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The Methods of Satan – Discouragement

Discouragement is a desire that comes from Satan with the intent of getting Christians to lack confidence in God, thinking that God has forgotten them and has no concern about them.

We are not to grow weary in doing good. Sometimes it takes a while for our fruit to grow. Satan does not want us to produce good fruit, so he is going to bring people or situations into our lives to try and discourage us.

Again we learn this method by one of the attacks Satan did against Job.

In Job 19:1-19 we have a concise statement on discouragement. Job struggles with understanding why he is continually being tormented and reproached, why his cries for help are ignored. Even those closest to him despise him for no reason.

Remember, Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He wants to shake us up and cause fear so he can overcome us. When we feel discouragement coming on, we need to put on the armor of God, because we should be understanding that this is a direct attack from Satan. And once having it on, stand firm.

And while doing the proper let us not grow weary, for in its own time we will reap, do not give out – Galatians 6:9

The conduct apart from fondness of money, contentment to the present, for He has said, “I will never leave you, nor ever forsake you” – Hebrews 13:5

Now with our mind focused back on who we are in Christ we can begin to properly look at the situation and discern what is God’s will for us. Keep doing good and doing what is proper, even when it seems that we are all alone or the world […]

The Methods of Satan – Discouragement2023-12-14T08:47:46-08:00

Different Types of Christians – A Conformer to the Legal Age

Rather than being an outward conformer to one who seek to please God through law we are to be transformed by the renewed mind that we have in Christ. This is a mind that can understand Spiritual things and therefore apply them in our lives. We live out from faith (taking God at His Word), not by law (self-effort). Let us grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord as we mature in Christ and are transformed by this knowledge so that we walk in the newness of life that God gave us in Christ, no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men who seek to bring us into bondage under law.

Different Types of Christians – A Conformer to the Legal Age2023-11-27T10:34:52-08:00

The Different Types of Christians – A Lover of this Age

There is a difference between defense of the gospel and debating. One who loves debating will play the devil’s advocate even though they do not believe the point they are arguing. However, remember, debating is not about the truth, but about who presents their argument the best. We should be able to stand our ground when it comes to the truth without yielding from the way things really are and always be ready to give a defense for what we believe.

The Different Types of Christians – A Lover of this Age2023-11-27T10:35:38-08:00

Dispensations and Ages Second Dispensation

Evening School of the Bible

Dispensations and Ages

Household rule of the Dispensation:

Knowing good and evil, man is to do good and rule over sin, Genesis 4:7

No law is given

Steward of the Dispensation is Cain

Instructed by God to rule his sin nature, Genesis 4:7

Dispensations and Ages Second Dispensation2018-11-25T05:58:49-08:00

Dispensations and Ages

Evening School of the Bible

Dispensations and Ages

A Dispensation is a period in time in which God gives His expectations for the conduct of life through a steward for those in the household.

  1. The household is made up of people God is specifically dealing with – whether all of mankind or only a specific group.
  2. There is only one steward for each dispensation.
    • Scripture shows only one person per dispensation being given the expectations for those in the household
    • Even after the death of the Steward no other steward is put in his place
    • Most stewards did not die
    • When a steward died before the end of the Dispensation the instructions are passed down to those in the household through written word.
  3. When the steward is changed the expectations for the manner of life of the household changed
  4. Dispensations are for men and through them God shows something to mankind about mankind.

The Rules for Determining How to Define a Dispensation

Requirement for setting the rules to determine a dispensational period in Scripture

Must be taken from Scripture.

Based on the normal use of dispensation in the everyday language.

Makeup of a dispensation

Master – God

Steward, Genesis 41:41-43 ; 43:19


At times it is all humanity.

Other times it is only specific groups of mankind (Jews, the Church).

A household can have only one steward at a time, Luke 16:2 .

The steward is responsible for dispensing the rules to the household, Luke 12:42 .

Only the person given the instructions for God’s expectation of conduct for the household is the steward.

Dispensations and Ages2018-11-25T05:51:43-08:00
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