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Revelation The Wars at the End of the Tribulation

The Wars

There are Three Major Battles
The King of the South
The King of the North and the King of the West – They Destroy the Harlot
The Army from the East
The Armies Around Jerusalem
The Armies of the South
The Battle of Armageddon

The Four Angels Released from the Euphrates, Revelation 9:14

Under the Authority of the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, Revelation 16:13
The Fourth is Under the Authority of the Harlot
They Are Released to Gather the Armies of the Earth, Revelation 16:14

The King of the South – Egypt

Considers Himself to Be a God, Ezekiel 29:3
He is coming against the false prophet to destroy the beast, Daniel 11:40
The Willful King is the Second Beast of Revelation 13:11
He has all the Authority of the First Beast, Revelation 13:12
He Performs Signs and Wonders to Deceive People Into Worshiping the Beast, Revelation 13:13
They also have a plot against Israel
Israel is In the Wilderness at This time
After Fighting With the King of the North, Coming Down and Destroying Israel

The King of the North And King of the West

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12-13
He will Come Against the King of the South, Daniel 11:40
He is the First Beast of Revelation 13:1
He has to use ships, indicating he is from Rome, Daniel 11:40
He Will Come Into Many Counties – The Land of Israel that has been, Daniel 11:38
He Hears News from the North-East of the Army Coming, Daniel 11:44
All Nations are Gathered to Battle Against Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:2
Christ Will Return at This Time, Zechariah 14:3-4

Revelation The Wars at the End of the Tribulation2023-12-14T08:13:50-08:00

To Set Upon or Recline (κεῖμαι)

To set upon or recline (κεῖμαι) is used in a literal and metaphorical sense to express that which is laid upon something for a purpose.

In response to the Pharisees coming to John for immersion, John states that even now the axe has been laid on the roots of the tree, indicating their false religious system was about to fall because the Messiah is coming, for they had usurped the law of Moses for the traditions of their fathers, Matthew 3:10. After the birth of Christ, when He was taken to the Temple, Simon the Priest blessed Joseph and Mary and said to her, this child is laid for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign that will be spoken against, Luke 2:34.

As a child is rocked in his mother’s arms or laid to rest in a manger, as Christ was after his birth, Luke 2:12, laid is also used of how Satan pacifies the world system to control it, 1 John 5:19. Satan placates the world system to maintain control, for he is the father of it.

There is a veil that lays upon the hearts the Jews when they read the Mosaic law, 2 Corinthians 3:15. The glory of the law fades away at the coming of Christ because the law was not laid down for a righteous man, 1 Timothy 1:9-10. Moses indicated this when he would cover his face with a veil so that the sons of Israel did not see the glory of God that was upon him fade, 2 Corinthians 3:13. However, this veil is taken away when they turn to the Lord, 2 Corinthians 3:16.

Although Christ’s body was laid in a tomb, three days […]

To Set Upon or Recline (κεῖμαι)2024-09-19T06:34:54-07:00

Prostration (προσκυνέω)

Prostration (προσκυνέω), the act of lying stretched out on the ground with the face downward, is a profound expression of reverence and compliance. It symbolizes complete dependence and submission to a higher authority, conveying an attitude of deep humility.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus restored a man’s sight on the Sabbath, which caused quite a stir with the ruling religious party. After the Pharisees accused the man of not being blind, which was refuted by his parents, they again questioned him concerning the healing, especially regarding who performed this act upon him. At that time, the man who was blind did not know who had given him sight; however, even he could see that such a one would be from God. The Pharisees disagreed and cast him out of the synagogue because he was healed on the Sabbath. After hearing what had happened, Jesus found the man and asked him if he believed in the Son of God. Inquiring who the Son of God is, the previously blind man prostrated before Jesus when he became aware He was the one who healed him, John 9:38.

Within our English Bibles the word “worship” is predominantly used to translate the word “prostration”, which expresses the concept of lying stretched out in reverence and compliance; therefore, it conveys the meaning of giving proper credit for who a person is. Worship is used in our English translations for a few different Greek words, such as, religious reverence (σεβάζομαι), Romans 1:25, rendering religious service (λατρεύω), Hebrews 10:2, and even prayer. Making it difficult to determine what is implied by the term worship. We see such an instance when Paul instructs the saint in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without […]

Prostration (προσκυνέω)2024-10-18T07:34:05-07:00

Sheol (שְׁאֹ֖ול) – Hades (ᾅδης)

Where the worm does not die

Sheol is the Hebrew word that describes the place in the center of the earth where humans who have died reside. Within its compartments are unbelievers and some of the fallen angels who are bound, waiting for final judgment. Prior to the resurrection of Christ, all those who were saved resided in Paradise, which was in the upper chamber of Sheol. Hades is the Greek word for the same place, which comes across into English as hell. However, the English concept only refers to the lowest part of Sheol, where the unsaved humans reside.

Sheol has three chambers. The lowest part is where the fire burns (Deuteronomy 32:22) and the unsaved reside. This is the place where the worm does not die. Worm refers to the sin nature of a human, not a physical worm (Isaiah 66:24). The abyss is the holding area for fallen angels, and within the abyss is a pit for malignantly evil angels. Paradise is the residence of those who were saved before the resurrection of Christ.

During Christ’s earthly ministry to the Jews, the unbelieving ones kept pressing for a sign even though He had given substantial evidence to them that He was the Messiah. In response, Jesus states that no sign will be given to them except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, Matthew 12:39-40. In Peter’s first address to Israel after the resurrection of Christ, he quotes the prophecies concerning Christ and Hades. King David, who was a prophet of […]

Sheol (שְׁאֹ֖ול) – Hades (ᾅδης)2024-05-12T06:55:50-07:00
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