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Overcoming the Enemy Within

But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will in no way bring to completion the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these oppose one another in order that that which you should desire, this you do not do, Galatians 5:16, 17

The sin nature is one of the more predominate enemies that we face each day of the three that seek to thwart our Christian walk. Unlike Satan, who will flee if we resist him, or the world system, which is designed to rock us to sleep like a little baby, the sin nature never goes away. Morning, noon, and night, it is always there. It seeks to keep us in slavery and demands that we fulfill it desires. So how do we overcome such a formidable foe?

We do not fight the sin nature with law, for the law gives it strength. No, in all actuality, we do not fight the sin nature at all. It is too strong for us! So how do we gain freedom from its grip? By governing our lives according to the Spirit.

You see, in Christ we are dead to the sin nature. We died with Christ and have been raised to walk in newness of life. We need to recognize this truth and act appropriately. As we govern our lives according to who we are in Christ the desires that the Spirit produces in us will make us slaves to righteousness, which is totally contrary to the desires from the flesh, which seek to make us slaves to unrighteousness. The two desires do not mix. You cannot be Spiritual and carnal at the same time. Therefore, […]

Overcoming the Enemy Within2012-12-29T15:10:01-08:00

Future Events

Future Events

The Rapture

The Rapture is the next event in the prophetic calendar.1 This is the snatching away of the church.2 At the end of the Dispensation of Grace, the Church will be snatched away by Christ and presented before the Father.3 At this time all believers who are a part of the Body of Christ will be resurrected and receive their full redemption (Spirit, soul and body). The believers that have not physically died at this time will pass over death and receive their resurrected body and the redemption of their soul with the believers that are resurrected from the dead.4 This event may happen at any moment. The Scriptures do not elaborate on the exact time when this will happen, except for stating that it will be prior to the tribulation.5

The Tribulation Period

This is a seven year period of time that follows the snatching away of the Church. During this time, the Dispensation of Law is judged and the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. This will fulfill the prophecy of the seventieth week in Daniel 9. The beginning of this time is marked by the signing of a seven year covenant of peace with Israel.6

The Second Coming of Christ

Christ will physically return in judgment to the earth at the end of the Tribulation Period and set up His kingdom on earth for one thousand years.7

Satan and the Fallen Angels

Satan will be bound for a thousand years at the beginning of the […]

Future Events2020-06-07T06:10:54-07:00

Spirit Beings

Spirit Beings (The Other Created Intelligent Beings in the Universe)

The Different Types of Spirit Beings


The highest order of the spirit beings. There are ones with four faces, two faces, and one face. Ezekiel 10:1 -22.


These spirit beings are seen around the throne of God and described as having six wings. Isaiah 6:2, 6; Revelation 4:8


This rank of spirit beings are the messengers. They are involved in the day to day activities of both heaven and earth. 1 Kings 19-23: Daniel 10:13; Hebrews 1:14


Satan is a Cherub whose name was Lucifer1 Satan is at this time the god of this age.2 He is the originator and keeper of the world system.3 He is an adversary of Christians.4 He still has access to the third heaven were he goes before God and accuses the brethren.5

Creation of Spirit Beings

All Spirit beings were created in one act and were created fully mature.6

Present Duties of the Unfallen Angels

The angels that did not fall presently minister to the heirs of salvation.7 They are the messengers of God.8 They carry out the judgments of God.9 They protect God’s People.10

The Fallen Angels

One third of the angels fell with Satan.11 They are presently known as demons.12 They have […]

Spirit Beings2020-06-07T06:09:04-07:00

Changing the Gospel Message

The good news of The Christ is a gospel of grace and faith, yet, there are those who seek to change this gospel into a different message, which is not good news at all (Galatians 1:6, 7). They take the very basic truths concerning our salvation and lives as saints belong to God and twist them to manipulate people into following them.

The Gospel of The Christ includes the good news about salvation. Scripture is very clear that we are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8,9. It is His (God’s) attitude by which He gives us a benefit without consideration of merit that provides us with an opportunity to take God at His word concerning salvation. He says that we are to believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures to be saved, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Yet, there are many false teachers today who change this message into one of works, rather than of faith. They say to be saved you must accept Jesus into your heart, have a relationship with Jesus, make him Lord of your life, ask him to forgive you of your sins. None of these take God at His word, therefore, they are not out from Faith.

The good news does not stop at salvation, that is only the beginning. As part of our salvation, we have been taken out of Adam – no longer seen before God as condemned along with all of unsaved mankind – and placed into The Christ – a new creation in which the old things (who we were in Adam) have passed away and all things are new (who we are in Christ). 2 […]

Changing the Gospel Message2023-12-14T12:32:49-08:00


The Origin and Nature of Humans

The Origin of Humans

Adam was both formed from the dust of the earth and created out of nothing by God1. Adam’s body was created out of the dust of the earth and his soul and spirit were created out of nothing2. Adam was created; all other humans were procreated from Adam and Eve3. When Adam was created, he was created in the likeness and the image of God4. Adam was created complete and in the likeness of God immediately without process.

The Body, the Soul, and the Spirit

Humans are tri-partite5. They have a body, which is the physical flesh. They have a soul, which is the center of his emotions6. They also have  a spirit, which is the part of them that is able to rationalize7. The place where these three parts come together is referred to as the heart, which is where the determinate will of a human is formed8.

The Present Condition of Unsaved Humans

All humans possess a sin nature and are totally depraved9. All unsaved are spiritually separated from God, because of Adam’s trespass and sin. They all physically die because of Adam’s sin10. They are not able to receive the things from the Spirit of God because their minds have been darkened11. The Gospel for salvation is foolishness to them and their minds have been darkened to this Gospel12.

The Present Condition of Saved Humans

Saved humans still possess a fallen nature. However, they also possess a new nature, which is a quality of the Divine Nature

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