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Understanding the Mind

The mind is very powerful. The medical trade is again recognizing the importance of the mind in overall mental and physical health, although through secular and worldly religious methodology. It is known that the state of mind directly impacts physical and psychological health and will dramatically influence healing. The importance of the mind is expounded on within Scripture in detail, providing a vast amount of information concerning the uses of the mind and its impact on our everyday lives. What exactly is the mind? The mind is an aspect of intelligence and consciousness manifested as combinations of thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions, imaginations, desirous wills, and determinations distinct to an individual. Understanding the mind begins with comprehending the human nature. The human nature is comprised of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. The soul and spirit are the sources of emotions and logic within the human nature. Therefore, the mind is a product of the immaterial elements of a person through which there is a balance between emotions and reason to coordinate the properties of the soul and spirit for the well-being of that individual in any circumstance. Hence, the mind is the stream of individual consciousness within a being. This is not limited only to humans. All intelligent beings, spirit and human, possess a mind.

Click to access Understanding-The-Mind-Pastor-Luther-Walker.pdf

Understanding the Mind2024-09-26T20:32:03-07:00

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – The Renewed Mind

As a result of the washing of regeneration and renewing from the Holy Spirit, we now possess a new mind. This renewed mind relates to the Spirit, not fleshly and earthly things; therefore, with this mind we are able to discern Spiritual things because we have a quality of the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:14-16). We are instructed in Romans 12 to stop outwardly conforming to this age. Paul is referring to the legal age and those who are putting on a mask of living under law. We live out from faith through grace, not through law, for law is not out from faith.

And stop being outwardly conformed to this age, but to be transformed by your renewed mind, for the purpose to test for approval what is the desirous will of God, the good and well pleasing and mature. – Romans 12:2

Renewing here is not a verb, therefore it is not an act of renewing, but a noun describing the mind. We now possess a renewed mind that, when used, will transform us in a way that enables us to put to the test any situation and identify what is acceptable for us to do according to God’s desirous will for us in all circumstances we face throughout our day.

Since we have a renewed mind, this week let us focus on using it. Starting each morning with setting our mind on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. These things involve who we are in Christ. Not by seeking to fulfill a set of rules that tell us what not to do, but rather by doing things that show who we are in Christ. Our […]

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – The Renewed Mind2023-11-25T07:55:26-08:00

Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)

In koine Greek the mind is described in several ways giving great detail in the process, result, and even state of the mind. Often translated as “setting the mind”, “Framing the mind” focuses on the boundaries we set within our minds based upon our opinions. It is therefore the opinions we build within our minds concerning everything around us, including ourselves, beliefs that directly affect our attitude and actions.

Peter is rebuked for not having a proper frame of mind concerning the things of God when He says the death of Christ will not happen – And He turned to Peter, “Get behind me, adversary, you are a scandal to me because you do not frame your mind on the things of God but on the things of men (Matthew 16:21). The first time Paul was in Rome, he spoke with the Jews in the area concerning why he was a prisoner. Hearing from him, they sought to learn what his views were on what they consider a sect. That is, what is frame of mind was concerning this sect of The Way. (But we think it proper towards hearing you, that which you frame your mind, for indeed concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against – Acts 28:19).

Because the framing of the mind is based upon the opinion we hold of ourselves and others, it directly affects our actions. A mind that is framed on the flesh produces death, but a mind framed on the Spirit works out life and peace (Romans 8:5). We are not to have a high frame of mind, but are to be of the same frame of mind with other Christians (Romans 12:16). […]

Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)2023-11-25T08:13:22-08:00

Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom

The Mind of the One Having Wisdom, Revelation 17:9

Wisdom is a Proper Use of Knowledge

The Angel is Explaining What the Symbols Mean So We Can be Wise Concerning Them

We of the Church Are to Understand Revelation

God Gives Us Wisdom Without Upbraiding It, James 1:5

There is No Mystery Hidden Within Revelation

Revelation Reveals What Is Going to Happen to the Church, World System, Satan, and Israel

It is Written in Such a Way that It Requires the Holy Spirit to Knit Things Together, Just as All Scripture is Written

It is Not Done Through a Private Interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20

The Seven Heads, Revelation 17:9 

Seven Mountains is Referring to Rome, Revelation 17:9

Historically, Rome is the only Place Known to be Built on Seven Mountains

We Cannot Take Know Places Today and Apply Them Here

The Harlot will Rule, Ecumenically, From Rome

The Beast Rises From The Revived Roman Empire

Not From Vatican City, Which is Not Rome

They are Seven Kings, Revelation 17:10-11

The Different Stages of the Revived Roman Empire

Starts With Ten Kings – They Give the Man of Lawlessness Political Power

Seven Kings is Shortly After the Man of Lawlessness Takes Power

The Resuscitated Man of Lawlessness is Yet to Come

The Beast is the Eighth, Revelation 17:11

The Rise of the New Roman Empire, Revelation 17:12-14

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12

At This Stage the Kings Have Not Received Their Kingdoms

Revived Rome will Not be Present Until the Man of Lawlessness is Revealed

Today, […]

Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom2023-12-14T08:15:41-08:00

What Goes Through the Mind (διανοίᾳ)

Under the Mosaic Law, Israel was instructed to love their God with all their heart (center of a person), soul (emotions), strength, and what goes through their minds – Luke 10:27. Israel failed this, but God will make a new covenant with them in which He will put His law in their thoughts, not just in the mind, but in what goes through the mind, Hebrews 8:10; 10:16).

For Christians, before salvation we walked according to the age of this world system following the desires of the flesh and of all that went through our minds and were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). This produced a hostility within the thoughts towards God (Colossians 1:21). Now we are not to walk as the unsaved in the futility of the mind with our thoughts darkened (Ephesians 4:18) for God has manifested the light of the knowledge of Christ in our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:6). Because the Son of God has come, the thoughts going through our mind can know Him and therefore know the truth (1 John 5:20).

So then let us gird up our thoughts, keep a clear mind, and completely hope upon the grace to come at the appearance of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13). Hope is always based upon a promise. The promises we have from God impact our everyday life. We are His children (1 John 3:2). We are of the light (Ephesians 5:8). We are free from slavery to the sin nature (Romans 6:14). We are overcomers in Christ so when Satan tries to manipulate us, we are to stand in Christ against him (1 Peter 5:9). We are in the world, but we are not out from the world and therefore […]

What Goes Through the Mind (διανοίᾳ)2023-11-25T08:05:44-08:00
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