Luther Walker

About Luther Walker

Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

Revelation The Reign of Christ Begins

And the twenty-four elders fell, and the four living creatures and they worshipped to the God the one sitting upon the throne saying, “Amen, Hallelujah.”
And a voice from the throne came saying, “You give praise to our God, all His servants and the ones fearing Him, the little and the great.”
And I heard as a voice of a large crowd also as a sound of many waters also as a sound of strong thunders saying, “Hallelujah, because Our Lord God the Almighty has begun to reign

Revelation The Reign of Christ Begins2023-11-25T15:13:12-08:00

Conviction (ἔλεγχος)

Conviction, the evidence or proof that a belief is based upon. Faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the conviction of accomplished works not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Since hope is always based upon a promise (Romans 8:24), faith in the one giving the promise is what undergirds the hope we have, even though we cannot at this time look at what was promised. When used in action it still carries the same meaning; therefore, Scripture, which is God-breathed, is profitable towards teaching and conviction, along with correction and child-training (2 Timothy 3:16). Which is why the Pastor is instructed to preach in season and out of season while convicting along with rebuking in all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Timothy 4:2).

There is so much great information in these passages and the meaning of the words, like teaching is different from doctrine, and child-training is specific to Christians, along with the fact that the Scripture is actually God-breathed, but we will have to look at these another time. Understanding conviction is important, because it is not about accusing a person, but about why we believe what we believe. The conviction is not judgment but laying out the truth so that our faith is shown to be based upon actual promises from God, not from humans. We see this with the Holy Spirit’s work concerning the unbelievers today. He convicts them of a sin – not believing in Christ’s death for sins and resurrection (John 16:8-11), righteousness – because Christ goes to the Father, and judgment – because the ruler of this world has been judged. He is not making them feel bad about their sins, but convincing them through truth of the facts of […]

Conviction (ἔλεγχος)2023-11-25T08:02:34-08:00

Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)

In koine Greek the mind is described in several ways giving great detail in the process, result, and even state of the mind. Often translated as “setting the mind”, “Framing the mind” focuses on the boundaries we set within our minds based upon our opinions. It is therefore the opinions we build within our minds concerning everything around us, including ourselves, beliefs that directly affect our attitude and actions.

Peter is rebuked for not having a proper frame of mind concerning the things of God when He says the death of Christ will not happen – And He turned to Peter, “Get behind me, adversary, you are a scandal to me because you do not frame your mind on the things of God but on the things of men (Matthew 16:21). The first time Paul was in Rome, he spoke with the Jews in the area concerning why he was a prisoner. Hearing from him, they sought to learn what his views were on what they consider a sect. That is, what is frame of mind was concerning this sect of The Way. (But we think it proper towards hearing you, that which you frame your mind, for indeed concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against – Acts 28:19).

Because the framing of the mind is based upon the opinion we hold of ourselves and others, it directly affects our actions. A mind that is framed on the flesh produces death, but a mind framed on the Spirit works out life and peace (Romans 8:5). We are not to have a high frame of mind, but are to be of the same frame of mind with other Christians (Romans 12:16). […]

Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)2023-11-25T08:13:22-08:00
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