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The Works of the Flesh – Inner burning anger

The works of the flesh, which are a product of the sin nature residing in the flesh, are plainly seen in certain desires and actions. One of these works is an inner burning anger. Sometimes mistranslated as “wrath”, this is a work within a person that will produce all kinds of wrong actions because it holds their mind in anger so that they are not clearly thinking, but rather lash out in anger by both their words and deeds.

Inner burning anger has a very negative impact on other Christians and shows that the one caught in it is carnal. That is, not focusing on the things of God, but on the things of the flesh.

For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I desirously will, and also I shall be found by you such as you do not desirously will; lest strife, jealousies, inner burning anger, selfish ambitions, backbiting, whisperings, conceits, confusions – 2 Corinthians 12:20

We are to put away this type of attitude from us, putting off the old man

Let all bitterness, inner burning anger, wrath, clamor, and blasphemy be put away from you, with all wrong. – Ephesians 4:31

But now you yourselves are to put off all these: wrath, inner burning anger, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. – Colossians 3:8

Stop lying to one another, having stripped off the old man with its practices and put on as an outer garment the new man, the one being renewed unto the full experiential knowledge according to the image of its creator. – Colossians 3:9, 10

Anger is not sin; however, the sin nature can take our anger and misapplying […]

The Works of the Flesh – Inner burning anger2023-12-14T08:46:30-08:00

The Methods of Satan – Doubt

Doubt is a lack in the ability to discern what is proper and what is wrong in our actions. As Christians, we should have our senses trained to discern the difference between actions that are good and actions that are wrong.

But the solid food is of [the] mature, the ones through the exercise train the senses, having discernment toward both good and wrong – Hebrews 5:14

Because of this inability to discern between right and wrong the believer hesitates and will not act out from faith.

but let him ask in faith, not while doubting. For the one doubting is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed – James 1:6

Anything done by a Christian that is not out from faith is sin, which means that an action that normally would not be sin, such as eating and drinking, can become sin to the one who is not discerning what is proper in contrast to what is wrong. How can eating be wrong? Questioning whether God allows you to eat it without violating His standard and therefore causing a conscience issue because our action is not lining up with what we think is God’s expectation of us.

But the one doubting, if perhaps, he should eat is condemned because it is not out from faith. And all which is not out from faith is sin. – Romans 4:23

The righteous live out from faith. Satan does not want us to live by faith because it means we will be applying the promises God has given to the Church, training our senses to discern what is proper and what is wrong, and living a life of righteousness out from faith, which makes […]

The Methods of Satan – Doubt2023-12-14T08:47:15-08:00

The Methods of Satan – Disappointment

Disappointment is used to bring us into a mental state of being defeated in our expectations and hope. This is done by situations coming upon us that we question as to why they are happening to us because we deserve better.

It is through Job’s persecution by Satan that we see all of Satan’s methods that he uses to get us to go against God.

In Job 3:1-13 Job is recorded expressing disappointment in his situation and wishing he was never born. What value was life since he was in this condition?

Remember, Satan’s whole purpose for doing this to Job was to get him to curse God.

Job 2:4, 5 So Satan answered the LORD and said, “Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has he will give for his life. But stretch out Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will surely curse You to Your face!”

Job may have never fully understood why God permitted such calamity to come upon him, but we do. It was through this that God fully shows us how Satan works to get us to go contrary to God.

How should we react to a situation that we see as unfair? It should be with thanksgiving and rejoicing.

giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – Ephesians 5:20

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice – Philippians 4:4

In everything give thanks for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus unto us – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

We may see a situation we face as unfair and discouraging, which Satan will try to use to bring us to […]

The Methods of Satan – Disappointment2023-12-14T08:48:39-08:00

The Daily Christian Life – How We Frame Our Minds

There are a lot of things in this world the impact the way we frame our minds. From the place where we are born, to the country we live in, what job we have, and even what possesses we have. The World wants us to focus on its desires, the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of biological life. Advertisement, social media, news, music are all designed to get us to frame our minds in a certain way. The reason for this is that our actions are a direct result of how we frame our minds, there is simply no way around this. One who is humble in the mind will be more reasonable as one who his prideful will be push and demand his or her way. This is why it is very import for the Christian to pay attention to what the mind is framed on.

The framing of the mind involves setting parameters or boundaries around what you perceive concerning yourself and the world around you. This is not so much what we think about all day, but the limits of what we allow our mind to consider in regards to our actions.

In Colossian, Paul writes that we are to have our minds framed on the things above.

Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of the God, frame your mind on the things above, not upon the things of the earth – Colossians 3:1, 2

Having a wrong frame of mind can lead us to wrong conclusions. Peter was rebuked by the Lord because he had wrong boundaries concerning the Christ (The Messiah).

But having turned […]

The Daily Christian Life – How We Frame Our Minds2023-12-14T08:49:25-08:00

No Longer Under a Tutor

As part of our salvation, we have been given a renewed mind (Romans 12:2), one that is not corrupted by our sin nature. This is a mind that can understand the things of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14-16). Therefore, we walk by the Spirit, not by law or the flesh (Galatians 5:16, 25). The Spirit is the one teaching us how to properly abide in Christ (1 John 2:27) and therefore live a life that shows a proper opinion of God through our actions, not words. We are not adopted children, we are legitimate children and should act as such in the midst of a corrupt and perverted generation, training our sensed to know what is proper and what is wrong so that our live are a luminary to those around us.

No Longer Under a Tutor2023-12-14T08:49:55-08:00
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