Sunday Morning Services

Gospel of John May 6 2018

Little children, yet a little while I am with you. See Me, and just as I said to the Jews that where I go you will not be able to come and now I say to you, “A new commandment I give to you in order that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you in order that you love one another. By this all will experientially know that you are My disciples, if perhaps you should have love among one another.”

Gospel of John May 6 20182018-05-06T16:11:00-07:00

Gospel of John – April 29 2018

John 13:1- 19

Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that His hour had come in order that He should depart out from this world towards the Father, having loved His own, the ones in the world, loved them until the end. 13.2 And supper having come, already casting from the devil into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, in order that he should betray Him. 13.3 Jesus intuitively knowing that the Father had given all things into the hands and that from God He came and facing God He goes, 13.4 raising up out from the dinner and taking the garment and having received the cloth wrapped it around Himself. 13.5 Then He cast water into the basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and wipe with the cloth, which was wrapped around. 13.6 Therefore coming towards Simon Peter and that one saying to Him, “Lord, are you washing my feet?” 13.7 Jesus answered and said to Him, “That which I do, you do not intuitively know yet. But you will experientially know after these things.” 13.8 Peter said to Him, “Never should you wash my feet into the age.” Jesus answered to him, “Except I should wash you, you have not part with Me.” 13.9 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also the hands and the head.” 13.10 Jesus said to him, “The one having washed does not need to have except to wash his feet, but he is entirely clean, and you are clean, but not all.” 13.11 For He intuitively know the one betraying Him. Because of this He said, “You are not all clean.” 13.12 Therefore when He […]

Gospel of John – April 29 20182018-04-29T21:59:08-07:00

Gospel of John – April 22 2018

John 12:25-50 – Light of the World

The one fond of his life will lose it. And the one indifferent to his life in this world into eternal life will guard it. 12.26 If perhaps someone should serve Me, to Me he must follow. And where I am, there also My servant will be. And if someone serves Me, the Father will honor him. 12.27 Now My soul is in a state of trouble and what will I say? Father, save Me out from this hour, but because of this I came unto this hour. 12.28 Father, glorify Your name.” Therefore, a voice came out form heaven, And I have glorified and again will glorify.  12.29 Therefore the crowd, the one standing and having heard, said, “it was thunder.” Others said, “An angel spoke to Him.” 12.30 Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come because of Me, but because of you.” 12.31 Now judgment is concerning this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out. 12.32 And I, if perhaps, I should be lifted out from the earth I will draw all men unto Myself.” 12.33 And this He said, signifying to what sort of death He was about to die. 12.34 The crowd answered Him, “We have heard out from the Law that the Christ remains into the age and how are you saying it is necessary the Son of Man to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?” 12.35 Therefore Jesus said to them, “Yet a little time the light is with you. Walk while you have the light in order that darkness does not overtake you and the one walking in the darkness does not intuitively […]

Gospel of John – April 22 20182018-04-29T22:13:03-07:00
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