will of God for them, Ephesians 5:28-33. The wife manages the household where the husband is the head to give directions relating to God’s will and administers over the household. Therefore, the wife is placed into a proper position with the husband, who being the head, brings her alongside to rule with him, not under him, for she is a helpmeet, not a servant.

The man who holds the position of a pastor is to rule (administer) his household properly, 1 Timothy 3:4-5. […]

Administration (προΐστημι)2023-11-25T07:44:52-08:00

Speaking down (καταλαλιὰς)

Lalia (λαλιά) describes how a person speaks. The manner in which Peter spoke exposed him as one who follows the Messiah, Matthew 26:73. The Samaritan’s who came out to investigate the words of a woman claiming the Messiah was at the well of Jacob did not believe because of her speech, but because they heard for themselves, John 4:42. The leaders of Israel could not understand Jesus’ speech because they were not able to listen to His words, John 8:43, for they were out from their father the devil and could not handle the truth.

The addition of the preposition “kata” (κατα) expresses a speech that is speaking down or against another person. This type of speech comes from one who judges others, while not doing the very things they claim the others should be doing, James 4:11. Unbelievers will speak this way about those who refuse to follow in their corrupt ways, 1 Peter 3:16. In this case, our conduct is to be honorable so that when they speak down concerning us as though we are the ones doing wrong, our good works will glorify God in the day we are examined by others and they will be put to shame, 1 Peter 2:12.

As for the Christian, this type of speech is to be set aside, 1 Peter 2:1. It comes from a carnal frame of mind, 2 Corinthians 12:20, and is found alongside selfish ambition, inner burning anger, whisperings, and deceit, which are all works of the flesh. Although this type of speech is not a sin, it is unrighteousness, Romans 1:30, and therefore should not come out of our mouths. How we speak is important, for words can have a great impact on […]

Speaking down (καταλαλιὰς)2023-11-25T07:45:05-08:00
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