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To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω)

To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω) is giving a person the ability or function to do something.

Because Christ manifested Himself to Paul and corrected his path, after spending three years in the desert learning, he returns to Damascus and immediately begins preaching the Messiah is the Son of God. The Jews were astonished that Saul was proclaiming Christ because he was known to be the one who had come to Damascus with orders from the Chief Priests so that he could destroy those who called on the name of Christ. However, Paul was strengthened against their astonishment and confounded them, proving that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and therefore God in the flesh, Acts 9:20-22. Paul did this through the evidence provided in the Old Testament.

Abraham was strengthened in his faith concerning God’s promise of a son, not counting the condition of his own body or the deadness of Sarah’s womb but was fully convinced that God would do what He said He would perform, Romans 4:19-21. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. God strengthened his faith when He rejected Ishmael and informed him that the promise of his seed would come through Sarah.

When it comes to defeating an attack from Satan, we are to be strengthened in the Lord. We are not to try and take him on by our own means or through the traditions of men. Rather, our victory over Satan is in Christ and therefore we need to be strengthened in the Lord as we go into battle against him, Ephesians 6:10. This means we are recognizing the fact that our defense against Satan is because God has taken us out of Adam and placed […]

To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω)2023-12-23T11:41:20-08:00

Wrath (ὀργή)

Wrath(ὀργή) is an outward expression of anger.

There are many times recorded in Scripture and human history of God’s wrath coming upon a people which brought their destruction, such as with Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, the concept of the wrath of God is often focused on the coming tribulation period, in which His wrath will be poured out in full upon the ungodly, Revelation 11:18, or swift destruction coming upon the unrighteous. However, this is not the only way in which the wrath of God is manifested. An aspect of God’s wrath is being displayed today upon the ungodly and unrighteous men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness, Romans 1:18. God is permitting them to continue in their corrupt ways, turning them over to an unapproved mind and to the uncleanness of the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves, receiving in themselves the punishment for such an immoral lifestyle, and filling up to the full their judgment. Therefore, in reality, they are not getting away with their corruption. This is in stark contrast to how God deals with a Christian who is acting in an unbecoming way. He will discipline us, allowing sickness, being crippled, and even death if we continue in a sinful lifestyle, for He will not allow us to be condemned with the world; therefore, when we are judged we are child-trained to correct our actions, 1 Corinthians 11:30-32. As Christians, we are not appointed unto any quality of God’s wrath, 1 Thessalonians 5:9. However, those who reject the truth are by nature the children of wrath, Ephesians 2:3.

Although the wickedness of this world today makes us very angry, especially when they lie, cheat, and use deception and […]

Wrath (ὀργή)2023-11-25T07:39:30-08:00

Filled and Filling

There are two terms in Scripture used for filling that uniquely describe how something or someone is filled. The differences between these two concepts for filling are very important to understand concerning the Christian life and how the Holy Spirit interacts with us today compared to saints prior to the dispensation of grace.

Pimplemi (πίμπλημι) describes filling in a way that controls or saturates. It is used of the sponge filled with wine given to Christ on the cross, Matthew 27:48, of a King having his servants fill his wedding hall with guests, Matthew 22:10, a woman’s time for giving birth, Luke 1:57, and even the completion of days of service for a Levitical priest, Luke 1:23. All of these occurrences are describing a permeating of what is filled. It is this type of filling that describes how the Holy Spirit interacted with Old Testament saints, such as John the Baptist was mentally controlled by the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb, Luke 1:15; however, once his ministry had finished the Holy Spirit no longer filled him, which can be seen with him questioning Jesus if He is the One coming, Luke 7:18-20. In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost when the Church began, the Holy Spirit filled (πίμπλημι), mentally controlled, the disciples making it possible for them to speak in other dialects the wonders of God, Acts 2:4. This is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, which was given to the early Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews along with other gifts for signs, wonders, confirmation, and edification of the body of the Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:10. The gifts given to the Church are not from a filling of […]

Filled and Filling2023-11-25T07:38:47-08:00

Knowing the desirous will of God Being Thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus unto you.


Thankfulness is an attitude of gratitude due to a favorable disposition towards someone. Within the Christian life, thankfulness comes from being filled by the Holy Spirit, while speaking psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to yourself, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, which results in giving thanks in all things to God (Ephesians 5:18-20).

Because humans were not thankful, did not have a favorable opinion of God, even during a time when they all knew God, we see the impact today of the mind turning to futility with theories that are preposterous being presented as factual, such as evolution and false religions, along with the rejection of truth in every aspect of life. These all come from a lack of appreciation for what God provided for them (Romans 1:21). In the same way, when we are not seeking to fulfill the desires of the Spirit, we forget to be thankful for what God provides for us and lose sight of the fact that we have been washed from our sins while going back to wallowing in the filth of the old man like a dog returning to its vomit (2 Peter 1:9; 2:22).

It is a thankful thing that even though we still have a sin nature, that will manipulate us into doing wrong if we seek to live by law, because we live out from faith we have freedom from it in Christ and therefore with the mind we serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of the sin nature (Romans 7:25). Now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans […]

Knowing the desirous will of God Being Thankful2023-11-25T07:54:00-08:00

Call (καλέω)

Called is used for the name of a person or a description by which a person is defined. Summons is an aspect of “called” in which a person is called to a meeting, event, place, or state of existence for the purpose of participating.

In Matthew 2:7 Herod summons the Magi, but not in a public way, so he can gain information about this King of the Jews they speak of. During the tribulation period, while the Jews are in the wilderness, those who are peace makers are described (called) as sons (mature ones) of God (Matthew 5:9).

God calls those things that do not exist as though they do, for when He says He will do something, even when we cannot see it, He is able to make it come true (Romans 4:17). Within the decree of God, He made specific plans according to His purpose. One of the things He determined was that a group of the saved would be marked off to conform to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). Now is the time for all who believe to be placed as sons in Christ so we can mature unto a full experiential knowledge, so today God calls us. Our calling is not because we are righteous, for those whom He calls He also justifies (Romans 8:30). God showed that his calling is not based upon the desire or the work of humans, but rather His own plan when He called Jacob over Esau for the inheritance of promise before they were even born (Romans 9:7). Unlike under law, now both Jew and Gentile are being called (Romans 9:24). Therefore, the fellowship we have with Christ is because God called us, not by […]

Call (καλέω)2023-11-25T07:56:55-08:00
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