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Originally penned by the Apostle Paul through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved


This translation is intended to give a clear understanding of the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter from Paul to Philippi. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.

Because the book of Philippians was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

Written by the Apostle Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome in 64 A.D..

1.1 Paul and Timothy, servants belonging to Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, the ones who are in Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons. 1.2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. 1.3 I give thanks to the God upon every remembrance of you, 1.4 always in all my supplication on behalf of all of you, while making the supplication with joy, 1.5 on the basis of your fellowship into the gospel from the first […]


The Substantial Value of the Blood of Christ Seen through the Different Cases and Prepositions used with the Blood

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Understanding the cases and how they relate to the sentence is extremely important to fully understanding what is being expressed by the author. Since in the Greek language, case is governed by function, not by form, it is important to also look at other aspects of the sentence to determine which case the noun is being used in and then in what way that case is being expressed. Prepositions are also a very significant part of the sentence and often limit the nouns to a specific case because of the function of the preposition. When it comes to the blood of Christ there are many different views; however, the more predominate ones are whether it is figurative or literal. Did Jesus shed His blood on the cross for all mankind or is the blood only being used figuratively of the work of Christ on the cross? In order to understand if a concept is figurative or literal we need to understand how it is being used in the sentence and whether the function is restricted to either figurative or literal all the time. If it is not restricted to one concept or the other, we then need to look at the meaning of the case and the context to determine if it is figurative or literal in application.  As we study Scripture it becomes very clear that the blood of Christ is literal and was shed for the sins of mankind. We see this through the different cases and preposition that are used with the blood of Christ. Each case has its own sphere of understanding and expressed a completely different concept that often times must […]

The Substantial Value of the Blood of Christ Seen through the Different Cases and Prepositions used with the Blood2018-10-28T06:03:04-07:00

Abounding in Full Experiential Knowledge and Discernment

1Paul and Timothy, servants belonging to Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, the ones in Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons. 2Grace is to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. 3I thank God upon all the remembrances of you, 4always in all my supplication on behalf of all of you, I am making, generally associated with joy, the previously mentioned supplication, 5on the basis of your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now. 6I am in a state of having been persuaded of this same thing, that the one having began in you a beneficial work will bring it to its intended end right up until the day of Jesus Christ. 7Just as it is right for me to think this concerning all of you, because I have you in my heart; in both my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, all of you being my partners of the Grace.8For God is my witness, as I long for all of you with the compassions of Christ Jesus. 9And this is my communication of worship, in order that your love yet more and more should abound in full experiential knowledge and all discernment, 10for the purpose that you approve the things that differ, in order that you all are sincere and do not cause offense unto the day of Christ, 11having been filled up concerning the fruit of righteousness, the one through Jesus Christ, unto an expression of a proper opinion and praise concerning God.

Paul’s communication with the Father is for the saints continued growth in love that will about in full experiential knowledge and discernment. He is not just asking […]

Abounding in Full Experiential Knowledge and Discernment2013-04-15T07:13:19-07:00

1 Peter

1 Peter

Peter an Apostle belonging to Jesus Christ, to the elect strangers of the dispersion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia dispersed according to the foreknowledge of God even the Father, by the sanctification of the Spirit because of obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace is to you and may possibly peace be multiplied.

The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is well-spoken of, who birthed us again according to His great mercy into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ out from the dead, into an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance, which is kept in the heaven for you, the ones who God’s natural ability is guarding through faith into a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time, in which you rejoice, since it is necessary for a little while to suffer in various trials, in order that the approval of your faith – more precious than gold even gold that has been approved by fire –  should be found unto praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen, you love, in whom now not seeing but you are believing, rejoicing with an inexpressible joy. And you will rejoice when you are in a state of having been glorified, having receiving the end of your faith; the salvation of the soul.

Concerning which salvation the prophets sought out and diligently searched, the ones who prophesied concerning the grace unto you, searching into what person or what time the Spirit from Christ by them declared, having before testified of the suffering unto Christ and the things concerning the glories to follow, to whom it was revealed that not to themselves but to us they were serving in these things now announced to you through those who declare the good news to you by the Holy Spirit, having been sent from heaven, into which angels desire to stoop to look.

Therefore, gird up the loins of your understanding (workings of your mind), being clear […]

1 Peter2018-11-09T13:59:53-08:00
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