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Hatred (στυγητός)

Hatred (στυγητός) expresses a despicable or loathsome attitude. It is in contrast to indifference (μισέω), which conveys the concept of not caring about the well-being of others unless it benefits you. Hate is a type of attitude likened to how a storm makes the sky appear in the distance: dark, gloomy, and threatening, Matthew 16:3.

“Hateful”, as an adjective, is only used once in scripture in Titus 3:3. In submitting to rulers and authorities so that we are ready in every good work, we are to put away blasphemy as we seek peace and show kindness to all. Not forgetting that in our former manner of life, we were disobedient, malice, and hateful while being indifferent to others. Since hateful and indifference are used together in the same sentence to describe a person’s attitude and activities, they do not carry the same meaning. This is important to note because many of our English versions translate indifference (μισέω) as hatred, thereby masking the actual meaning of indifference. The apostle John writes concerning those who say they love God but are indifferent to their fellow brother in the Lord. Since they are showing indifference to a fellow saint, they cannot be loving God, 1 John 4:20. This is not hatred towards others, but not being concerned about their well-being, for indifference expresses an attitude that is apathetic towards others because you have no particular interest in or concern about them. This cloaking in the meaning of indifference also impacts the saint’s understanding of the world system, for it does not have a loathsome or despicable attitude towards Christians; rather, it is indifferent to them. Therefore, the world system has no issue with using Christianity and Christians for its […]

Hatred (στυγητός)2023-12-14T08:09:33-08:00

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – Overcoming the World System

Because everyone born out from God overcomes the world and this is the victory, the one overcoming the world, our faith – 1 John 5:4

The world system is the method developed by Satan to control the sin nature of humans and get them to do what he wants. The first world system was established out from Cain’s line, for he chose to follow Satan and his ways, which was not to slay his brother, but to persuade the whole family to follow Satan rather than God. This is seen in the offering Cain made that God would not even look at, for it was of the works of his hands and was intended to be an offering of his own righteousness.

Not just as Cain was out from the malignantly evil and slew as a sacrifice his brother. And on account of what did he slay his brother? Because his works were malignantly evil but his brothers were righteous – 1 John 3:12

From the world system comes commerce, Genesis 4:20, culture, Genesis 4:21, industry, Genesis 4:22, and judicial systems, Genesis 4:23-24. And is established through the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes with the pride of biological life, 1 John 2:16, for the intent of placating unsaved humans, 1 John 5:19. Fear and lying are the predominant tools we are seeing today to manipulate everyone to do what Satan wants. He sets up malignantly evil men in positions of power that ignore the law to maintain this control over the world. Satan even tempted Jesus with the world system, offering Him all the kingdoms of the world, Matthew 4:8-9.

The first world system was destroyed in the Noahic flood, for it had resulted […]

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – Overcoming the World System2023-11-25T07:49:15-08:00

The Sovereignty of God and Election

The Sovereignty of God– PDF Version

In Greek Class on Thursdays – there is room to join online if you cannot make it to the church – we were discussing Romans 9:22. This quick comment is based upon our development of this passage through examining the Greek grammar and words to determine its meaning and proper application.

God elected some to salvation; does He also elect some to condemnation? Why is that God has chosen to harden some, rather than show mercy to them? Can a just God harden a man’s heart and then judge him for rejecting God?

In the book of Romans, Paul discusses the choices that God has when dealing with mankind. Since God is sovereign, He can do as He pleases with men without taking away the responsibility of man to obey His Word[1] or the liability when he does not obey. In chapter nine of Romans, Paul repeats what was stated to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will show compassion to whom I will show compassion”[2]. Whether or not God shows mercy to a person is not dependent upon if a man desires mercy or works for mercy, it is solely based upon God’s choice[3]. He is not obligated to save anyone. When God chose to call the seed of Abraham through Isaac, to show that His choice was not based upon actions of the person, but rather according to His own desires, it was told to Rebecca before the children were even born that the older would serve the younger [4]. This does not mean that man is not responsible for His actions. One cannot […]

The Sovereignty of God and Election2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00
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