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Scriptural Definitions

Scriptural Definitions

When Scripture defines the meaning of a word, God does this so we can understand what He means.


God’s attitude by which He provides a benefit without consideration of merit.

Grace does not look at whether or not a person deserves the benefit being provided; therefore, grace cannot be earned.

God the Son increased in the grace of both God the Father and men, Luke 2:52. For we do not have a High Priest who is not able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but having been tempted according to all according to a similar [way], apart from sin, Hebrews 4:15.


Now faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, Hebrews 11:1

Always based upon a promise. For in the hope1 we are saved. Moreover, hope being seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he looks at? But if, assuming it is true, that which we do not see we hope for, through patience we eagerly await placement of sons, Romans 8:24, 25

1 The previously mentioned hope in verse 20


The fruit of our lips confession His character.

Therefore, through Him we should bring a sacrifice of praise through all to God, that is, fruit of our lips confessing His name, Hebrews 13:15


Everyone doing the sin also is doing the lawlessness; and the sin is the lawlessness. 1 John 3:4

Sin is defined as an action that is contrary to God’s standard. For a Christian, anything that is not done out from faith is sin, […]

Scriptural Definitions2018-11-02T04:15:48-07:00



A system of order for a household by which the steward dispenses rules and provides for the household according to the owner’s requirements.

God uses dispensation to show something to human about humans

Definition of a Dispensation

“Dispensation” comes from a Greek word that is a combination of the words “house” and “law”. It is the standard by which a household is managed.

Dispensation is not unique to Scripture. The concept of a steward running a household by the standards that the master sets are well recorded in human history, dating back thousands of centuries. Today we do not tend to use the word “dispensation”, rather, we express the same concept by “administration”. Scripture uses this well-known concept of a dispensations (administration) to reveal to us what God is doing and how to properly discern the standards God has set for the household we are in, which is the household of Grace.

Biblical Evidence for Dispensations

Biblical Requirements for a Dispensation

Scripture defines what a dispensation is and gives us the standard by which we can discern all of the dispensations that are revealed by God. Scripture specifically states two of the dispensations, the dispensation of grace, and the dispensation of the fullness of times. Along with these two dispensations, when we examine how the concept of a stewardship works in Scripture and history we are provided with a solid foundation for the requirements for any dispensation. Applying these standards will result in a proper understanding of the dispensations revealed in Scripture.

All dispensations must have:

  • An owner of the household
  • […]


Good Reads

Resources for learning and growing in your Christian life

  Maturing in ChristMaturing in Christ focuses on Christian truth that relates to living a successful spiritual life. Before a Christian can realize a consistent victorious spiritual life some basic truths must be understood: the riches given by God at salvation to live Christ-like; who the spiritual enemies are and how they attack; and how to utilize divine enabling when resisting the enemies in order to live a successful Christian life.

ISBN-13: 9781609578381

ISBN-10: 1609578384 Grace-The_Glorious_ThemeLewis Sperry Chafer (1871 – 1952) was an American theologian who founded the Dallas Theological Seminary.  Chafer was mentored by C.I. Scofield and became a key figure for Christian Dispensationalism in the early 20th century.

ISBN-10: 1519506619

ISBN-13: 978-1519506610 The_Christian_in_ChristThe subject of this book is a systematic study from Scripture of a believer’s Position and Possessions because he is “in Christ.” These truths are practical – divinely practical for the true Christian. They are the basis for all spiritual growth.

ISBN-10: 0967079608

ISBN-13: 978-0967079608 Systematic_TheologyEntirely Christ-centered, Chafer’s work is a detailed discussion of the dispensational premillennial system of theology. This 4-volume edition contains the complete text and indexes of the original 8-volume set.



ISBN: 0825423406
ISBN-13: 9780825423406 ME_A_PriestOn the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God began immersing grace believers into the Body of Christ, the Church which is His Body. That Body is a kingdom of priests. As a result, there are unique provisions for the grace […]

Good Reads2020-06-07T06:11:53-07:00

The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation

Why is the Gospel for Salvation the only acceptable Message for Salvation?

What makes the Gospel Message so important? Is it not sufficient to simply say that if you accept Jesus you are saved? or Jesus died for you? Does it really matter what you believe or just that you believe? To understand why it is so important to accurately present the gospel for salvation today, which is Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, we are going to look at what God has said throughout the Scripture and the affects on men who either modify God’s word, completely ignore it, or followed exactly what He said.

After renovating the earth [1] due to the fall and judgment of Lucifer who once reigned over the entire created universe as God’s anointed Cherub[2], God planted a garden in Eden[3] and created Adam to tend to the garden[4]. Prior to God building the woman from Adam, He gave instruction to him on how he was expected to govern his life and the consequences of failing to obey His word. Adam was free to eat from all the trees of the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of what is beneficial and what brings calamity in the midst of the garden[5]. God stated, “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it because in the day you eat from it dying you will die.”[6] Once Eve was made from Adam’s side, as the steward of his dispensation he passed on the words from God to her; […]

The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation2023-12-10T08:26:59-08:00

1 Timothy

1 Timothy – Download in PDF

1.1 Paul, an apostle belonging to Jesus Christ according to a command from God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, our hope, 1.2 to Timothy, a legitimate child in faith. Grace, mercy, peace are from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.1.3 Just as I encouraged you to remain in Ephesus, having left unto Macedonia, in order that you should command some not to teach differently1, 1.4 nor pay attention to myths or endless genealogies, which offer debate2 rather than a dispensation from God, the [dispensation] by faith. 1.5 Now, the goal of the announcement is love out from a clean heart and good conscience and un-hypocritical faith, 1.6 from which some, having gone astray, turn unto empty words 1.7 desiring3 to be law teachers, not understanding that which they speak nor concerning what they affirm. 1.8 Indeed we intuitively know that the law is good4 if, perhaps, someone uses it lawfully. 1.9 Intuitively knowing this, that the law is not laid for a righteous [man], but for unlawful and rebellious, ungodly and sinners, impious and profane, scolders of fathers and scolders of mothers, murderers of men, 1.10 fornicators, homosexuals5, kidnappers, liars, perjurers and if, assuming it is true, there […]

1 Timothy2016-10-12T06:02:38-07:00
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