Cowardice (δειλία)

For the God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but inherent ability and love and a saved frame of mind – 2 Timothy 1:7

Cowardice means to lack mental or moral strength. Jesus uses this concept of cowardice with the disciples when they feared for their lives while in a storm on the sea, in which Christ was in the stern of the boat asleep. Having woken Him up because the waves were covering the boat, they pleaded with Him to save them. Jesus responds to their fear with asking them why they are being cowards, and then rebukes the wind and the sea, Matthew 8:26.  At this point the disciples were aware that Jesus is the Messiah, and they had already seen some very incredible signs proving that He is in fact God in the flesh. Their cowardice was unfounded, for all they had to do was watch Jesus and they should have known not to fear.

In the upper room, just prior to Christ’s death and resurrection, when Jesus is giving the disciples instructions concerning the new relationship that is about to come into existence between God and man because of what He will face and His imminent victory over death and Satan, Jesus tells them that He leaves His peace with them. My peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. Not just as the world gives, I give you. Stop letting your heart be troubled nor cowardly, John 14:27. This peace that Jesus spoke about is one of the aspects of the fruit from the Holy Spirit by which the mind can be in an unruffled state, Galatians 5:23-24. The Christian has the ability, because of the filling of […]

Cowardice (δειλία)2023-11-25T07:37:27-08:00

The Inarticulate Babbler Out of the Mouth

At that time Jesus answered saying, “I agree with You, Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth, that You have concealed these things from wise and intelligent ones and have revealed these things to inarticulate babblers” – Matthew 11:25.

After Christ drove out those who bought and sold in the Temple, He healed the blind and lame that came to Him. However, the Chief Priest and Scribes expressed indignation over children crying out in the Temple saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David”, Matthew 21:15. In their position and due to the requirements of their studies to hold those positions, they should have known that God stated that His praise would be established out of the mouth of the inarticulate babbler, Matthew 21:16. This is one of the few cases in Scripture were the word “inarticulate babbler” is actually referring to children of an age where they lack knowledge and are therefore still under tutors and governors. Typically, “inarticulate babbler” is used of those who are grown up, but still act as though they are little children. Yet, the Chief Priests and Scribes’ concern was not in the incredible miracles that Christ did, but that the children were calling out for Him to save them.

The education of men does not override the truth from God. The Chief Priest, Scribes, and religious sects of the time stood against Jesus because they could not understand His speech, John 8:43. Not because they lacked knowledge or wisdom from a worldly perspective, but because His words were truth, and they were out from their father the devil. These where the ones who went to the best schools and had very high positions of esteem due to their vast knowledge, […]

The Inarticulate Babbler Out of the Mouth2023-11-23T18:04:24-08:00

Administration (προΐστημι)

Often translated as “Rule”, “Administration” comes from a word that means, “to stand before”, and is used concerning those in a leading position. This is not the type of ruling where a person is the final word on all matters, such as a king or lord, Matthew 20:25.

Those who have the Spiritual gift of administration are to lead with diligence, Romans 12:8. Within the assembly we should recognize the labor of those in a leadership position, 1 Thessalonians 5:12. Neither of these activities exercise lordship over others. The one with the Spiritual gift of administration will naturally take a leadership role in organizing and managing when fellowshipping and showing love towards other saints. Within the local assembly there can be lead positions other than the Pastor and Deacons. These types of positions would relate to teaching and the managing of the daily tasks, or events for the church, under the authority of the Pastor and Deacons.

“Ruling” is not the same as being the master or head of the household. The father is the head of the household, but the wife is the master (despot), 1 Timothy 5:14. As the head of the family, the father is responsible for knowing and following the desirous will of God for them, Ephesians 5:28-33. The wife manages the household where the husband is the head to give directions relating to God’s will and administers over the household. Therefore, the wife is placed into a proper position with the husband, who being the head, brings her alongside to rule with him, not under him, for she is a helpmeet, not a servant.

The man who holds the position of a pastor is to rule (administer) his household properly, 1 Timothy 3:4-5. […]

Administration (προΐστημι)2023-11-25T07:44:52-08:00
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