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Originally penned by the Apostle Paul through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved


This translation is intended to give a clear understanding of the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter from Paul to Philippi. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.

Because the book of Philippians was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

Written by the Apostle Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome in 64 A.D..

1.1 Paul and Timothy, servants belonging to Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, the ones who are in Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons. 1.2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. 1.3 I give thanks to the God upon every remembrance of you, 1.4 always in all my supplication on behalf of all of you, while making the supplication with joy, 1.5 on the basis of your fellowship into the gospel from the first […]


Sin, Trespass, and the Mind

The definition of sin has become so elusive today that there are so called “sins” in many churches that cannot be found in Scripture. How do you know what a sin is? True, we see very well defined sins in Scripture such as adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, murder, etc., but what about the things that are not revealed in Scripture. Is it a sin not to give ten percent of your wages to the Church? Is it a sin for a husband to ignore his wife? What about which movies you watch, what you wear, what friends you hang out with, going to a party…, how do we know if they are sins?

“Missing the mark” as a definition of sin is very predominate in teachings today. However, there is a problem with this definition. First of all, what mark are we missing? When we start asking this question we will find that the answer is a moving target. Secondly, this definition is so generic it allows for really anything to be put in as the mark missed. The mark could be, not living up to God’s glory; having a ruined character; not abiding by God’s law; and they go on and on. Lastly, where this definition comes from is an issue. In the book of Judges the word normally translated as “sin” from the Hebrew is used to describe men who are so good with a sling that they do not miss their targets. The meaning “missing the mark” comes off of a miss understanding of how this word is used in this passage and also requires ignoring other passages of Scripture that specifically define sin. These men are so good with the sling that […]

Sin, Trespass, and the Mind2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00

Taking Each Step By the Spirit

Since we are living by the Spirit, we should also step by the Spirit, Galatians 5:25

Stepping by the Spirit is when we are carefully paying attention to how we are governing our lives. As we learn new truth from the Scripture, applying them to our lives correctly takes practice. We need to pay closer attention to what we are doing and constantly remind ourselves of the truth and allow our actions to align to it. Those who are more mature in their spiritual lives have the experiential knowledge of how important it is to follow Scripture accurately, especially when under an attack from one of our spiritual enemies. You do not get sloppy when putting up a defense against Satan, the sin nature, or the world system. If you do, you will lose.

In Galatians 5:16 we are instructed that when we walk1 by the Spirit we will in no way fulfill the desires of the flesh, after dealing with the works of the flesh and the fruit belonging to the Spirit, Paul comes back to governing our lives by the Spirit, but points out that there are time when we need to not only look at the big picture (walking), but also smaller details (each step).

As we press on toward the mark, let us who are mature minded step according to the high calling of God. We are now part of the new creation (the Christ). We have been crucified with Christ and raised to walk in newness of life before God. Therefore we are no longer slaves to the sin nature to obey its passions and desires. As we step according to this truth peace – an unruffled mind – and mercy – […]

Taking Each Step By the Spirit2013-03-28T07:46:37-07:00

The Complete Thing- 1 Corinthians 13:10

The Complete Thing

1 Corinthians 13:8-12 The love never falls, but whether prophecy, it will be caused to be idle1, whether languages,2 they will cause themselves to cease3, whether knowledge, it will be caused to be idle. For out from a part we experientially know and out from a part we prophecy, but when the complete thing comes, then what is out from a part will be caused to be idle. When I was a baby4, I spoke as a baby, I thought as a baby. When I became a man, I made the things of the baby idle. For now I see through a mirror obscurely, but then face to face. Now I experientially know out from a part, but then I will be fully experientially know just as I am fully known.

Paul speaks of a day when the Church will no longer require the use of the Spiritual gifts of prophecy, languages5, and knowledge. When the full Word of God comes, He will stop giving revelation; therefore, prophecy will become idle. Languages, or better known as speaking in tongues, will cause themselves to stop existing because the purpose for speaking in another language ceases to exist. Speaking in another language was a sign to the Jews. It is no longer active since the Jewish nation has fully rejected Jesus and the Church6.  Paul explains what knowledge he is referring to further down in the context where he states that the knowledge comes from only a partial revelation. Paul did not have the full cannon of Scripture at this time. He only had access to the Old Testament. Although he was involved […]

The Complete Thing- 1 Corinthians 13:102018-10-28T13:26:19-07:00

Stewardship and Dispensations: The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία

Stewardship and Dispensations:

The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία

The sixty-six books of the Bible span thousands of years of human history and beyond. They begin before God created man and end with the creation of new heavens and a new earth where righteousness settles down and feels at ease[1]. Within the pages of the Bible, we see changes in God’s relationship and standard for mankind and the failure of mankind to live up to God’s expectation, which ultimately brings judgment. In the Garden of Eden, Adam was not allowed to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil[2]. Upon eating the fruit from this tree, his spirit was separated from God[3], he became subject to physical death, and he was expelled from the garden[4]. Having been expelled from the garden, God’s expectation for humans was for them to properly govern the manner of their lives by the knowledge of good and evil, now that they possessed it. However, again, men failed, and God judged the earth by bringing a flood[5]. After the flood, God instructed Noah that men are to govern themselves and that capital punishment is to be implemented[6]. Again, men fail to follow God’s instruction, reject God, and seek their own way. Therefore, God brought judgment and forced man to separate and spread across the earth[7]. This judgment brought about multiple languages and the division of the continents, which caused man to spread out across the earth[8].  Having scattered man across the face of the earth, God then approaches Abram and ultimately offers him four covenants[9]. These covenants included a promise of land that Abraham and his descendants […]

Stewardship and Dispensations: The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία2024-09-08T17:47:28-07:00
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