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The Church Age

An age (αἰών) is a period in which God shows something about Himself to intelligent beings. Ages are not limited to time, which was created when God made the sun and moon for the purpose of distinguishing days, months, and seasons, Genesis 1:14. There are ten revealed ages; however, the actual number of ages that God has planed are not known, only that there will be ages of ages beyond those currently disclosed, Ephesians 2:7. The known ages are: The Age of the Creation of the Universe, Job 38:7, The Age of the Kingdom of Lucifer, Ezekiel 28:14, The Chaotic Age, Genesis 1:2, The Age of the Creation of Humans, Genesis 1:26, The Age of God’s Faithfulness, Genesis 4:1, The Age of God’s Kindness, Genesis 9:1, The Age of God’s Sovereignty, Exodus 12:41, The Legal Age, Exodus 20:1, The Malignantly Evil Age, Galatians 1:4, The Kingdom Age, Matthew 13:41.

A dispensation (οἰκονομία) is a period in time in which God shows something to humans about themselves. These occurrences are restricted to time and directly relate to humans, not spirit beings. The word “Dispensation” is derived from combining “house” with “law”. This “household law” governs the activities of the people within the house and is administered by a steward. In modern language, we use the term administration, especially when describing government. Since the concept of a dispensation is well defined in Scripture by use, we are able to factually discern there are seven dispensations: Innocence, Genesis 2:25, Conscience, Genesis 4:7, Government, Genesis 9:5, Promise, Genesis 12:2, Law, Exodus 19:8, Grace, Ephesians 3:2, Fullness of Times, Ephesians 1:10.

Since ages and dispensation run consecutively, the dispensation and age we are currently in are the dispensation of grace and […]

The Church Age2024-06-01T06:36:55-07:00

Image and Likeness

In the first chapter of Genesis, Scripture records that God states He would make man in His image and likeness, Genesis 1:26. However, by Genesis 5:3, after the fall of Adam, the likeness and image of humans is that of Adam, for he passed on his corrupt nature to his children, Genesis 5:3.

The concept of image (צֶ֫לֶם – tsĕ-lĕm) is that which has a similar appearance. When examining God’s appearance, we find that He dwells in light, 1 Timothy 6:16; therefore, when God created Adam, He wrapped him in light so that Adam would have a similar image. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, they were stripped of this image, Genesis 3:7. It is worthy to note here that the word used in Genesis 3:7, often translated as naked (עֲרוּמִּ֔ים), actually means stripped (עֵֽירֻמִּ֖ם). They both knew they were stripped, for they could visibly see that they had lost their covering. However, this does not mean that the similarity to God was lost entirely to humans, for Adam was made in the image of God. This is why, after the Noahic flood in the dispensation of government, a new rule is placed upon the household that if a man sheds the blood of another man, his life is to be forfeit, Genesis 9:6. Although Adam was created in a state of innocence (not knowing good and evil) and resided in the garden during a time when there was no sin upon the earth, his offspring inherit his corrupt nature resulting from the penalties of spiritual and physical death for his trespass and sin, which brought death into this world, Romans 5:12, 17.

In the realm of false religions, an image refers to the […]

Image and Likeness2023-12-14T08:08:24-08:00

An Age (αἰών)

An age (αἰών) is a period in which God shows something about Himself to intelligent beings. Ages are not restricted to time and are distinct from dispensations (οἰκονομία), which are administrations within time during which God shows something to humans about themselves. Ages may overlap with another age, begin at the same time as a dispensation, or run for a period longer than a single dispensation. Ages end when God has finished revealing the intended aspect of His nature to the intelligent created beings. Dispensations change due to judgment coming upon those in the household for failing to abide by the rules and run consecutively and are bound to time.

An age is not the same as eternal or forever. When referring to things that go beyond the ages, such as the eternal life we have in Christ, aiōnios (αἰώνιος) is used, 1 John 5:13. Where aiōn (αἰών) references a period in which God is showing something about Himself to intelligent beings, whether in or out of time. In the future, there will be ages (αἰών) of the ages (αἰών); however, each age (αἰών) is not eternal (αἰώνιος). This is also true in the Old Testament where ōw·lām (עֹולָם) conveys the concept of an age, Psalm 9:6; however ăd (עַד) with the preposition (לְ – to) expresses perpetuity, Psalm 61:8. The Lord will reign from an age (עֹולָם) and perpetually (עַד), Exodus 15:18.

Before the creation of humans, Scripture reveals that there were three ages. God created the spirit beings before He created the universe, Job 38:7. Therefore, the first age was the creation of the universe. During this age, the spirit beings learned of the omnipotent power of God, for they witnessed Him create the universe […]

An Age (αἰών)2023-12-14T08:08:48-08:00

Good Courage (θαρρέω)

Often mistaken in translations for confidence, this is the verb form of the word for “courage”. Outside of Scripture it can also be used in a bad sense where a person has an excessive amount of courage; however, typically it is used to express a good courage, based on the reliance of the dependability of someone. Within Scripture this is its only use, in a positive sense.

In Acts 28:15 as Paul is being brought to Rome due to the persecution of the Jews, when he sees the brethren in the area, he thanked God and took courage. Paul was able to depend upon these saints.

“Good courage” is predominantly used in 2 Corinthians referring to Paul’s attitude towards the saints in Corinth. While he is absent from them, he has courage that they will do the right thing, 2 Corinthians 10:1. It is with this courage that he also has confidence in them (2 Corinthians 10:2).

In 2 Corinthians 10:2, many of our English translations imply that Paul was of good courage while with them; however, in the original Greek it is expressing his courage toward them while he is away because he reckoned to them as ones who are dependable – And I implore, while not being present to have good courage in confidence unto you, which I dared to reckon on the basis of some, the ones reckoning us as walking according to flesh. Paul reckoned to them that they were dependable and therefore would do what is right, even though some of them were stating Paul was not walking properly. We also see in this passage good courage being used with confidence, showing they are not conveying the same idea. Confidence is an expression […]

Good Courage (θαρρέω)2023-11-25T07:58:41-08:00

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message

Since God did not determine that some would perish, so no one is headed to hell by God’s choice (2 Peter 3:9), it is important to present the facts of the Gospel accurately, according to what Scripture states.

Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds the Corinthians saints of the gospel that he brought. This is one of the clearest presentations of the gospel to the Gentiles in Scripture. Paul states, this is the gospel by which we are saved (1 Corinthians 15:2). Christ died on behalf of our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

This is the message that contains the inherent ability of God to save (Romans 1:16) and the only sin that the Holy Spirit is convicting unbelievers of today (John 16:9). Faith is an interesting concept. We often consider faith to be something within the mind. However, it is specifically defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, and in James we find that faith without works is dead (James 2:17), also we know from 1 John 3:4 that sin is an action, not something that happens within the mind; therefore, faith is not seen from God’s perspective as something within the mind, but an action that results from belief within the mind. Saying you believe something is not faith. Faith will always manifest itself in works, for it is the act of believing. Abraham believed God and there was an action that was associated with that belief. This was demonstrated when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, for in his mind he concluded that God would have […]

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message2023-11-25T07:59:11-08:00
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