Verse by verse study of the book of Revelation
Revelation The Wars at the End of the Tribulation
The Wars
There are Three Major Battles
The King of the South
The King of the North and the King of the West – They Destroy the Harlot
The Army from the East
The Armies Around Jerusalem
The Armies of the South
The Battle of Armageddon
The Four Angels Released from the Euphrates, Revelation 9:14
Under the Authority of the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, Revelation 16:13
The Fourth is Under the Authority of the Harlot
They Are Released to Gather the Armies of the Earth, Revelation 16:14
The King of the South – Egypt
Considers Himself to Be a God, Ezekiel 29:3
He is coming against the false prophet to destroy the beast, Daniel 11:40
The Willful King is the Second Beast of Revelation 13:11
He has all the Authority of the First Beast, Revelation 13:12
He Performs Signs and Wonders to Deceive People Into Worshiping the Beast, Revelation 13:13
They also have a plot against Israel
Israel is In the Wilderness at This time
After Fighting With the King of the North, Coming Down and Destroying Israel
The King of the North And King of the West
The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12-13
He will Come Against the King of the South, Daniel 11:40
He is the First Beast of Revelation 13:1
He has to use ships, indicating he is from Rome, Daniel 11:40
He Will Come Into Many Counties – The Land of Israel that has been, Daniel 11:38
He Hears News from the North-East of the Army Coming, Daniel 11:44
All Nations are Gathered to Battle Against Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:2
Christ Will Return at This Time, Zechariah 14:3-4