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Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom

The Mind of the One Having Wisdom, Revelation 17:9

Wisdom is a Proper Use of Knowledge

The Angel is Explaining What the Symbols Mean So We Can be Wise Concerning Them

We of the Church Are to Understand Revelation

God Gives Us Wisdom Without Upbraiding It, James 1:5

There is No Mystery Hidden Within Revelation

Revelation Reveals What Is Going to Happen to the Church, World System, Satan, and Israel

It is Written in Such a Way that It Requires the Holy Spirit to Knit Things Together, Just as All Scripture is Written

It is Not Done Through a Private Interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20

The Seven Heads, Revelation 17:9 

Seven Mountains is Referring to Rome, Revelation 17:9

Historically, Rome is the only Place Known to be Built on Seven Mountains

We Cannot Take Know Places Today and Apply Them Here

The Harlot will Rule, Ecumenically, From Rome

The Beast Rises From The Revived Roman Empire

Not From Vatican City, Which is Not Rome

They are Seven Kings, Revelation 17:10-11

The Different Stages of the Revived Roman Empire

Starts With Ten Kings – They Give the Man of Lawlessness Political Power

Seven Kings is Shortly After the Man of Lawlessness Takes Power

The Resuscitated Man of Lawlessness is Yet to Come

The Beast is the Eighth, Revelation 17:11

The Rise of the New Roman Empire, Revelation 17:12-14

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12

At This Stage the Kings Have Not Received Their Kingdoms

Revived Rome will Not be Present Until the Man of Lawlessness is Revealed

Today, […]

Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom2023-12-14T08:15:41-08:00

Colossians: Walking in Wisdom

Opening a Door to Speak the Mystery of the Christ, Colossians 4:2-6

Continuing in Worship, Colossians 4:2

Keeping it close at hand

 The Apostles devoted to worship and the ministry of the word, Acts 6:4

Have a boat ready, Mark 3:9

Worship is giving God credit for What He has Done, Revelation 4:10-11

We Should be Doing this Constantly, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Worshiping With Thanksgiving

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

In All Things We Are to be Grateful, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Concerning all, 1 Timothy 2:1

The Opening of a Door for the Word, Colossians 4:3

Speaking the Mystery of the Christ

The New Creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17

God Took of the Two and Made One, Ephesians 2:15

It was Hidden, but is Now Revealed, 1 Corinthians 2:6-8

Paul is in Bonds because of the Word of the Christ

Worshiping in Thanksgiving that Paul will be Able to Speak as it is Necessary, Colossians 4:4

Walk in Wisdom, Colossians 4:5

How We Conduct Ourselves with Those Outside of the Church

Wisdom is a Proper Use of Knowledge

If We Lack Wisdom, Ask and God will Provide It, James 1:5

Applying what we Know

What is God’s desirous will for me

How do I glorify (express a proper opinion of) God in this situation

Not a Worldly Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 3:19

Do Good to All, Galatians 6:10

Not Unequally Yoked, 2 Corinthians 6:14

We are Holy, 2 Peter 3:10-11

Not […]

Colossians: Walking in Wisdom2023-12-14T08:25:11-08:00

Inherent power (δύναμις)

Inherent power (δύναμις) describes the potential for functioning, the ability or capability to carry something out.

Inherent ability is often translated as, “power”, “wonders”, “mighty works”, or “miracles”, which can cause a lot of confusion in understanding what is being expressed. However, when we go back to its roots, we find that it refers to a person’s natural innate capacity or talent without the need to be taught or trained.

In Matthew chapter eleven, verses twenty through twenty-three, Jesus rebukes Chorazin and Bethsaida for their unbelief because of all the many manifestations of inherent ability that were done before them. In comparison, if these works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, these cities would still remain. However, in the day of Judgment, it will be more tolerable for these cities than for Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated His authority by bestowing inherent ability upon the twelve disciples. He sent them to Israel to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God, equipping them with the inherent ability and authority over demons and diseases, Luke 9:1.

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the inherent ability of God, 1 Corinthians 1:18. The gospel of the Christ has within its words the inherent ability to save, Romans 1:16. It is important to clearly and without modification state the good news by which we are saved that is laid out by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. Christ died on behalf of our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. Unlike the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which could […]

Inherent power (δύναμις)2024-08-15T05:57:37-07:00

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)

Self-control (ἐγκράτεια) means to have strength over one’s appetites through regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the face of impulses or temptations.

Self-control is an aspect of the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:23. Since it is a part of the fruit belonging to the Spirit, we cannot obtain it through law or self-effort. Those who seek to be righteous through their works, although having a word of wisdom through self-imposed religion, humility, and the neglecting of the body, do not through these enjoy freedom over the indulgences of the flesh, Colossians 2:23. Self-control is a product of walking by the Spirit; therefore, self-control is an ingredient of the characteristics of Christians who are Spiritual, Acts 24:25.

As we work out our faith, we gain knowledge. To this knowledge, we are to add self-control, through which we can apply godliness to our lives, 2 Peter 1:6. As we continue to mature, we add to godliness a fondness for the brethren that gives place to seeking the best for the ones loved, so the we abound and are not unfruitful or barren in the full experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Therefore, self-control is a natural result of seeking out and governing our lives by the desires from the Holy Spirit, so that in freedom we maintain strength over our appetites, emotions, thoughts, and behavior in a worthy manner that glorifies God as the Holy Spirit produces the character of Christ through us.

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)2024-06-06T06:33:53-07:00
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