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Revelation Reaping

Happy Are the Dead, Who Die by a Lord, Revelation 14:12-13

The Patience of the Saints, Revelation 14:12

A Holding Out Under Circumstances

They are The Ones Who Will Have to Deal With Those Who Have the Mark of the Beast

Those who will go into captivity, Revelation 13:10

Their Patience is They Know Judgment is Coming Upon Them

These are the ones who keep the commandments of God and the faith in Jesus

The message at this time is of the Kingdom of the Heavens

They will be proclaiming the resurrection of the Messiah

Happiness of the Dead, Revelation 14:13

These are the Ones About to Die

Happy Because They Will No Longer Be Suffering in Toil

Their Work is Done

They will be Killed by their Masters (a Lord)

This is During the Second Half of the Tribulation Period

The Reapers, Revelation 14:14-20

Reaping of the Gentiles, Revelation 14:14-16

This Messenger is Likened to the Son of Man

The Resurrected Christ

Golden Victor’s Wreath

He is the Conquer – the Victor

Crowned With a Victor’s Wreath

Victor’s Wreath for His Work on the Cross, Hebrews 2:5-8

Crowned Him – Gave a Victor’s Wreath (ἐστεφάνωσας)

Because of suffering of death, Hebrews 2:9

He overcame death, Hebrews 2:14

Another Messenger Call Out to Reap the Earth, Revelation 14:15

The Time When the Son Requests the Father to Give Him the Nations, Psalm 2:8-9

This Reaping is for the Harvest of Dry Grain (ξηραίνω – made dry)

Angel […]

Revelation Reaping2023-12-14T08:19:35-08:00

The Purpose and Meaning of Communion

In the night in which Christ was betrayed, He took of bread and a cup to implement a reminder for all those who would come to salvation after His resurrection.

The cup of eulogy that we eulogize, is it not the sharing in common with the blood of the Christ? The bread that we break, is it not the sharing in common with the body of the Christ? – 1 Corinthians 10:16.

The Christ is the new creation God made, having raised Christ from the dead, in which Jesus is the head and the Church is the body.

So that since someone is in Christ, a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new – 2 Corinthians 5:17.

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, being many are one body, thus also is the Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:12.

and He put all things under His feet and gave to Him [the] head concerning all the Church, which is His body – Ephesians 1:22-23a.

When we partake in communion, it is a reminder that as part of the Church we are all in one body and under a new covenant. Therefore, we all have equality within the body of Christ and are to be treating each other accordingly, for we are all part of one. It is through this new creation (the Christ) that Jesus’ death and resurrection are imputed to us, and we are no longer condemned before God (Romans 8:1).

For I received from the Lord what I also handed over to you, that the lord Jesus in the night that He was betrayed took bread and having given thanks He broke it and […]

The Purpose and Meaning of Communion2023-12-14T08:20:26-08:00

Revelation Babylon and Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast

Declaring The Fall of Babylon, Revelation 14:8

Babylon the Great Has Fallen, Revelation 14:8

A Reference to False Religions

A Result of the Ecumenical System Setup to Bring the Man of Lawlessness to Power, Revelation 17:3

Babylon is the Center of all False Religions – She Has Many Daughters, Revelation 17:5

She is Not the Only Religion Upon the Earth At This Time

Other Nations Will Have Their Religious Systems, 2 Thessalonians 2:4

She Drinks of the Nations, Revelation 14:8

Nations is the object (τὰ ἔθνη)

She drank out (πεπότικεν) from the wine of her inner burning anger of her fornication

Spiritual Fornication

Drunk With the Blood of the Saints, Revelation 17:6

She is Destroyed by the Beast at Mid-Tribulation, Revelation 17:16

Warning To Those Who Worship the Beast, Revelation 14:9-11

Those Who Follow the Beast, Revelation 14:9

The Ones Worshiping the Beast

They Receive His Mark Upon Their Forehead or Hand

This is the Mark of His Name, Revelation 14:11

Implemented after the Resurrection of the Beast at Mid-Tribulation

The Image Makes All the Ones Dwelling Upon the Earth to Take a Mark, Revelation 13:16

This is a Visible Mark – Engraved, inscription, or branded formed by Humans, Acts 17:29

Used for Commerce, Revelation 13:17

They Will Drink of the Wine of the Full Burning Anger of God, Revelation 14:10

These are Ones Who Never Received the Truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:10

God Will Permit Them to be Thoroughly Deceived So they will Face Judgment, 2 […]

Revelation Babylon and Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast2023-12-14T08:21:21-08:00

Immersion (βάπτισμα)

Baptism – (βάπτισμα; βαπτίζω) Immersion. Baptism means “to immerse”. This immersion permanently impacts the object immersed, such as a garment immersed into dye.

The failure to translate this word was done early in the Church’s history through the Latin use of “Babtismus”, which is defined in English as “washing” or “sprinkling”. Having its root in the false religion of Catholicism, the meaning of the word was masked to justify theological religious practices that are not Scripturally based, such as baptizing a child by sprinkling. The issue with this definition is that the Greek Language has specific words for “washing” and “sprinkling”, showing that baptism has a different meaning.

“Washing” (λούω), involves the cleaning of the entire body. Jesus told the disciples in the upper room once a person is washed, they only need to clean their feet (John 13:10), referring to how a Christian deals with sin. We have been washed and regenerated (born again) by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). This washing is through the Word to those of the Church (Ephesians 5:26) and is referring to a complete washing away of sins.

“Sprinkle” (ῥαντισμός; ῥαντίζω) is used six times in Scripture. It is what was done with the blood of animals for cleansing the earthly tabernacle (Hebrews 9:13), which was a shadow of the real temple in Heaven that was cleansed by the sprinkling of Christ’s blood (Hebrews 12:24). It is also used for Christians who have been sprinkled by the blood of Christ in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, 1 Peter 1:2, and cleanses our heart from a malignantly evil conscience (Hebrews 10:22).

“Baptism” (βάπτισμα) is not actually a Christian word by origin, it was used in Koine Greek for a garment dyed, a […]

Immersion (βάπτισμα)2023-11-25T17:43:30-08:00

The Christ, The New Creation

So that since someone is in Christ, a new creation (κτίσις), archaic things have passed away, behold, all things have become new – 2 Corinthians 5:17

This is a very important verse when it comes to understanding what God did in the resurrection of Christ and the creation of the Church, yet, due to very poor translations is often completely misunderstood. Frequently “he is” is inserted into the translation, even though there is no support for its addition. Other translations change the word from creation to creature. κτίσις is creation (Mark 10:6), κτίσμα is the result of creation – a creature (1 Timothy 4:4). By misrepresenting the words used in the original language and adding in additional words, many translations imply that we become either a new creation or a new creature. However, Scripture states that the Christ is the new creation.

It was Christ who died for all so that we who live should live not for ourselves but for Him who died and rose again on our behalf (2 Corinthians 5:15).

The Christ is God’s new creation in which Christ is the head and the Church is the body.

For just as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of the body, being many are one body, thus also is the Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:12

For He Himself is our peace, the one making both one and tearing down the partition of the wall, the enmity in His flesh, having rendered ineffective the law of commandments in ordinances, in order that He should create of the two in Himself unto one new man, making peace – Ephesians 2:14-15

And put in subjection all things under […]

The Christ, The New Creation2023-12-14T08:22:49-08:00
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