Inner Burning (ἐνθύμησις)

Enthumesis (ἐνθύμησις) comes from a word that means inner burning (thumos – θυμος). By adding the preposition in (ἐν), it describes the burning within a person while not retaining the aspect of anger that thumos expresses.

During Christ’s ministry to Israel, a paralyzed man was brought to him. Seeing the man’s faith, Jesus told him to be of good cheer because He has forgiven his sins, Matthew 9:2. Immediately, some of the scribes said among themselves this was blasphemy. However, Jesus intuitively knew their inner burnings and asked them, “Why do you burn malignant evil in your hearts?” Matthew 9:4. Answering the inner burnings of their hearts Jesus states, “Is it easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say rise and walk?” Christ stated that this man’s sins were sent away so they would know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sin, Matthew 9:6.

The Pharisees were firmly against Jesus and took every opportunity they could to speak against Him. After Jesus released a man who was possessed by a demon that was causing him to be blind and mute, the multitude was amazed and questioned if Jesus could be the son of David. The Pharisees responded by claiming that Christ cast out this demon by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons. Jesus, being aware of their inner burnings, calls them out for their sons’ actions, who were casting out demons. If He is doing it by the authority of Beelzebub, by whose authority are their sons casting them out? However, the reality is that a house that stands against itself falls; therefore, since a demon was cast out, the Kingdom of God is at hand, […]