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Philippians – Approving the Things that Differ


Approving the things that differ

And my worship is this, in order that your love should yet more and more abound in full experiential knowledge and all discernment, for the purpose that you approve the things that differ, in order that you all are pure and do not cause offense unto a day of Christ, having been filled up with fruit of righteousness, the [fruit] through Jesus Christ, unto a proper opinion and praise concerning God.

Philippians – Approving the Things that Differ2017-09-03T14:50:19-07:00

The Letter to the Ephesians

The letter to the Ephesian saints was written by Paul, the apostle and the steward of the dispensation of grace, in 62 A.D. from Rome to reveal to the Church the mystery of God, which He kept hidden until now, and give instruction on how to live the Christian life, including how to overcome an attack from Satan.

Ephesians Translation

1.1 Paul, an apostle belonging to Jesus Christ through God’s desirous will, to the saints, the ones in Ephesus, even faithful in Christ Jesus. 1.2 Grace and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. 1.3 The God even Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is well spoken of, the One speaking well of us in all spiritual eulogizing in the heavens in Christ, 1.4 just as He has chosen us in Him before a foundation of [the] world for us to be set apart and blameless before Him in love, 1.5 having marked off our bounds unto the placement of sons[1] through Jesus Christ unto Himself according to the good pleasure of His desirous will, 1.6 unto praise[2] of a proper opinion of His grace which He graciously gave to us in the Beloved, 1.7 in Whom we have the full redemption through His blood, the sending away of the trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, 1.8 which He abounded unto us in all wisdom and prudence[3], 1.9 having made known to us the mystery of His desirous will according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him 1.10 unto a dispensation of the fullness of times to bring together all things in the Christ: the things in the heavens and the things […]

The Letter to the Ephesians2017-07-15T05:39:32-07:00

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation


Salvation comes by faith through grace. Today a person is saved by believing that Christ died for their sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 41. God is offering salvation by grace, not works2. Grace is God’s attitude whereby He gives a benefit without the consideration of merit. In other words, you cannot earn salvation because God is not offering salvation based upon works, who you are, or even who you will become – no merit is considered3. What God requires for salvation is that you take Him at His Word. Faith is the undergirding4 of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds5 not seen and is always based upon a promise6. Direct faith at Christ through the facts of the good news by which we are saved (believing that He died for your […]

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation2016-10-12T06:02:30-07:00

The Sixth Dispensation

The Dispensation of Grace.

The State of Man:

The nation of Israel is rejected, being temporarily broken off from the place of God’s blessing, Individual elect Jews are save and become non-Jews, and individual elect gentiles are saved and become non-gentiles. Both Jew and gentile are made a new entity; the Church. All
people in the household of the church are treated by God the same, without national distinctions.

The Steward:

The Apostle Paul


The church is to guard the unity from the Spirit’ to love one another(other Christians) as Christ Agape- loved, to grow in
experiential knowledge of Christ, to live Godly, and to do the good and righteous works ordained of God.


Each individual Christian, being in-sphered in the grace of God, is to become Christlike through his experience, while he ministers as a
believer-priest his spiritual gift and the other designated spiritual sacrifices.

The Sixth Dispensation2023-11-29T14:41:56-08:00

The Third Dispensation

The Dispensation of Human Government

The third dispensation begins after the flood God brought upon the earth to destroy the corruption of all flesh by man and fallen spirit beings. ThirdDispensationRule

Noah is the Steward of the Dispensation of Human Government

And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them ” Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth. And your fear and your terror will be upon all living of the earth and upon all fowl of the air and upon which move of the earth and all the fish of the sea. In your hand they are given. Every moving thing which itself lives to you will be for food like the herb I have given to you all. However the flesh with its soul, you will not eat its blood. And surely with your blood for your soul I will seek from the hand of all living, I will seek it. And from the hand of the man, from his hand who is his brother I will seek the soul of the man who pours out blood of man by man his blood will be poured out because in an image of Elohim I made the mankind. And you be fruitful and multiply, swarming in the earth and multiply in it. Genesis 9:1-7

Rules of the Household

  1. If a man kills another man, he is to be put to death by man.
  2. Dietary changes. Mankind is now permitted to eat anything that moves upon the earth, only he is not to eat the blood of any living creature.
  3. Mankind is to multiply and replenish the earth.

Failure of […]

The Third Dispensation2023-12-27T11:20:53-08:00
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