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The Doctrine of Immersion (Baptism)

The doctrine of immersion (baptism) is referring to the fact that we have been immersed into the body of the Christ, a new creation in which Christ is the head and the Church is the body (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:22,23). This immersion frees us from slavery to the sin nature and enables us to work out righteousness in our lives through obedience to God (Romans 6:4). Therefore, understanding this we are to go on to maturity. Treating each other within the Church as equals, learning to feel at ease with who we are in Christ, and living out a life that truly glorifies (that is express a proper opinion) of God, because we have been immersed into the Christ.

The Doctrine of Immersion (Baptism)2023-12-14T08:51:18-08:00

Philippians Supplying Our Needs

And My God will supply all your needs according to His riches by a proper opinion in Christ Jesus. And to God even our Father the proper opinion into the ages of the ages, amen. Philippians 4:19,20

Philippians Supplying Our Needs2023-12-14T08:51:32-08:00

Our Priestly Service – Doing Good

Doing good is part of our priestly service as saints in the Church. This is not something that we should take lightly. Our good actions show forth who we are in Christ, defend us from false accusation, and show a proper opinion of God to all those around us. Doing things properly and paying attention to the things that are beneficial to others is as aspect of our relationship with God that He considers to be a well-pleasing Spiritual sacrifice.

Our Priestly Service – Doing Good2023-11-27T10:29:43-08:00

Different Types of Christians – A Lover of the World

We live in the world and are not called to be separated from it (John 17:15 I do not ask in order that you should take them out from the world, but in order that you should keep them out from the malignantly evil one), but in living in it we are to be luminaries to the corruption around us ( in order that you become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as luminaires in the world), not abusing it (And those who use this world as not misusing, for the mask of this world is passing away – 1 Corinthians 7:31), but using it in a proper way to the show forth a proper opinion of who God is to those around us.

Different Types of Christians – A Lover of the World2023-11-27T10:34:35-08:00



Originally penned by the Apostle Paul through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved


This translation is intended to give a clear understanding of the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter Paul wrote to the Colossians. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.

Because the book of Colossians was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

Written by Paul in 62 A.D. from prison in Rome.

1.1Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ through the desirous will of God and brother Timothy, 1.2 to the saints even faithful brethren in Christ in Colossae, grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1.3 We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, worshiping[1] always concerning you 1.4 after hearing of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have unto all the saints 1.5 because of the hope laid up for you in […]

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