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Salt and Light

You are the salt of the earth…

In Matthew 4:17, as Jesus speaks to the crowd, He addresses the fact that the Jews are the salt of the earth. The Jewish nation is the salt of the earth because of the promises that God gave to Abraham. In Genesis 15:18-21, God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants regarding a specific section of land. It is because of this covenant that the earth is being preserved. Jesus is using the term “salt” metaphorically to describe how the nation of Israel keeps the earth from total destruction. However, if a Jew is not believing in the promise and doesn’t live a life that glorifies God, what value towards preserving the world does this Jew have? Just as salt that has no flavor is cast out to be trodden by men, so a Jew who does not believe in the Kingdom will be tossed aside. The message that Jesus is bringing requires the Jews to change their mind about His coming Kingdom. The Kingdom is now at hand. If they do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, then how can they enter into the Kingdom?

Christians are never describe as salt. There is only one section in Scripture where salt is used in connection with a Christian; Colossians 4:6. Christians are instructed that their speech should be with grace and seasoned with salt.

As God’s nation the Israelites are also described by Jesus as being a light to the world. He likens them to a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. The nation as a whole is responsible for showing light to the world by their good works so that their Father who is […]

Salt and Light2023-11-23T10:33:29-08:00

Regard (נבט)

The word for looking at something in the Hebrew language is typically ראה (rah). After Lot separates from Abram and goes down into the valley to reside among the Sodomites, God has Abram lift up his eyes and look (rah) at the land, showing him all that his descendants will receive, Genesis 13:14. To gaze up on a person is expressed by שׁור (sor), Job 7:8. Those who see (rah) Job will no longer glance (sor) upon him. נבט (nabat) then relates to seeing in a way that gives regard to something; therefore, it is not specifically referring to the physical appearance, but of consideration or concern.

The distinctions in different words for how we see, are important to understand because by their use we are expressing specific meaning. When Lot’s wife turned and looked at Sodom after they had been rescued from its destruction by the Lord, she did not turn and physically glance at the city, or in fleeing decide to turn around and go back to Sodom. She turned her regard back to this extremely wicked place, and as a result God included her in the judgment by turning her to a pillar of salt, Genesis 19:26.

When Abraham is told to look towards the heaven and count the stars, God is not focusing on their appearance but on giving regard to all the stars in the heavens, Genesis 15:5. After God speaks to Moses through the burning bush, Moses hides his face so as to not look intensely or give regard to what he was seeing, Exodus 3:6. Later, the people of Israel give regard to Moses every time he goes out to the tent of meeting. When Moses entered the tent the […]

Regard (נבט)2023-11-23T17:59:41-08:00

Speaking down (καταλαλιὰς)

Lalia (λαλιά) describes how a person speaks. The manner in which Peter spoke exposed him as one who follows the Messiah, Matthew 26:73. The Samaritan’s who came out to investigate the words of a woman claiming the Messiah was at the well of Jacob did not believe because of her speech, but because they heard for themselves, John 4:42. The leaders of Israel could not understand Jesus’ speech because they were not able to listen to His words, John 8:43, for they were out from their father the devil and could not handle the truth.

The addition of the preposition “kata” (κατα) expresses a speech that is speaking down or against another person. This type of speech comes from one who judges others, while not doing the very things they claim the others should be doing, James 4:11. Unbelievers will speak this way about those who refuse to follow in their corrupt ways, 1 Peter 3:16. In this case, our conduct is to be honorable so that when they speak down concerning us as though we are the ones doing wrong, our good works will glorify God in the day we are examined by others and they will be put to shame, 1 Peter 2:12.

As for the Christian, this type of speech is to be set aside, 1 Peter 2:1. It comes from a carnal frame of mind, 2 Corinthians 12:20, and is found alongside selfish ambition, inner burning anger, whisperings, and deceit, which are all works of the flesh. Although this type of speech is not a sin, it is unrighteousness, Romans 1:30, and therefore should not come out of our mouths. How we speak is important, for words can have a great impact on […]

Speaking down (καταλαλιὰς)2023-11-25T07:45:05-08:00

The Tongue

The tongue (γλῶσσα) describes the member of our body that is primarily used in speech and is therefore synonymous with what language we speak. In Scripture, tongue is always used of a known language upon the earth, even if the hearers do not understand it (1 Corinthians 14:11). How we use our tongue is important, for it has great power in influencing our path in life.

In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, tongues were divided unto them, Acts 2:3. These tongues were specific dialects of the devout Jews that were in Jerusalem at this time, Acts 2:11. This was a very specific event that was only repeated a few other times for a sign to the Jews. It is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues. They did not continue to speak in tongues after this because the Holy Spirit mentally controlled (πίμπλημι) them to enable this, where today the Holy Spirit fills us where we lack (πληρόω) so that we are able to use our Spiritual gift and produce His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). We see this sign again when Peter is in the house of Cornelius, a devout Gentile. While Peter is telling them of the death and resurrection of Christ, they begin to speak in tongues, causing the Jews with Peter to wonder, Acts 10:46. What caused them to wonder was not that the Gentiles could speak in another language, but that they were speaking the wonders of God, for God said that He would give the Jews a sign by speaking to them in other tongues, 1 Corinthians 14:21. One of the healings that Jesus did as a sign to the […]

The Tongue2023-11-25T07:49:57-08:00

The Methods of Satan – Corrupt Communication

What comes out of our mouth matters. It is not just about foul language, but any words that are rotten. Especially in today society the value of true, honest, and good words that are intended to build up and meet the need are of great value because what we listen to every day coming out of the mouths of our social medias, leaders, and news organizations is rotten. Words can help or words can hurt. Words can convey the truth or communicate lies. How we say things is really more important than a lot of times we realize. Rotten words are words that are likened to rotten fruit, they negatively impact everything they are around. These are not limited to foul language, but any word that seeks to corrupt. We often refer to this type of speech today as politically correct. Satan will take advantage of any situation to tempt a saint to use words that are rotten. Do we really want to give a place for the devil in our lives?

Stop letting every rotten word proceed out from your mouth, but what is good (beneficial) towards building up the need in order to give grace to the listener. – Ephesians 4:29

The way we should speak is with grace. Since grace is an attitude whereby we give a benefit without consideration of merit, we do not respond in kind to a person in the way we speak. Rather, we speak in a manner that reflects who we are in Christ, regardless of whether or not they deserve it.

Your words always in grace, seasoned with salt, to know how it is necessary to answer each one. – Colossians 4:6

Be slow to speak, […]

The Methods of Satan – Corrupt Communication2023-12-14T08:44:43-08:00
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