Evening School of the Bible

Dispensations and Ages Second Dispensation

Evening School of the Bible

Dispensations and Ages

Household rule of the Dispensation:

Knowing good and evil, man is to do good and rule over sin, Genesis 4:7

No law is given

Steward of the Dispensation is Cain

Instructed by God to rule his sin nature, Genesis 4:7

Dispensations and Ages Second Dispensation2018-11-25T05:58:49-08:00

Dispensations and Ages

Evening School of the Bible

Dispensations and Ages

A Dispensation is a period in time in which God gives His expectations for the conduct of life through a steward for those in the household.

  1. The household is made up of people God is specifically dealing with – whether all of mankind or only a specific group.
  2. There is only one steward for each dispensation.
    • Scripture shows only one person per dispensation being given the expectations for those in the household
    • Even after the death of the Steward no other steward is put in his place
    • Most stewards did not die
    • When a steward died before the end of the Dispensation the instructions are passed down to those in the household through written word.
  3. When the steward is changed the expectations for the manner of life of the household changed
  4. Dispensations are for men and through them God shows something to mankind about mankind.

The Rules for Determining How to Define a Dispensation

Requirement for setting the rules to determine a dispensational period in Scripture

Must be taken from Scripture.

Based on the normal use of dispensation in the everyday language.

Makeup of a dispensation

Master – God

Steward, Genesis 41:41-43 ; 43:19


At times it is all humanity.

Other times it is only specific groups of mankind (Jews, the Church).

A household can have only one steward at a time, Luke 16:2 .

The steward is responsible for dispensing the rules to the household, Luke 12:42 .

Only the person given the instructions for God’s expectation of conduct for the household is the steward.

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Dispensations and Ages The First Dispensation

Evening School of the Bible

The First Dispensation

The First Dispensation

In the Garden of Eden

Household rule of the Dispensation

Do not eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:17

Only one law

Penalty for breaking the law was dying

Spiritual Death (Separation from God), Romans 5:15

Physical Death (Soul and Spirit separated from the body), Romans 5:12-14

Other instructions involving daily activity but not conduct

Tend to the garden, Genesis 2:15

Multiply and fill the earth, Genesis 1:28

Rule over all animals and sea life, Genesis 1:28

Diet consist of herbs and fruit, Genesis 1:29

Dispensations and Ages The First Dispensation2018-11-25T05:53:30-08:00
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