To obtain by experience something happening (τυγχάνω) expresses the concept of hitting the mark or attaining; therefore, that which has occurred or been accomplished. However, it does not convey the idea of something a person seeks to obtain or gain through effort. Instead, it is when something happens; therefore, they have acquired it.

When Jesus spoke of a man who was on his way to Jerusalem from Jericho, it happened to him that thieves stripped, wounded, and left him half dead, Luke 10:29. This was not something that the man sought to attain, in the sense of seeking out. Rather, this happened to him.

In attempting to deceive Jesus into saying something by which they could accuse Him, the Jews question Him about a woman who had seven brothers, who each died without a child. Therefore, as was customary, she became the wife of each brother to pass on their seed. They inquired whose wife she would be in the resurrection. In response, Jesus states that those who are worthy of the age have attained the resurrection out from the dead and, therefore, do not marry, for they are like the angels in this matter, Luke 20:35. The resurrection out from the dead has happened to them.

In Ephesus, Paul taught in the school of Tyrannus for two years. During this time, it happened to Paul that God worked miracles through him so that all of Asia heard of the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jew and Gentile, Acts 19:11. In seeking to persuade Felix to put Paul to death, Terullus speaks of the peace that has happened to them under his leadership, Acts 24:2. Experiencing something happening can relate to obtaining care, such as with Paul in Sidon, Acts 27:3, or receiving kindness after the shipwreck on Malta, Acts 28:2. Each of these events or circumstances were attained to because they occurred.

As Paul is discussing his plans, when he goes through Macedonia, it may happen (τυγχάνω) that he stays the winter in Corinth; however, for now, he is headed to Jerusalem so he will tarry in Ephesus, 1 Corinthians 16:6. The things that Paul endures is for the sake of the elect that they may attain to salvation, which is in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 2:10. This is not gaining salvation, for to be elect is to be saved; rather, it is to attain to a lifestyle that expresses the life we have in Christ, 2 Timothy 2:11.

In dealing with the misuse of the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues that was active during the early Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews, Paul states that it happens that there are many kinds of languages in the world, 1 Corinthians 14:10. Therefore, if we do not know the meaning of a language then it has no value to us. Within the Church, it is better to speak a few words with understanding than ten thousand in an unknown language, 1 Corinthians 14:19.

In explaining the resurrection, Paul uses a grain, which may happen to be wheat, to convey the concept that the body sown is not the same as what comes, 1 Corinthians 15:37. Our current body is soulish in nature and relates to the earth; however, the resurrected body will be spiritual and pertain to heavenly things, 1 Corinthians 15:46-49. Old Testament saints who understood Scripture concerning the resurrection to come rejected the payment of a ransom for their freedom so they could attain a better resurrection, Hebrews 11:35.

It has happened to Christ that He has become the Mediator of a better covenant that is built upon better promises, Hebrews 8:6. He has obtained the position of the High Priest after the Melchizedek order, which is not according to the Law, through what He experienced, Hebrews 7:11. It is because He obtained the position of the Mediator of a better covenant that those within the Church are not under law, for their promises are built upon better things.