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Future Events

Future Events

The Rapture

The Rapture is the next event in the prophetic calendar.1 This is the snatching away of the church.2 At the end of the Dispensation of Grace, the Church will be snatched away by Christ and presented before the Father.3 At this time all believers who are a part of the Body of Christ will be resurrected and receive their full redemption (Spirit, soul and body). The believers that have not physically died at this time will pass over death and receive their resurrected body and the redemption of their soul with the believers that are resurrected from the dead.4 This event may happen at any moment. The Scriptures do not elaborate on the exact time when this will happen, except for stating that it will be prior to the tribulation.5

The Tribulation Period

This is a seven year period of time that follows the snatching away of the Church. During this time, the Dispensation of Law is judged and the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. This will fulfill the prophecy of the seventieth week in Daniel 9. The beginning of this time is marked by the signing of a seven year covenant of peace with Israel.6

The Second Coming of Christ

Christ will physically return in judgment to the earth at the end of the Tribulation Period and set up His kingdom on earth for one thousand years.7

Satan and the Fallen Angels

Satan will be bound for a thousand years at the beginning of the […]

Future Events2020-06-07T06:10:54-07:00

Spirit Beings

Spirit Beings (The Other Created Intelligent Beings in the Universe)

The Different Types of Spirit Beings


The highest order of the spirit beings. There are ones with four faces, two faces, and one face. Ezekiel 10:1 -22.


These spirit beings are seen around the throne of God and described as having six wings. Isaiah 6:2, 6; Revelation 4:8


This rank of spirit beings are the messengers. They are involved in the day to day activities of both heaven and earth. 1 Kings 19-23: Daniel 10:13; Hebrews 1:14


Satan is a Cherub whose name was Lucifer1 Satan is at this time the god of this age.2 He is the originator and keeper of the world system.3 He is an adversary of Christians.4 He still has access to the third heaven were he goes before God and accuses the brethren.5

Creation of Spirit Beings

All Spirit beings were created in one act and were created fully mature.6

Present Duties of the Unfallen Angels

The angels that did not fall presently minister to the heirs of salvation.7 They are the messengers of God.8 They carry out the judgments of God.9 They protect God’s People.10

The Fallen Angels

One third of the angels fell with Satan.11 They are presently known as demons.12 They have […]

Spirit Beings2020-06-07T06:09:04-07:00

The Mystery of The Christ

The mystery of The Christ is one of the most important revelations given to the Church, mainly because it involves not only how to be saved, but also how we are to live out our salvation.

In Ephesians 3:3 and 4, Paul writes about this mystery that was given to him by a revelation from God. As the steward of the dispensation of grace, God gave Paul instructions concerning how the household of grace is to live, Ephesians 3:2. These instructions are given in the revelation of this mystery. Paul writes concerning the mystery of the Christ so that we can understand what his insight is.

Since Paul is the steward of the dispensation of grace, the mystery of The Christ is a part of this period in time. It is something that was not revealed to any other generation. In Scripture, seven dispensations are revealed (Innocence, Conscience, Government, Promise, Law, Grace, Fullness of Times). In each of these dispensations, mankind is given instruction by God through a steward. The Church exists in the dispensation of grace and is therefore subject to the standards God gave concerning the Mystery of The Christ

Since we now have insight into what is the Mystery of The Christ it is no longer a mystery to those to whom it has been revealed. A mystery in Scripture is something that was hidden, but now God has made it known, Ephesians 3:5 (which was not made known in other generations to the sons of men, just as now it has been revealed through His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit).

The Mystery of the Christ has to do with the fact that anyone who believes the gospel for salvation is taken […]

The Mystery of The Christ2023-12-14T11:23:23-08:00

The Church

The Church (The Assembly belonging to God)

The Church

The Church is made up of those who are in the body of Christ1. The Church began on the Day of Pentecost2. The Church is only for those who are of the Dispensation of Grace3. Christ is the Head and the saints are the Body4. Through the Church, God shows to the principalities and powers His manifold wisdom5.

The Purpose of the Local Church

A quality of the body of Christ is represented in the gathering together of the saints. The purpose of the assembling of the saints in a local church is to teach, and edify the saints6. Each local church body is autonomous in its daily affairs7.

Membership in the Local Church

Only those who base their salvation on Christ’s death for their sins and resurrection from the dead three days later and have been baptized (immersed) in water are eligible to become members of a local church

Leadership Positions in the Local Church:


The Bishop or Pastor is a male who has been given the Spiritual gift of pastor even teacher gift and qualifies according to Scripture for the office8. This position is to guide, feed and guard the local assembly. The leadership of the Bishop is solely in the realm of teaching and therefore has no right to govern over the local church

The Church2020-06-07T06:04:53-07:00

The Bible

The Scriptures


The original manuscripts of Scripture are God breathed; The Holy Spirit bore along and enabled men to write the Scriptures. Every word, thought and concept in the original text of Scripture is verbally and plenarily inspired 1. The books that were written through men by the bearing along of the Holy Spirit, are the 66 books comprising of the Old and New Testament which books constitute the entire written revelation from God.

Dispensation and Ages

When the Scriptures are taken literally, they teach of ages and seven dispensations 2.

An age is a period in which God shows something about Himself to intelligent beings.

A dispensation is a period of time in which God shows something to mankind about man.


The Scriptures are profitable for doctrine to be learned but not practiced, reproof, correction, and instruction (child training) in righteousness for the man of God 3. (Scripture contains information for the man of God to learn from and doctrine to live by.)

1 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21;1 Timothy 5:18
2 Ephesians 1:10; Ephesians 1:21; Ephesians 2:7; Ephesians 3:2; Ephesians 3:9; Romans 11:36;Romans 12:2; Galatians 1:4; Colossians 1:25; 1 Timothy 1:4; Matthew 12:32; 1 Corinthians 2:6
The Bible2020-06-07T05:56:38-07:00
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